8 research outputs found

    Human muscle-derived cell populations isolated by differential adhesion rates: Phenotype and contribution to skeletal muscle regeneration in Mdx/SCID mice

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    Muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) isolated from murine skeletal tissue by the preplate method have displayed the capability to commit to the myogenic lineage and regenerate more efficiently than myoblasts in skeletal and cardiac muscle in murine Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy mice (mdx). However, until now, these studies have not been translated to human muscle cells. Here, we describe the isolation, by a preplate technique, of candidate human MDSCs, which exhibit myogenic and regenerative characteristics similar to their murine counterparts. Using the preplate isolation method, we compared cells that adhere faster to the flasks, preplate 2 (PP2), and cells that adhere slower, preplate 6 (PP6). The human PP6 cells express several markers of mesenchymal stem cells and are distinct from human PP2 (a myoblast-like population) based on their expression of CD146 and myogenic markers desmin and CD56. After transplantation to the gastrocnemius muscle of mdx/SCID mice, we observe significantly higher levels of PP6 cells participating in muscle regeneration as compared with the transplantation of PP2 cells. This study supports some previous findings related to mouse preplate cells, and also identifies some differences between mouse and human muscle preplate cells

    High Harvest Yield, High Expansion, and Phenotype Stability of CD146 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Whole Primitive Human Umbilical Cord Tissue

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    Human umbilical cord blood is an excellent primitive source of noncontroversial stem cells for treatment of hematologic disorders; meanwhile, new stem cell candidates in the umbilical cord (UC) tissue could provide therapeutic cells for nonhematologic disorders. We show novel in situ characterization to identify and localize a panel of some markers expressed by mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs; CD44, CD105, CD73, CD90) and CD146 in the UC. We describe enzymatic isolation and purification methods of different UC cell populations that do not require manual separation of the vessels and stroma of the coiled, helical-like UC tissue. Unique quantitation of in situ cell frequency and stromal cell counts upon harvest illustrate the potential to obtain high numerical yields with these methods. UC stromal cells can differentiate to the osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages and, under specific culturing conditions, they exhibit high expandability with unique long-term stability of their phenotype. The remarkable stability of the phenotype represents a novel finding for human MSCs, from any source, and supports the use of these cells as highly accessible stromal cells for both basic studies and potentially therapeutic applications such as allogeneic clinical use for musculoskeletal disorders

    Discovery of a Redox Thiol Switch: Implications for Cellular Energy Metabolism

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    The redox-based modifications of cysteine residues in proteins regulate their function in many biological processes. The gas molecule H2S has been shown to persulfidate redox sensitive cysteine residues resulting in an H2S-modified proteome known as the sulfhydrome. Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) multiplexing strategies for large-scale proteomic analyses have become increasingly prevalent in detecting cysteine modifications. Here we developed a TMT-based proteomics approach for selectively trapping and tagging cysteine persulfides in the cellular proteomes. We revealed the natural protein sulfhydrome of two human cell lines, and identified insulin as a novel substrate in pancreatic beta cells. Moreover, we showed that under oxidative stress conditions, increased H2S can target enzymes involved in energy metabolism by switching specific cysteine modifications to persulfides. Specifically, we discovered a Redox Thiol Switch, from protein S-glutathioinylation to S-persulfidation (RTSGS). We propose that the RTSGS from S-glutathioinylation to S-persulfidation is a potential mechanism to fine tune cellular energy metabolism in response to different levels of oxidative stress

    An IκB Kinase-Regulated Feedforward Circuit Prolongs Inflammation

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    Loss of NF-κB signaling causes immunodeficiency, whereas inhibition of NF-κB can be efficacious in treating chronic inflammatory disease. Inflammatory NF-κB signaling must therefore be tightly regulated, and although many mechanisms to downregulate NF-κB have been elucidated, there have only been limited studies demonstrating positive feedforward regulation of NF-κB signaling. In this work, we use a bioinformatic and proteomic approach to discover that the IKK family of proteins can phosphorylate the E3 ubiquitin ligase ITCH, a critical downregulator of TNF-mediated NF-κB activation. Phosphorylation of ITCH by IKKs leads to impaired ITCH E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and prolongs NF-κB signaling and pro-inflammatory cytokine release. Since genetic loss of ITCH mirrors IKK-induced ITCH phosphorylation, we further show that the ITCH−/− mouse’s spontaneous lung inflammation and subsequent death can be delayed when TNF signaling is genetically deleted. This work identifies a new positive feedforward regulation of NF-κB activation that drives inflammatory disease

    Generalized bacterial genome editing using mobile group II introns and Cre‐ lox

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    Efficient bacterial genetic engineering approaches with broad-host applicability are rare. We combine two systems, mobile group II introns (‘targetrons') and Cre/lox, which function efficiently in many different organisms, into a versatile platform we call GETR (Genome Editing via Targetrons and Recombinases). The introns deliver lox sites to specific genomic loci, enabling genomic manipulations. Efficiency is enhanced by adding flexibility to the RNA hairpins formed by the lox sites. We use the system for insertions, deletions, inversions, and one-step cut-and-paste operations. We demonstrate insertion of a 12-kb polyketide synthase operon into the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli, multiple simultaneous and sequential deletions of up to 120 kb in E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, inversions of up to 1.2 Mb in E. coli and Bacillus subtilis, and one-step cut-and-pastes for translocating 120 kb of genomic sequence to a site 1.5 Mb away. We also demonstrate the simultaneous delivery of lox sites into multiple loci in the Shewanella oneidensis genome. No selectable markers need to be placed in the genome, and the efficiency of Cre-mediated manipulations typically approaches 100%