97 research outputs found

    Sindrom nakon boravka u jedinici intenzivne njege kod kirurÅ”kih pacijenata ā€“ pilot studija

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    Aim. The retrospective observational study aimed to determine whether there is a defined syndrome after intensive care after less than 14 days of stay in the intensive care unit. Material and methods. Patients who stayed in the intensive care unit of the Clinical Hospital Center ā€œDr. DragiÅ”a MiÅ”ović ā€“ Dedinjeā€ in Belgrade during the May 2022 were examined. Data from the health information system and therapeutic lists were used, and the questionnaire on quality of life was filled out during telephone conversations with patients. In the end, the data were statistically processed. Results. Of 16 patients, the average stay in the intensive care unit was 4.7 days (from 2 to 10). In eight of them, a certain level of change in the general state of health was shown in the last year (which includes the period of hospitalization), and in two of them this change was significant. The general health was significantly impaired in four of them, primarily related to male sex, age and ASA status. In these four patients, the length of stay in the intensive care unit was eight days at maximum. Conclusion. The results of this pilot study indicate the occurrence of the syndrome after intensive treatment in our sample of patients. As the sample is small, more extensive studies are needed to confirm or refute the claim that even a stay shorter than 14 days in intensive care units can lead to a significant change in health status and the emergence of post-intensive care syndrome in critically ill patients.Cilj. Retrospektivna opservaciona studija imala je za cilj utvrditi postojanje definiranog sindroma nakon intenzivne njege kod pacijenata sa boravkom kraćim od 14 dana u jedinici intenzivne njege Materijal i metode. Ispitani su pacijenti koji su boravili u jedinici intenzivne njege Kliničkog bolničkog centra ā€œDr. DragiÅ”a MiÅ”ović ā€“ Dedinjeā€ u Beogradu tijekom svibnja 2022. godine. KoriÅ”teni su podaci iz zdravstvenog informacijskog sustava i terapijskih lista, te je upitnik o kvaliteti života popunjen tijekom telefonskih razgovora sa pacijentima. Na kraju su podaci bili statistički obrađeni. Rezultati. Od 16 pacijenata, prosječan boravak u jedinici intenzivne njege iznosio je 4,7 dana (od 2 do 10). Kod osam pacijenata zabilježena je određena promjena općeg zdravstvenog stanja tijekom posljednje godine (uključujući period hospitalizacije), a kod dvoje je ta promjena bila značajna. Opće zdravlje značajno je bilo naruÅ”eno kod četvero pacijenata, uglavnom u vezi sa muÅ”kim spolom, dobi i ASA status. U ovih četvero pacijenata, najduže trajanje boravka u jedinici intenzivne njege bilo je osam dana. Zaključak. Rezultati ove pilot studije ukazuju na pojavu sindroma nakon intenzivnog liječenja na naÅ”em uzorku pacijenata. S obzirom na malen uzorak, potrebno je provesti opsežnije studije kako bi se potvrdila ili opovrgla tvrdnja da čak i boravak kraći od 14 dana u jedinicama intenzivne njege može dovesti do značajne promjene zdravstvenog stanja i pojave sindroma nakon intenzivne njege kod kritično bolesnih pacijenata

    Comparative analysis of the polarization and morphological characteristics of electrochemically produced powder forms of the intermediate metals

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    The polarization and morphological characteristics of powder forms of the group of the intermediate metals were examined by the analysis of silver and copper electrodeposition processes at high overpotentials. The pine-like dendrites constructed from the corncob-like forms, which are very similar to each other, were obtained by electrodeposition of these metals at the overpotential belonging to the plateaus of the limiting diffusion current density. A completely different situation was observed by the electrodeposition of silver and copper at the overpotential outside the plateaus of the limiting diffusion current density in the zone with the fast increase in current density with the overpotential. Silver dendrites, which were very similar to silver and copper dendrites obtained inside the plateaus of the limiting diffusion current density, were obtained at the overpotential outside the plateau. Due to the lower overpotential for hydrogen evolution for copper, hydrogen produced during the copper electrodeposition process strongly affected the surface morphology of copper. The same shape polarization curves with completely different surface morphologies of Cu and Ag electrodeposited at overpotentials after the inflection point clearly indicate the importance of morphological analysis in the investigation of polarization characteristics of the electrodeposition systems. The role of hydrogen as a crucial parameter in the continuous change of copper surface morphology from dendrites to honeycomb-like structures was investigated in detail. On the basis of this analysis, the transitional character of the intermediate metals between the normal and inert metals was considered. The typical powder forms characterising electrodeposition of the intermediate metals were also defined and systematized

