5 research outputs found
Characterization of isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. associated with strawberry black root rot complex using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles
Fatty Acid methyl ester profiles for characterization of glomalean fungi and their endomycorrhizae
Anastomosis group and pathogenicity of isolates of Rhizoctonia solani from potato crops in South Australia
Isolates of Rhizoctonia collected from the stems, roots, tuber sclerotia and soil of potato crops in Virginia and Lenswood, South Australia, were identified to anastomosis groups (AG). Of the 301 multinucleate isolates of Rhizoctonia solani tested, 90% were AG-3, 7% were AG-4 and 2% were AG-5; 12 isolates were binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. This is the first report of isolates of AG-4 and AG-5 causing disease in potato crops in South Australia. All AG-3, AG-4 and AG-5 isolates tested caused rhizoctonia disease symptoms on the potato cultivar Coliban in pathogenicity trials conducted under glasshotise conditions. Both AG-3 and AG-5 isolates caused black scurf and stem cankers, although symptoms of black scurf were less severe with AG-5. AG-4 isolates produced the most severe stem and stolon cankers of all isolates tested. The pathogenicity of tuber-borne inoculum was confirmed by growing plants from sclerotia-infested tubers. AG-8 isolates from diseased barley and wheat produced severe root cankers and caused loss of feeder roots on inoculated potato plants. Results suggest that rhizoctonia disease in potato fields in South Australia is caused by a combination of different anastomosis groups and this has important implications for crop rotations.G. R. Balali, S. M. Neate, E. S. Scott, D. L. Whisson, T. J. Wick