36 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 14, 1932

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    Men\u27s mass meeting held Thursday night • Debating team enjoys successful road trip • Ball and entertainment given by class of \u2732 • Alfred C. Alspach elected editor-in-chief of Weekly • Grizzly basketeers have rather poor court season • William A. Shimer Ph. D. commencement speaker • Coach Carleton\u27s crew closes difficult season • Philadelphia alumni hold important business meeting • Paris chosen captain of wrestling team • Petitions for WSGA offices called for • Frosh-soph track meet scheduled for April 13 • New speakers at vespers • Win radio debate • Varsity Club to banquet • Rena Grim leading lady • Mr. Simmer speaks on conditions in Germany • Class basketball organized • Frosh quinters down sophs in close fray • Yearling\u27s season reviewed • Ursinus coeds to debate • Athletic council meets • Y representatives elected • Ira L. Bryner of \u2792 dies in California • Official league standing of Eastern college race • Students vs. faculty in battle of the centuryhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2080/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 4, 1932

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    Twelfth League gathering sets conference record • New demonstration debate a trump conference card • Membership more than 50 in League\u27s biggest year • Reading-York work praised by Penn debate mentor • League treasurer\u27s report • Reader\u27s first aid list on unemployment insurance • The debate: Resolved, that extra-curricular activities are over-stressed in Pennsylvania high schoolshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2072/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 9, 1931

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    Harry E. Paisley addresses Philadelphia alumni • Dover Road chosen as annual Zwing play • Abraham D. Fetterolf passes away Saturday • Biblical play to be given in Bomberger • Bear tossers win one; lose two during week • Coeds register seventh win in downing Beaver • Affirmative debates in New York area • Robbins chosen to captain 1932 wrestling team • Spring sports schedules announced by Johnson • Prof. Carter, tennis coach • Girls team in informal debate at Swarthmore • Miss Dechant speaks at joint Y meeting • Ursinus director honored • Intra-mural wrestling tournament starts Tuesday • Inter-fraternity basketball • Editorial comment: The church and college life • Dr. Learned addresses faculty on Carnegie study • Stephenson addresses biologists on glands • Vesper services • Freshmen girls receive colors at services Monday • Physics Club meeting • Green Pastures discussed by dramatic society • Coeducation argued by Women\u27s Debating Club • Philosophy Club meets • F. & M. frosh fall before cubs, 31-28 • Bears tie Haverford in practice wrestling meet • Music Club at Pottstownhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2111/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 19, 1931

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    Contract awarded for new science building • Grizzly grapplers lose to Lafayette 26 to 6 • Athalie presented by Ursinus Music Club • Girls\u27 sextet downs Moravian College 51-14 • Grizzly cagers drop three in a row • Dance held Saturday • Women\u27s Debate Club meets at Maples • Honor system discussed at WSGA meeting • Professor Boswell addresses men\u27s Debating Club • Frosh team splits with Hill and Perkiomen • Macbeth to be given by Ben Greet players • Interfraternity council rushing rules • List of fraternity men • Debating Club tryouts • YWCA play • First semester examination schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2106/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 17, 1930

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    Men\u27s Debate Club holds year\u27s first meeting • YW serves day students • Haverford man addresses students on world peace • Bears down heavy Swarthmore team 6-0 for sixth grid victory • Yearlings drop close fray to Allentown Prep. • Professor Bone speaks on war at chapel service • Undefeated Army team faces Bears Saturday • Pep dance a success; Campus Owls score • Junior lassies victorious in inter-class hockey tilt • Christian workers enjoy college Glee Club music • Freshmen girls entertained by Ursinus Woman\u27s Club • F. and M. seminary host to Ursinus students • Henri Scott to sing in concert Wednesday • College band discussed at student council meeting • Rebecca Price resigns as president of Debating Club • Mrs. Sheeder talks at vesper services • Sophomore class meeting • Dr. Hunsberger to speak at Biology Club meeting • President Omwake officer in college movementhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2100/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 13, 1930

