48 research outputs found

    Exciton Diamagnetic Shifts and Valley Zeeman Effects in Monolayer WS2_2 and MoS2_2 to 65 Tesla

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    We report circularly-polarized optical reflection spectroscopy of monolayer WS2_2 and MoS2_2 at low temperatures (4~K) and in high magnetic fields to 65~T. Both the A and the B exciton transitions exhibit a clear and very similar Zeeman splitting of approximately −-230~μ\mueV/T (g≃−4g\simeq -4), providing the first measurements of the valley Zeeman effect and associated gg-factors in monolayer transition-metal disulphides. These results complement and are compared with recent low-field photoluminescence measurements of valley degeneracy breaking in the monolayer diselenides MoSe2_2 and WSe2_2. Further, the very large magnetic fields used in our studies allows us to observe the small quadratic diamagnetic shifts of the A and B excitons in monolayer WS2_2 (0.32 and 0.11~μ\mueV/T2^2, respectively), from which we calculate exciton radii of 1.53~nm and 1.16~nm. When analyzed within a model of non-local dielectric screening in monolayer semiconductors, these diamagnetic shifts also constrain and provide estimates of the exciton binding energies (410~meV and 470~meV for the A and B excitons, respectively), further highlighting the utility of high magnetic fields for understanding new 2D materials.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Magneto-reflection spectroscopy of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in pulsed magnetic fields

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    We describe recent experimental efforts to perform polarization-resolved optical spectroscopy of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in very large pulsed magnetic fields to 65 tesla. The experimental setup and technical challenges are discussed in detail, and temperature-dependent magneto-reflection spectra from atomically thin tungsten disulphide (WS2_2) are presented. The data clearly reveal not only the valley Zeeman effect in these 2D semiconductors, but also the small quadratic exciton diamagnetic shift from which the very small exciton size can be directly inferred. Finally, we present model calculations that demonstrate how the measured diamagnetic shifts can be used to constrain estimates of the exciton binding energy in this new family of monolayer semiconductors.Comment: PCSI-43 conference (Jan. 2016; Palm Springs, CA

    Magneto-Optics of Exciton Rydberg States in a Monolayer Semiconductor

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    We report 65 tesla magneto-absorption spectroscopy of exciton Rydberg states in the archetypal monolayer semiconductor WSe2_2. The strongly field-dependent and distinct energy shifts of the 2s, 3s, and 4s excited neutral excitons permits their unambiguous identification and allows for quantitative comparison with leading theoretical models. Both the sizes (via low-field diamagnetic shifts) and the energies of the nsns exciton states agree remarkably well with detailed numerical simulations using the non-hydrogenic screened Keldysh potential for 2D semiconductors. Moreover, at the highest magnetic fields the nearly-linear diamagnetic shifts of the weakly-bound 3s and 4s excitons provide a direct experimental measure of the exciton's reduced mass, mr=0.20±0.01 m0m_r = 0.20 \pm 0.01~m_0.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. Updated version (25 jan 2018) now includes detailed supplemental discussion of Landau levels, Rydberg exciton energies, exciton mass, Dirac Hamiltonian, nonparabolicity, and dielectric effect

    Probing the Dark Exciton in Monolayer MoS2_2 by Quantum Interference in Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy

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    We report resonant second harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy of an hBN-encapsulated monolayer of MoS2_2. By tuning the energy of the excitation laser, we identify a dark state transition (D) that is blue detuned by +25 meV from the neutral exciton X0^0. We observe a splitting of the SHG spectrum into two distinct peaks and a clear anticrossing between them as the SHG resonance is tuned through the energy of the dark exciton D. This observation is indicative of quantum interference arising from the strong two-photon light-matter interaction. We further probe the incoherent relaxation from the dark state to the bright excitons, including X0^0 and localized excitons LX, by the resonant enhancement of their intensities at the SHG-D resonance. The relaxation of D to bright excitons is strongly suppressed on the bare substrate whilst enabled when the hBN/MoS2_2/hBN heterostructure is integrated in a nanobeam cavity. The relaxation enabled by the cavity is explained by the phonon scattering enhanced by the cavity phononic effects. Our work reveals the two-photon quantum interference with long-lived dark states and enables the control through nanostructuring of the substrate. These results indicate the great potential of dark excitons in 2D-material based nonlinear quantum devices

    Selective Exciton-Phonon-Phonon Coupling and Anharmonicity with Cavity Vibrational Phonons and MoS2_2 Lattice Phonons in Hybrid Nanobeam Cavities

