934 research outputs found

    X-ray Flares from Markarian 501

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    Motivated by the recent finding of hierarchical X-ray flaring phenomenon in Mrk 421, we conducted a systematic search for X-ray flares from Mrk 501, another well-known TeV blazar, by making use of the rich {\em RXTE} archival database. We detected flares over a wide range of timescales, from months down to minutes, as in the case of Mrk 421. However, the flares do not seem to occur nearly as frequently in Mrk 501 as in Mrk 421 on any of the timescales. The flaring hierarchy also seems apparent in Mrk 501, suggesting that it might be common among TeV blazars. The results seem to imply a scale-invariant physical origin of the flares (large or small). The X-ray spectrum of the source shows a general trend of hardening toward the peak of long-duration flares, with indication of spectral hysteresis, which is often seen in TeV blazars. However, the data are not of sufficient quality to allow us to draw definitive conclusions about spectral variability associated with more rapid but weaker flares. We critically examine a reported sub-hour X-ray flare from Mrk 501, in light of intense background flaring activity at the time of the observation, and concluded that the flare is likely an artifact. On the other hand, we did identify a rapid X-ray flare that appears to be real. It lasted only for about 15 minutes, during which the flux of the source varied by about 30%. Sub-structures are apparent in its profile, implying variabilities on even shorter timescales. Such rapid variabilities of Mrk 501 place severe constraints on the physical properties of the flaring region in the jet, which have serious implications on the emission models proposed for TeV blazars.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Properties of the Radio-Selected 1Jy Sample of BL Lacertae Objects

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    We present new optical and near-IR spectroscopy as well as new high dynamic range, arcsecond-resolution VLA radio maps of BL Lacs from the complete radio-selected "1 Jansky" (1Jy) sample (RBLs) for which such data were not previously available. Unlike BL Lacs from the complete X-ray-selected Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS) sample (XBLs), most RBLs possess weak but moderately luminous emission lines. And whereas nearly all XBLs have extended power levels consistent with FR-1s, more than half of the RBLs have extended radio power levels too luminous to be beamed FR-1 radio galaxies. In fact, we find evidence for and examples of three distinct mechanisms for creating the BL Lac phenomenon in the 1Jy sample: beamed FR-1s, beamed FR-2s and possibly a few gravitationally-lensed quasars. The v/v_max determined for the 1Jy sample is 0.614+/-0.047, which is markedly different from the negative evolution seen in the EMSS and other XBL samples. A correlation between logarithmic X-ray to radio flux ratio and v/v_max is observed across the EMSS and 1Jy samples, from negative evolution in the more extreme XBLs to positive evolution in the more extreme RBLs. There is evidence that the selection criteria chosen by Stickel et al. eliminates some BL Lac objects from the 1Jy sample, although how many is unknown. And several objects currently in the sample have exhibited strong emission lines in one or more epochs, suggesting they should be reclassified as FSRQs. However these selection effects cannot account for the observed discrepancy in XBL and RBL properties. From these observational properties we conclude that RBLs and XBLs cannot be related by viewing angle alone, and that RBLs are more closely related to FSRQs.Comment: 29 pages, 47 figures, accepted A

    An Investigation of Gravitational Lensing in the Southern BL Lac PKS 0537-441

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    The BL-Lac family of active galaxies possess almost featureless spectra and exhibit rapid variability over their entire spectral range. A number of models have been developed to explain these extreme properties, several of which have invoked the action of microlensing by sub-stellar mass objects in a foreground galaxy; this not only introduces variability, but also amplifies an otherwise normal quasar source. Here we present recent spectroscopy and photometry of the southern BL Lac PKS 0537-441; with an inferred redshift of z~0.9 it represents one of the most distant and most luminous members of the BL Lac family. The goal of the observations was not only to confirm the redshift of PKS~0537-441, but also to determine the redshift of a putative galaxy along the line of sight to the BL-Lac; it has been proposed that this galaxy is the host of microlensing stars that account for PKS 0537-441's extreme properties. While several observations have failed to detect any extended emission in PKS 0537-441, the HST imaging data presented here indicate the presence of a galactic component, although we fail to identify any absorption features that reveal the redshift of the emission. It is also noted that PKS 0537-441 is accompanied by several small, but extended companions, located a few arcseconds from the point-like BL-Lac source. Two possibilities present themselves; either they represent true companions of PKS 0537-441, or are themselves gravitationally lensed images of more distant sources.Comment: 13 Pages with 4 Figures; Accepted for Publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    Redshifts and Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects in the COINS Sample

