108 research outputs found

    Exploring the influence of instant messaging and video conferencing on the quality of project communication

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    Growth in computer-mediated communication (CMC) technologies such as instant messaging (IM) and video conferencing (VC) has led to a need to explore the utilisation and influence of these tools on the quality of project communication, which must still be established. This article reports the results of a survey conducted among 210 project practitioners using CMC in various industries to determine how, why and what each medium is used for, and how these media influence factors that promote quality communication. Some results showed that the use of both instant messaging and video conferencing in projects is moderate and both improve the quality of communication in virtual teams, however in different ways

    An exploratory assessment of project duration in multiple-project schedules where resources are allocated by the Theory of Constraints method

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    The theory of constraints (TOC) method for managing multiple projects provides a relatively new and simple heuristic for allocating constrained resources to projects. While this method is increasingly being used, there is little information about its merit and it has not yet been subjected to extensive testing. In this paper literature relevant to the allocation of resources to multiple projects is first reviewed. Thereafter the TOC method for allocating resources to multiple projects is explained. Finally the paper reports on an exploratory study to evaluate the effect that the TOC method for assigning resources has on project duration.Die “Theory of Constraints” (TOC)-metode vir die bestuur van veelvuldige projekte bied ’n relatief nuwe en eenvoudige heuristiek om beperkte hulpbronne aan projekte toe te ken. In die praktyk raak hierdie metode toenemend gewild maar daar is weinig inligting beskikbaar oor die meriete daarvan. Die metode is ook nog nie aan uitgebreide toetsing onderwerp nie. In hierdie artikel word ’n oorsig gegee oor die literatuur van hulpbrontoedeling. Tweedens word die TOC metode vir hulpbrontoedeling bespreek. Daarna word verslag gedoen oor ’n eksploratiewe ondersoek na die effek wat die TOC metode op die tydsduur van projekte het.http://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Knowledge transfer across different boundaries in a project environment : a case study of a Botswana mining organisation

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    Effective knowledge transfer is essential in obtaining a competitive advantage. In a project environment, knowledge transfer occurs across different boundaries and involves different stakeholders — a topic much neglected in the literature. This paper explores the processes at play when knowledge is transferred across different boundaries, and then focuses on the role played by the document management system in a project management office. Results from focus group workshops and interviews indicate that the project management office plays a vital role in ensuring effective knowledge transfer, and that the roles differ at different boundaries. In the mining case study, the document management system plays a key role in knowledge transfer.Effektiewe kennisoordrag is noodsaaklik ter bereiking van ʼn mededingende voorsprong. In ʼn projek-omgewing vind kennisoordrag plaas oor verskeie grense waarby verskillende belanghebbendes betrokke is — ʼn onderwerp wat nog min aandag in die literatuur geniet. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die prosesse ter sprake wanneer kennis oor verskillende grense oorgedra word en fokus dan op die rol van die dokument hanteringstelsel in ʼn projekbestuur kantoor. Fokusgroep werkwinkels en onderhoude dui daarop dat die projekbestuur kantoor ʼn noodsaaklike rol speel in effektiewe kennisoordrag en dat die rolle by verskillende grense verskil. In die mynbou geval wat bestudeer is, speel die dokumenthanteringstelsel ʼn kern rol.http://sajie.journals.ac.za/pubam2022Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    Establishing project management guidelines for successfully managing resettlement projects

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    Although millions of people globally are displaced annually, resettlement has a poor history for achieving the objective of leaving people who are resettled 'no worse off after project implementation than before'. While excellent guidelines and policies for resettlement have been established, resettlement/displacement projects still do not succeed in resettling affected peoples in a way that they are eventually better off. Consensus was reached by a Delphi panel of experts on a set of guidelines for resettlement projects. It is proposed that, supplementing the existing frameworks and guidelines for resettlement with well-established project management principles - including a phased project management approach - the chances of executing a resettlement project successfully are much higher. This paper proposes an improved framework and valuable guidelines for future resettlement projectshttp://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_busman.htmlam2013ai201

    Exploring the use of computer-mediated communication for knowledge management in project environments

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    The concept of utilising computer-mediated communication and social media applications as knowledge transfer agents within project environments is explored and a conceptual model for rapid dissemination of knowledge between resources across the various project phases is proposed. The model takes into account the use of tacit and explicit knowledge transfer between different project resources working within the same project phase. Five research questions were posed and, in order to answer these, interviews were conducted with respondents within a number of large organisations that utilise computer-mediated communication. Barriers to knowledge transfer mentioned in literature were found to exist in these South African organisations in 2013. A number of problems relating to the use of social media or computer-mediated communication for knowledge management in project environments were identified. Suggestions are made for improving the use of social media for project knowledge management. Specific applications that organisations use for transferring knowledge were identified and these findings are incorporated into the conceptual model.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_jcman.htmltm201

    Concurrent projects : how many can you handle?

