6,293 research outputs found

    Lower order terms in the 1-level density for families of holomorphic cuspidal newforms

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    The Katz-Sarnak density conjecture states that, in the limit as the conductors tend to infinity, the behavior of normalized zeros near the central point of families of L-functions agree with the N -> oo scaling limits of eigenvalues near 1 of subgroups of U(N). Evidence for this has been found for many families by studying the n-level densities; for suitably restricted test functions the main terms agree with random matrix theory. In particular, all one-parameter families of elliptic curves with rank r over Q(T) and the same distribution of signs of functional equations have the same limiting behavior. We break this universality and find family dependent lower order correction terms in many cases; these lower order terms have applications ranging from excess rank to modeling the behavior of zeros near the central point, and depend on the arithmetic of the family. We derive an alternate form of the explicit formula for GL(2) L-functions which simplifies comparisons, replacing sums over powers of Satake parameters by sums of the moments of the Fourier coefficients lambda_f(p). Our formula highlights the differences that we expect to exist from families whose Fourier coefficients obey different laws (for example, we expect Sato-Tate to hold only for non-CM families of elliptic curves). Further, by the work of Rosen and Silverman we expect lower order biases to the Fourier coefficients in families of elliptic curves with rank over Q(T); these biases can be seen in our expansions. We analyze several families of elliptic curves and see different lower order corrections, depending on whether or not the family has complex multiplication, a forced torsion point, or non-zero rank over Q(T).Comment: 38 pages, version 2.2: fixed some typos, included some comments from Steven Finch which give more rapidly converging expressions for the constants gamma_{PNT}, gamma_{PNT,1,3} and gamma_{PNT,1,4}, updated reference

    Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Problem Sessions: '09--'19

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    These notes are a summary of the problem session discussions at various CANT (Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Conferences). Currently they include all years from 2009 through 2019 (inclusive); the goal is to supplement this file each year. These additions will include the problem session notes from that year, and occasionally discussions on progress on previous problems. If you are interested in pursuing any of these problems and want additional information as to progress, please email the author. See http://www.theoryofnumbers.com/ for the conference homepage.Comment: Version 3.4, 58 pages, 2 figures added 2019 problems on 5/31/2019, fixed a few issues from some presenters 6/29/201

    The effect of convolving families of L-functions on the underlying group symmetries

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    L-functions for GL_n(A_Q) and GL_m(A_Q), respectively, such that, as N,M --> oo, the statistical behavior (1-level density) of the low-lying zeros of L-functions in F_N (resp., G_M) agrees with that of the eigenvalues near 1 of matrices in G_1 (resp., G_2) as the size of the matrices tend to infinity, where each G_i is one of the classical compact groups (unitary, symplectic or orthogonal). Assuming that the convolved families of L-functions F_N x G_M are automorphic, we study their 1-level density. (We also study convolved families of the form f x G_M for a fixed f.) Under natural assumptions on the families (which hold in many cases) we can associate to each family L of L-functions a symmetry constant c_L equal to 0 (resp., 1 or -1) if the corresponding low-lying zero statistics agree with those of the unitary (resp., symplectic or orthogonal) group. Our main result is that c_{F x G} = c_G * c_G: the symmetry type of the convolved family is the product of the symmetry types of the two families. A similar statement holds for the convolved families f x G_M. We provide examples built from Dirichlet L-functions and holomorphic modular forms and their symmetric powers. An interesting special case is to convolve two families of elliptic curves with rank. In this case the symmetry group of the convolution is independent of the ranks, in accordance with the general principle of multiplicativity of the symmetry constants (but the ranks persist, before taking the limit N,M --> oo, as lower-order terms).Comment: 41 pages, version 2.1, cleaned up some of the text and weakened slightly some of the conditions in the main theorem, fixed a typ

    Most Subsets are Balanced in Finite Groups

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    The sumset is one of the most basic and central objects in additive number theory. Many of the most important problems (such as Goldbach's conjecture and Fermat's Last theorem) can be formulated in terms of the sumset S+S={x+y:x,y∈S}S + S = \{x+y : x,y\in S\} of a set of integers SS. A finite set of integers AA is sum-dominated if ∣A+A∣>∣Aβˆ’A∣|A+A| > |A-A|. Though it was believed that the percentage of subsets of {0,...,n}\{0,...,n\} that are sum-dominated tends to zero, in 2006 Martin and O'Bryant proved a very small positive percentage are sum-dominated if the sets are chosen uniformly at random (through work of Zhao we know this percentage is approximately 4.5β‹…10βˆ’44.5 \cdot 10^{-4}). While most sets are difference-dominated in the integer case, this is not the case when we take subsets of many finite groups. We show that if we take subsets of larger and larger finite groups uniformly at random, then not only does the probability of a set being sum-dominated tend to zero but the probability that ∣A+A∣=∣Aβˆ’A∣|A+A|=|A-A| tends to one, and hence a typical set is balanced in this case. The cause of this marked difference in behavior is that subsets of {0,...,n}\{0,..., n\} have a fringe, whereas finite groups do not. We end with a detailed analysis of dihedral groups, where the results are in striking contrast to what occurs for subsets of integers.Comment: Version 2.0, 11 pages, 2 figure
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