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    Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are young radio galaxies whose jet axes lie close to the plane of the sky, and whose appearance is therefore not dominated by relativistic beaming effects. The small linear sizes of CSOs make them valuable for studies of both the evolution of radio galaxies and testing unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN). A parsec-scale region of gas surrounding the central engine is predicted by both accretion and obscuration scenarios. Working surfaces, or ``hot spots,'' and the radio jets of CSOs are close enough to the central engines that this circumnuclear gas can be seen in absorption. The CSOs Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS) sample is comprised of 52 CSO candidates identified in three VLBI surveys. Of these, 27 have now been confirmed as CSOs. Optical redshifts are available in the literature for 28 of the CSO candidates, and HI absorption has been detected toward four. We present new optical spectroscopic redshifts for three of the candidates and summarize the current status of optical identifications. We further report on the discovery of HI in absorption towards the CSO J1816+3457 and summarize the results of neutral hydrogen absorption studies of the sources in this sample.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Jet formation in BL Lacertae objects with different accretion modes

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    We estimate the masses of massive black holes in BL Lac objects from their host galaxy luminosity. The power of jets and central optical ionizing luminosity for a sample of BL Lac objects are derived from their extended radio emission and the narrow-line emission, respectively. The maximal jet power can be extracted from a standard thin accretion disk/spinning black hole is calculated as a function of dimensionless accretion rate m˙\dot{m} (m˙=M˙/M˙Edd\dot{m}=\dot{M}/\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}). Comparing with the derived jet power, we find that the accretion disks in most BL Lac objects should not be standard accretion disks. For a pure advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF), there is an upper limit on its optical continuum luminosity due to the existence of an upper limit m˙crit\dot{m}_{\rm crit} on the accretion rate. It is found that a pure ADAF is too faint to produce the optical ionizing luminosity of BL Lac objects derived from their narrow-line luminosity. We propose that an ADAF is present in the inner region of the disk and it becomes a standard thin disk in the outer region in most BL Lac objects, i.e., ADAF+SD(standard disk) scenario. This ADAF+SD scenario can explain both the jet power and optical ionizing continuum emission of these BL Lac objects. The inferred transition radii between the inner ADAF and outer SD are in the range of 40−150GMbh/c240-150 GM_{bh}/c^2, if the disks are accreting at the rate m˙=0.01\dot{m}=0.01.Comment: accepted by Ap

    The jet power, radio loudness and black hole mass in radio loud AGNs

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    The jet formation is thought to be closely connected with the mass of central supermassive black hole in Active Galactic Nuclei. The radio luminosity commonly used in investigating this issue is merely an indirect measure of the energy transported through the jets from the central engine, and severely Doppler boosted in core-dominated radio quasars. In this work, we investigate the relationship between the jet power and black hole mass, by estimating the jet power using extrapolated extended 151 MHz flux density from the VLA 5 GHz extended radio emission, for a sample of 146 radio loud quasars complied from literature. After removing the effect of relativistic beaming in the radio and optical emission, we find a significant intrinsic correlation between the jet power and black hole mass. It strongly implies that the jet power, so as jet formation, is closely connected with the black hole mass.To eliminate the beaming effect in the conventional radio loudness, we define a new radio loudness as the ratio of the radio extended luminosity to the optical luminosity estimated from the broad line luminosity.In a tentatively combined sample of radio quiet with our radio loud quasars, the apparent gap around the conventional radio loudness R=10 is not prominent for the new-defined radio loudness. In this combined sample, we find a significant correlation between the black hole mass and new-defined radio loudness.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures. accepted by Ap