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    The number of projects a person can handle simultaneously is a relevant factor in strategic planning and in project portfolio management. Internationally the de facto standard seems to be that a person should not work on more than two or three projects simultaneously; but several factors could influence this figure. Empirical evidence indicates that, in some South African sectors, people tend to work on many more than two or three projects simultaneously. In this paper, factors that influence the number of projects a person can work on are identified so that they can be investigated in further studies. Some ideas about using key resources optimally are also presented.Die aantal projekte wat ’n persoon gelyktydig kan hanteer is relevant in strategiese beplanning en in projek portefeuljebestuur. Internasionaal is die de facto standaard blykbaar dat mens nie gelyktydig op meer as twee of drie projekte behoort te werk nie; maar daar is verskeie faktore wat hierdie syfer kan beïnvloed. Empiriese data vanuit sommige Suid-Afrikaanse sektore toon dat mense tipies gelyktydig op veel meer as twee of drie projekte werk. In hierdie artikel is faktore wat die aantal projekte waarop ’n persoon gelyktydig kan werk geïdentifiseer, sodat dit in verdere studies ondersoek kan word. Idees vir die optimale aanwending van sleutelhulpbronne word ook voorgestel.http://sajie.journals.ac.za/pubhb201

    Criteria for selection and gate reviews of technology innovation projects

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    This paper describes appropriate project selection criteria and gate review-point criteria for government agencies that fund technology innovation projects in South Africa. Data was gathered via a Delphi survey in which seven expert respondents participated. The most significant project selection criteria and relevant gate reviewing criteria were established. The proposed basic framework consists of fourteen selection criteria, their associated weights, and forty relevant gate reviewing criteria. Commercial risk and feasibility was considered the most important criterion, followed by the team’s skills and competence in second place. The use of these criteria when considering investment in technology innovation projects could improve the likelihood of commercial success.Hierdie artikel beskryf, vir staatsinstansies wat projekte vir tegnologiese innovasie in Suid Afrika befonds, toepaslike kriteria vir die seleksie van projekte en vir oorsig by hersieningspunte aan die einde van projek fases. Data is ingewin deur middel van ʼn Delphi-opname waaraan sewe deskundige respondente deelgeneem het. Die mees beduidende kriteria vir seleksie en oorsig is bepaal. Die voorgestelde raamwerk bestaan uit veertien seleksie-kriteria, relatiewe gewigte vir elk, en veertig kriteria vir hersiening by oorsigpunte. Kommersiële risiko en doenbaarheid word beskou as die belangrikste kriterium, wat gevolg word deur die span se vaardigheid in die tweede plek. Die gebruik van hierdie kriteria wanneer investering in projekte vir tegnologiese innovasie oorweeg word, kan die waarskynlikheid van kommersiële sukses verhoog.At the time this research was conducted, this author was enrolled for the MSc (Project Management) a degree at the Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria.http://sajie.journals.ac.za/am201

    Systems engineering and concurrent engineering: what's in it for manufacturers of mature industrial products?

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    Studies on both systems engineering and concurrent engineering tend to be set in the context of high-technology industries: typically weapon systems and aerospace for the former and the automobile industry for the latter. In South Africa, for historical reasons, a large segment of manufacturing industry comprises mature, relatively low-technology heavy mechanical and electrical engineering companies manufacturing industrial products. This paper examines the common ground between systems engineering, concurrent engineering, and the challenges of managing and rejuvenating mature businesses. A combined product development process, tailored to meet the needs of manufacturers of mature industrial products, is presented.Studies in beide stelselingenieurswese en gelyktydige ingenieurswese is normaalweg onderneem in hoe-tegnologie nywerhede: tipies wapenstelsel- en ruimtevaart nywerhede in die eersgenoemde en die motomywerheid in die laasgenoemde geval. Weens historiese redes kan 'n groot komponent van die Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsnywerheid beskryf word as volwasse swaar meganiese en elektriese bedrywe van relatief lae-tegnologiese aard. In hierdie studie word die gemeenskaplike grond tussen stelselingenieurswese, gelyktydige ingenieurswese en die uitdagings verbonde aan die hemuwing van volwasse ondememings ondersoek. 'n Proses vir die ontwikkeling van produkte, saamgestel uit die twee ingenieursbenaderings en aangepas om te voldoen aan die behoeftes van volwasse nywerhede, word voorgestel.http://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Towards an improved process for developing new products in the South African Defence industry

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a single New Product Development (NPD) process for the Departmental Acquisition and Procurement Division (DAPD), Arrnscor and the South African Defence Industry. It examines the success factors and measures that contribute to the probability of success of NPD ventures . The NPD processes are grouped in three categories: information transfer, phased product development and integrated product development. NPD processes currently applied in the Department of Defence (000) of the United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA) and South Africa are examined and evaluated against research findings on success factors for NPD. These NPD processes were taken into account in developing the proposed process.Die doel van die artikel is om 'n enkele Nuwe Produk Ontwikkeling (NPO) proses vir die Departementele Aanskaffing en Verkryging Afdeling, Krygkor en die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygstuig Industrie voor te stel. Die suksesfaktore en metings wat mag bydra tot die waarskynlikheid van die sukses van die NPO onderneming word ondersoek. Die NPO prosesse word gegroepeer in drie kategoriee nl. inligting oordrag, gefasseerde produkontwikkeling en geintegreerde produkontwikkeling. Die NPO prosesse wat tans toegepas word deur die Departemente van Verdediging van die Verenigde Koninkryk, Verenigde State van Amerika en Suid-Afrika word ondersoek en ge-evalueer teen navorsing wat NPO sukses faktore identifiseer. Hierdie prosesse is in ag geneem by die ontwikkeling van die voorgestelde proses.http://sajie.journals.ac.z
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