11,568 research outputs found

    Structure of cytochrome a3-Cua3 couple in cytochrome c oxidase as revealed by nitric oxide binding studies

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    The addition of NO to oxidized cytochrome c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC causes the appearance of a high-spin heme electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal due to cytochrome a3. This suggests that NO coordinates to Cu{a3}+2 and breaks the antiferromagnetic couple by forming a cytochrome a3+3-Cu{a3}+2-NO complex. The intensity of the high-spin cytochrome a3 signal depends on the method of preparation of the enzyme and maximally accounts for 58% of one heme. The effect of N3- on the cytochrome a3+3-Cu{a3}+2-NO complex is to reduce cytochrome a3 to the ferrous state, and this is followed by formation of a new complex that exhibits EPR signals characteristic of a triplet species. On the basis of optical and EPR results, a NO bridge between cytochrome a3+2 and Cu{a3}+2 is proposed-i.e., cytochrome a3+2-NO-Cu{a3}+2. The half-field transition observed at g = 4.34 in the EPR spectrum of this triplet species exhibits resolved copper hyperfine splittings with |A{}| = 0.020 cm-1, indicating that the Cu{a3}+2 in the cytochrome a3+2-NO-Cu{a3}+2 complex is similar to a type 2 copper site

    Variations of the amplitudes of oscillation of the Be star Achernar

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    We report on finding variations in amplitude of the two main oscillation frequencies found in the Be star Achernar, over a period of 5 years. They were uncovered by analysing photometric data of the star from the SMEI instrument. The two frequencies observed, 0.775 c/d and 0.725 c/d, were analysed in detail and their amplitudes were found to increase and decrease significantly over the 5-year period, with the amplitude of the 0.725 c/d frequency changing by up to a factor of eight. The nature of this event has yet to be properly understood, but the possibility of it being due to the effects of a stellar outburst or a stellar cycle are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to be published in MNRA

    Energy-dependent evolution in IC10 X-1: hard evidence for an extended corona and implications

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    We have analyzed a ~130 ks XMM-Newton observation of the dynamically confirmed black hole + Wolf-Rayet (BH+WR) X-ray binary (XB) IC10 X-1, covering ~1 orbital cycle. This system experiences periodic intensity dips every ~35 hr. We find that energy-independent evolution is rejected at a >5σ level. The spectral and timing evolution of IC10 X-1 are best explained by a compact disk blackbody and an extended Comptonized component, where the thermal component is completely absorbed and the Comptonized component is partially covered during the dip. We consider three possibilities for the absorber: cold material in the outer accretion disk, as is well documented for Galactic neutron star (NS) XBs at high inclination; a stream of stellar wind that is enhanced by traveling through the L1 point; and a spherical wind. We estimated the corona radius (r ADC) for IC10 X-1 from the dip ingress to be ~106 km, assuming absorption from the outer disk, and found it to be consistent with the relation between r ADC and 1-30 keV luminosity observed in Galactic NS XBs that spans two orders of magnitude. For the other two scenarios, the corona would be larger. Prior BH mass (M BH) estimates range over 23-38 M ☉, depending on the inclination and WR mass. For disk absorption, the inclination, i, is likely to be ~60-80°, with M BH ~ 24-41 M ☉. Alternatively, the L1-enhanced wind requires i ~ 80°, suggesting ~24-33 M ☉. For a spherical absorber, i ~ 40°, and M BH ~ 50-65 M ☉

    Amplitude variability in satellite photometry of the non-radially pulsating O9.5V star zeta Oph

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    We report a time-series analysis of satellite photometry of the non-radially pulsating Oe star zeta Oph, principally using data from SMEI obtained 2003--2008, but augmented with MOST and WIRE results. Amplitudes of the strongest photometric signals, at 5.18, 2.96, and 2.67/d, each vary independently over the 6-year monitoring period (from ca. 30 to <2 mmag at 5.18/d), on timescales of hundreds of days. Signals at 7.19/d and 5.18/d have persisted (or recurred) for around two decades. Supplementary spectroscopic observations show an H-alpha emission episode in 2006; this coincided with small increases in amplitudes of the three strongest photometric signals.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Nonconservative Lagrangian mechanics II: purely causal equations of motion

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    This work builds on the Volterra series formalism presented in [D. W. Dreisigmeyer and P. M. Young, J. Phys. A \textbf{36}, 8297, (2003)] to model nonconservative systems. Here we treat Lagrangians and actions as `time dependent' Volterra series. We present a new family of kernels to be used in these Volterra series that allow us to derive a single retarded equation of motion using a variational principle

    Coupled wake boundary layer model of wind-farms

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    We present and test the coupled wake boundary layer (CWBL) model that describes the distribution of the power output in a wind-farm. The model couples the traditional, industry-standard wake model approach with a "top-down" model for the overall wind-farm boundary layer structure. This wake model captures the effect of turbine positioning, while the "top-down" portion of the model adds the interactions between the wind-turbine wakes and the atmospheric boundary layer. Each portion of the model requires specification of a parameter that is not known a-priori. For the wake model, the wake expansion coefficient is required, while the "top-down" model requires an effective spanwise turbine spacing within which the model's momentum balance is relevant. The wake expansion coefficient is obtained by matching the predicted mean velocity at the turbine from both approaches, while the effective spanwise turbine spacing depends on turbine positioning and thus can be determined from the wake model. Coupling of the constitutive components of the CWBL model is achieved by iterating these parameters until convergence is reached. We illustrate the performance of the model by applying it to both developing wind-farms including entrance effects and to fully developed (deep-array) conditions. Comparisons of the CWBL model predictions with results from a suite of large eddy simulations (LES) shows that the model closely represents the results obtained in these high-fidelity numerical simulations. A comparison with measured power degradation at the Horns Rev and Nysted wind-farms shows that the model can also be successfully applied to real wind-farms.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy on July 18, 201

    Implications of the PSR 1257+12 Planetary System for Isolated Millisecond Pulsars

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    The first extrasolar planets were discovered in 1992 around the millisecond pulsar PSR 1257+12. We show that recent developments in the study of accretion onto magnetized stars, plus the existence of the innermost, moon-sized planet in the PSR 1257+12 system, suggest that the pulsar was born with approximately its current rotation frequency and magnetic moment. If so, this has important implications for the formation and evolution of neutron star magnetic fields as well as for the formation of planets around pulsars. In particular, it suggests that some and perhaps all isolated millisecond pulsars may have been born with high spin rates and low magnetic fields instead of having been recycled by accretion.Comment: 17 pages including one figure, uses aaspp4, accepted by Ap
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