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    Bears trounce Dickinson 19-7 in thrilling conference tilt at Carlisle • Freshmen attend annual banquet Monday evening • Rules for radios drawn up by student council • Father\u27s Day Saturday • College band progressing under capable leaders • Ursinus delegates at debating convention • Poverty Day celebration for Gettysburg contest • Bears picked to win over F. & M., Saturday • Ursinus harriers lose to Union College • College presidents meet at Wilson College • Columbus discussed at vesper services • Music Club presents excellent program • Wilson celebrates sixtieth anniversary • Notice cross country men! • Dr. Sturgis speaker at joint Y meeting • Noted lecturer on air • Dickinson pep meeting • Senior class meeting • Business group elections • Inter-class meet held • Dr. White gives talk on Caribbean trip • Weekly tryouts meet • Sisters meet at Maples • Men\u27s Glee Club makes plans for yearhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2095/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 26, 1930

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    Harington\u27s Letters and Epigrams reviewed • Eppehimer speaks on changing code at vespers • Sixtieth commencement program announced • Student council presents final dance Saturday • Bear track men score 7 point at Middle Atlantics • Biology Club hears talk on microscope development • Bears beat Lebanon Valley in home contest • Well-known artists perform for Woman\u27s Club • New men\u27s council installed Thursday • Women\u27s tennis team downs Drexel and Beaver • Last music meeting of year held Tuesday • Debate teams at annual banquet • Alpha Phi Lambda elections • Omwake chosen president • Frosh bow to Pennington • Grizzly netmen down St. Joseph\u27s and Bucknell • Sigma Upsilon elections • Christian organizations hold joint sing and hike • Editorial comment: True student government • Hess editor; Clawson manager of hand book • Final frosh track meet lost to Allentown Prep • Brotherhood of St. Paul chooses Sando as head • Hall officers installed • Rule book discussed at WSGA mass meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2153/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 8, 1931

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    Dr. William J. Shergold preaches animating baccalaureate sermon • Cornerstone laid on new science building • Board of Directors holds June meeting • David Lawrence delivers address at sixty-first annual commencement • Class of 1931 frolics at annual Class Day • Kugler wins annual junior oratorical prize • Varsity tossers garner two victories • Journey\u27s End presented by senior class • Rev. C. F. Deininger heads Alumni Association • Prizes awarded 1931 • Haydn\u27s The Seasons oratorio presentation • Mrs. F. I. Sheeder elected president of Woman\u27s Club • Alumni Athletic Club chooses G. F. Erb \u2727 president • Engaged • Baccalaureate degrees • 1931 tennis season marred by rain • Women\u27s tennis team has very successful year • The college in summer • Pupils of Music Department give recital Thursday evening • What some of 1931 will do • Winning ball team coached by Jing Johnson • Bear trackmen win trophyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2122/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 5, 1931

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    Miss Strickler awarded athletic honor blazer • Seniors and juniors elect class officers • Varsity downs Haverford 24-0; frosh in 0-0 tie with Perkiomen • Seniors will reproduce Children of the moon • Norristown Y secretary speaks at men\u27s meeting • String ensemble again directed by Dr. Sturgis • College department meets socially at Trinity Church • Hockey season opens with many candidates • Men\u27s Glee Club resumes activities • Sophomore committee to select class ring • Grace Livingston Hill will speak at joint Y meeting • Women candidates report for freshman debating • Debate economic question • Y.W.C.A. sponsors hike to Lost Lake • Ursinus students place in radio audition contest • Dr. Zahnizer to speak • Hubert leads vespers • Editorial: The Ursinus Women\u27s Club • Varsity Club holds first meeting of year • New recruits report for wrestling squad • College physician speaks at lively pep meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2062/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 2, 1931

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    Bears claw way to 6-6 tie: Gettysburg Bullets whistle and whine but fail to pierce tough grizzly hides • Mrs. Pinchot speaks • TKA makes yearly plans • Editorial: A few remarks regarding the true purpose of inter-collegiate athletics • Ursinus booters fall before Gettysburg, 4-1 • English Club studies works of modern authors • Modern language group enjoys novel program • Chemistry Biology group holds meeting • Mrs. James M. Starr will address WSGA meeting • Alumni will honor Hon. Cyrus H. K. Curtis • Professor Brownback speaks at pep meeting • Large number of candidates report for Weekly • Harriers vs. Temple • Y.W. candlelight service • Mathematics group holds first meeting • Father Ganter addresses YMCA • String ensemble activities • Women\u27s Glee Clubhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2066/thumbnail.jp