    Optical Polarization of 52 Radio-Loud QSOs and BL Lac Objects

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    Polarization measurements are presented for 52 radio-loud QSOs and BL Lac objects. For 9 highly polarized (p >3%) AGN, these are the first published polarization measurements. Of these 9, 7 are highly-polarized QSOs (HPQs), one is a BL Lac object and another is a likely BL Lac object. Polarization variability is confirmed for some of these new and previously known highly-polarized AGN. While 6 of the HPQs have flat radio spectra are almost certainly blazars, PKS 1452-217 is probably a new member of the rare class of radio-loud QSOs that show high polarization by scattering, and is therefore important for testing orientation Unified Schemes. In competition for the highest redshift HPQ are the well-observed QSO PKS 0438-43 at z = 2.85, with maximum p = 4.7%, and PKS 0046-315 at z = 2.72, for which we find p = 13%.Comment: 6 pages. Astronomical Journal, in pres

    Discovery of an Optical Jet in the BL Lac Object 3C 371

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    We have detected an optical jet in the BL Lac object 3C 371 that coincides with the radio jet in this object in the central few kpc. The most notable feature is a bright optical knot 3 arcsec (4 kpc) from the nucleus that occurs at the location where the jet apparently changes its direction by ~30 degrees. The radio, near-infrared and optical observations of this knot are consistent with a single power-law spectrum with a radio-optical spectral index alpha = -0.81. One possible scenario for the observed turn is that the jet is interacting with the material in the bridge connecting 3C 371 to nearby galaxies and the pressure gradient is deflecting the jet significantly.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures (1 eps, 3 gifs), accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A Compendium of Far-Infrared Line and Continuum Emission for 227 Galaxies Observed by the Infrared Space Observatory

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    Far-infrared line and continuum fluxes are presented for a sample of 227 galaxies observed with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer on the Infrared Space Observatory. The galaxy sample includes normal star-forming systems, starbursts, and active galactic nuclei covering a wide range of colors and morphologies. The dataset spans some 1300 line fluxes, 600 line upper limits, and 800 continuum fluxes. Several fine structure emission lines are detected that arise in either photodissociation or HII regions: [OIII]52um, [NIII]57um, [OI]63um, [OIII]88um, [NII]122um, [OI]145um, and [CII]158um. Molecular lines such as OH at 53um, 79um, 84um, 119um, and 163um, and H2O at 58um, 66um, 75um, 101um, and 108um are also detected in some galaxies. In addition to those lines emitted by the target galaxies, serendipitous detections of Milky Way [CII]158um and an unidentified line near 74um in NGC1068 are also reported. Finally, continuum fluxes at 52um, 57um, 63um, 88um, 122um, 145um, 158um, and 170um are derived for a subset of galaxies in which the far-infrared emission is contained within the ~75" ISO LWS beam. The statistics of this large database of continuum and line fluxes, including trends in line ratios with the far-infrared color and infrared-to-optical ratio, are explored.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    A Uniform Analysis of the Ly-alpha forest at z = 0 - 5: I. The sample and distribution of clouds at z > 1.7

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    We present moderate resolution data for 39 QSOs at z ≈\approx 2 obtained at the Multiple Mirror Telescope. These data are combined with spectra of comparable resolution of 60 QSOs with redshifts greater than 1.7 found in the literature to investigate the distribution of Ly-alpha forest lines in redshift and equivalent width. We find a value for Îł\gamma, the parameter describing the number distribution of Ly-alpha forest lines in redshift, of 1.88±0.221.88\pm0.22 for lines stronger than a rest equivalent width of 0.32 A˚\AA, in good agreement with some previous studies. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to the data and it is found that this single power law is a good fit over the relevant redshift ranges. Simulations of the Lyman alpha forest were performed to determine the completeness of the line lists and to test how well the analysis the underlying line statistics, given this level of completeness.Comment: minor corrections to text, 37 Latex pages, 11 encapsulated Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, To appear in the Sept. 2000 ApJS, line lists and spectra available at http://qso.as.arizona.edu/~jscott/Spectra/index.htm