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    We report selective coupling between neutral excitons X0^0, vibrational phonon modes of a freestanding nanobeam cavity and lattice phonons of a MoS2_2 monolayer fully encapsulated by hBN. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the cavity vibrational phonons selectively couple to neutral excitons (X0^0), and the coupling to negatively charged trion (X−^-) being significantly weaker. We establish this result by studying the lattice temperature induced broadening of exciton linewidths, where the contribution from the X0^0-cavity phonon coupling is clearly observed while the X−^--cavity phonon coupling is not. Furthermore, when the Raman modes of MoS2_2 lattice phonons A1g_{1g} and 2LA are tuned into an outgoing resonance with exciton emissions, we observe the X0^0-cavity phonon-lattice phonon coupling which inherits the characteristics rule the of X0^0-cavity phonon coupling. As a result, X0^0-induced Raman scatterings are enhanced, while X−^--induced scatterings are suppressed, revealed by the detuning-dependent Raman intensities and the ratio of X−^-/X0^0 emission intensities. The phonon anharmonicity from the coupling between cavity vibrational phonons and MoS2_2 lattice phonons is further demonstrated by the observed Raman linewidth. Such hybrid couplings between materials and nanostructures enable the control of phonon-induced processes in nanophotonic and nanomechanical systems incorporating 2D semiconductors

    Charged exciton kinetics in monolayer MoSe2_2 near ferroelectric domain walls in periodically poled LiNbO3_3

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    Monolayers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are a strongly emergent platform for exploring quantum phenomena in condensed matter, building novel opto-electronic devices with enhanced functionalities. Due to their atomic thickness, their excitonic optical response is highly sensitive to their dielectric environment. In this work, we explore the optical properties of monolayer thick MoSe2_2 straddling domain wall boundaries in periodically poled LiNbO3_3. Spatially-resolved photoluminescence experiments reveal spatial sorting of charge and photo-generated neutral and charged excitons across the boundary. Our results reveal evidence for extremely large in-plane electric fields of 3000\,kV/cm at the domain wall whose effect is manifested in exciton dissociation and routing of free charges and trions toward oppositely poled domains and a non-intuitive spatial intensity dependence. By modeling our result using drift-diffusion and continuity equations, we obtain excellent qualitative agreement with our observations and have explained the observed spatial luminescence modulation using realistic material parameters.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, submetted materia

    Electrical control of orbital and vibrational interlayer coupling in bi- and trilayer 2H-MoS2_2

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    Manipulating electronic interlayer coupling in layered van der Waals (vdW) materials is essential for designing opto-electronic devices. Here, we control vibrational and electronic interlayer coupling in bi- and trilayer 2H-MoS2_2 using large external electric fields in a micro-capacitor device. The electric field lifts Raman selection rules and activates phonon modes in excellent agreement with ab-initio calculations. Through polarization resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the same device, we observe a strongly tunable valley dichroism with maximum circular polarization degree of ∼60%\sim 60\% in bilayer and ∼35%\sim 35\% in trilayer MoS2_2 that are fully consistent with a rate equation model which includes input from electronic band structure calculations. We identify the highly delocalized electron wave function between the layers close to the high symmetry QQ points as the origin of the tunable circular dichroism. Our results demonstrate the possibility of electric field tunable interlayer coupling for controlling emergent spin-valley physics and hybridization driven effects in vdW materials and their heterostructures.Comment: Main manuscript: 10 pages, 4 figures ; Supplemental material: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Proximity-enhanced valley Zeeman splitting at the WS2_2/graphene interface

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    The valley Zeeman physics of excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides provides valuable insight into the spin and orbital degrees of freedom inherent to these materials. Being atomically-thin materials, these degrees of freedom can be influenced by the presence of adjacent layers, due to proximity interactions that arise from wave function overlap across the 2D interface. Here, we report 60 T magnetoreflection spectroscopy of the A- and B- excitons in monolayer WS2_2, systematically encapsulated in monolayer graphene. While the observed variations of the valley Zeeman effect for the A- exciton are qualitatively in accord with expectations from the bandgap reduction and modification of the exciton binding energy due to the graphene-induced dielectric screening, the valley Zeeman effect for the B- exciton behaves markedly different. We investigate prototypical WS2_2/graphene stacks employing first-principles calculations and find that the lower conduction band of WS2_2 at the K/K′K/K' valleys (the CB−CB^- band) is strongly influenced by the graphene layer on the orbital level. This leads to variations in the valley Zeeman physics of the B- exciton, consistent with the experimental observations. Our detailed microscopic analysis reveals that the conduction band at the QQ point of WS2_2 mediates the coupling between CB−CB^- and graphene due to resonant energy conditions and strong coupling to the Dirac cone. Our results therefore expand the consequences of proximity effects in multilayer semiconductor stacks, showing that wave function hybridization can be a multi-step process with different bands mediating the interlayer interactions. Such effects can be exploited to resonantly engineer the spin-valley degrees of freedom in van der Waals and moir\'e heterostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 table