59 research outputs found

    Molecular Rotations in Matter-Wave Interferometry

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    We extend the theory of matter-wave interferometry of point-like particles to non-spherical objects by taking the orientational degrees of freedom into account. In particular, we derive the grating transformation operator, that maps the impinging state onto the outgoing state, for a general, orientation-dependent interaction potential between the grating and the molecule. The grating operator is then worked out for the diffraction of symmetric top molecules from standing light waves, and the resulting interference pattern is calculated in the near-field. This allows us to identify a signature of the orientational degrees of freedom in near-field matter-wave experiments

    Derivation of a linear collision operator for the spinorial Wigner equation and its semiclassical limit

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    We systematically derive a linear quantum collision operator for the spinorial Wigner transport equation from the dynamics of a composite quantum system. For suitable two particle interaction potentials, the particular matrix form of the collision operator describes spin decoherence or even spin depolarization as well as relaxation towards a certain momentum distribution in the long time limit. It is demonstrated that in the semiclassical limit the spinorial Wigner equation gives rise to several semiclassical spin-transport models. As an example, we derive the Bloch equations as well as the spinorial Boltzmann equation, which in turn gives rise to spin drift-diffusion models which are increasingly used to describe spin-polarized transport in spintronic devices. The presented derivation allows to systematically incorporate Born-Markov as well as quantum corrections into these models.Comment: submitted to PR

    Rotational friction and diffusion of quantum rotors

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    We present the Markovian quantum master equation describing rotational decoherence, friction, diffusion, and thermalization of planar, linear, and asymmetric rotors in contact with a thermal environment. It describes how an arbitrary initial rotation state decoheres and evolves toward a Gibbs-like thermal ensemble, as we illustrate numerically for the linear and the planar top, and it yields the expected rotational Fokker-Planck equation of Brownian motion in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. v2: Corresponds to the published versio

    Quantum Angular Momentum Diffusion of Rigid Bodies

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    We show how to describe the diffusion of the quantized angular momentum vector of an arbitrarily shaped rigid rotor as induced by its collisional interaction with an environment. We present the general form of the Lindblad-type master equation and relate it to the orientational decoherence of an asymmetric nanoparticle in the limit of small anisotropies. The corresponding diffusion coefficients are derived for gas particles scattering off large molecules and for ambient photons scattering off dielectric particles, using the elastic scattering amplitudes.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; corresponds to published versio

    Spatio-Orientational Decoherence of Nanoparticles

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    Motivated by trapping and cooling experiments with non-spherical nanoparticles, we discuss how their combined rotational and translational quantum state is affected by the interaction with a gaseous environment. Based on the quantum master equation in terms of orientation-dependent scattering amplitudes, we evaluate the localization rate for gas collisions off an anisotropic van der Waals-type potential and for photon scattering off an anisotropic dielectric. We also show how pure angular momentum diffusion arises from these open quantum dynamics in the limit of weak anisotropies

    Gas-induced friction and diffusion of rigid rotors

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    We derive the Boltzmann equation for the rotranslational dynamics of an arbitrary convex rigid body in a rarefied gas. It yields as a limiting case the Fokker-Planck equation accounting for friction, diffusion, and nonconservative drift forces and torques. We provide the rotranslational friction and diffusion tensors for specular and diffuse reflection off particles with spherical, cylindrical, and cuboidal shape, and show that the theory describes thermalization, photophoresis, and the inverse Magnus effect in the free molecular regime.Comment: 13 pages, corrected typos, extended caption of Fig.

    Decoherence of nonrelativistic bosonic quantum fields

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    We present a generic Markovian master equation inducing the gradual classicalization of a bosonic quantum field. It leads to the decoherence of quantum superpositions of field configurations, while leaving the Ehrenfest equations for both the field and the mode-variables invariant. We characterize the classicalization analytically and numerically, and show that the semiclassical field dynamics is described by a linear Boltzmann equation in the functional phase space of field configurations.Comment: Published versio

    Ro-Translational Cavity Cooling of Dielectric Rods and Disks

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    We study the interaction of dielectric rods and disks with the laser field of a high finesse cavity. The quantum master equation for the coupled particle-cavity dynamics, including Rayleigh scattering, is derived for particle sizes comparable to the laser wavelength. We demonstrate that such anisotropic nanoparticles can be captured from free flight at velocities higher than those required to capture dielectric spheres of the same volume, and that efficient ro-translational cavity cooling into the deep quantum regime is achievable

    Conformer-selection by matter-wave interference

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    We establish that matter-wave interference at near-resonant ultraviolet optical gratings can be used to spatially separate individual conformers of complex molecules. Our calculations show that the conformational purity of the prepared beam can be close to 100% and that all molecules remain in their electronic ground state. The proposed technique is independent of the dipole moment and the spin of the molecule and thus paves the way for structure-sensitive experiments with hydrocarbons and biomolecules, such as neurotransmitters and hormones, which evaded conformer-pure isolation so fa

    Orbital angular momentum interference of trapped matter waves

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    We introduce a matter wave interference scheme based on the quantization of orbital angular momentum in a ring trap. It operates without beam splitters, is sensitive to geometric phases induced by external gauge fields, and allows measuring interatomic scattering lengths. We argue that orbital angular momentum interferometry offers a versatile platform for quantum coherent experiments with cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates using state-of-the-art technology.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
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