    Utjecaj intraabdominalnog tlaka na osnovne vitalne funkcije i ishod liječenja

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    The purpose of the study was to point to the importance of measuring intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and of early recognition of the consequences of increased IAP on basic vital functions. Measurement of IAP via urinary bladder was conducted every 12 hours in 70 surgical patients with acute abdominal syndromes not previously operated on. Based on the measured IAP values, all patients were divided into groups of patients with normal IAP values (n=20) and patients with increased IAP values (n=50) . Vital functions and basic laboratory analysis were monitored and the values obtained were compared with IAP in both patient groups. A statistically significant difference was found in body weight, body mass index, urine output, creatinine, urea, heart rate, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) between patients with normal and increased IAP values. The increase in IAP values was found to be associated with an increase in PaCO2, respiratory rate, peak inspiratory pressure, central venous pressure, heart rate, Acute Physiology, Age and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, mortality rate, creatinine and urea values, and number of days of treatment in the intensive care unit. At the same time, the values of PaO2, blood oxygen saturation, diuresis and abdominal perfusion pressure were declining. IAP measurement is an old, cost-effective, reliable technique that is easy to perform and should be applied in all high risk patients.Cilj studije bio je ukazati na značenje mjerenja intraabdominalnog tlaka (intra-abdominal pressure, IAP) i ranog prepoznavanja promjena osnovnih vitalnih funkcija, koje su posljedica povećanja IAP. Mjerenje IAP je provedeno kroz mokraćni mjehur svakih 12 sati kod 70 bolesnika s akutnim abdominalnim sindromom koji nisu prethodno operirani. Na osnovi izmjerenih vrijednosti IAP bolesnici su podijeljeni u skupinu s normalnim vrijednostima IAP (n=20) i skupinu s povećanim vrijednostima (n=50). Praćenjem osnovnih vitalnih funkcija i laboratorijskih analiza dobivene vrijednosti uspoređivane su u odnosu na IAP u objema skupinama bolesnika. Statistički značajna razlika između bolesnika s normalnim i onih s poviÅ”enim IAP utvrđena je za tjelesnu težinu, indeks tjelesne mase, diurezu, vrijednosti kreatinina, ureju, srčanu frekvenciju, parcijalni tlak kisika (PaO2) i parcijalni tlak ugljičnog dioksida (PaCO2). Također je zapaženo da su s porastom IAP rasle i vrijednosti PaCO2, broja respiracija, vrÅ”nog inspiracijskog tlaka, centralnog venskog tlaka, srčane frekvencije, akutna fi zio loÅ”ka, starosna i kronična evaluacija zdravlja II (Acute Physiology, Age and Chronic Health Evaluation, APACHE), stopa smrtnosti, vrijednosti ureje i kreatinina te broj dana liječenja u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja, dok su vrijednosti PaO2, zasićenje hemoglobina kisikom, diureza i abdominalni perfuzijski tlak bili u opadanju. Mjerenje intraabdominalnog tlaka je stara, jeftina, pouzdana metoda, jednostavna za izvođenje kod svih visoko rizičnih bolesnika

    A molecular genetic approach to roebuck individual identification in the case of poaching in Serbia

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    Application of the molecular genetic methods in forensic cases dealing with wild animals has significantly increased recently. These techniques are practically used in order to help solving four key problems : determination of kind of the wild animal, geographic origin, kinship ties and individual identification. In this work the first case of introducing the examination of polimorphism of microsatelite genetic markers within forensic analysis in the cases of poaching in Serbia is presented. The objectives of this forensic analysis was to determine if the meat confiscated during house search of the suspect comes from roebuck origin (Capreolus capreolus), which remains had been found by a game warden in the field during closed season, where the suspect denied the offense, claiming that the meat comes from other roebuck that had been shot during the previous hunting season. DNK was isolated from the skin and fur samples taken from the roebuck corpse found in the woods, as well as from the frozen meat found in the suspectā€™s house. Both amplification and polimorphism examination of the eight microsatelite markers (ROE01, NVHRT21, NVHRT24, NVHRT48, NVHRT73, RT7 AND RT27) were carried out. In all the examined samples, the same pattern of variability of the tested microsatelites was determined, that is it was proved that DNK profiles of the samples taken from roebuck corpse were identical to DNK profile of the meat sample found in the suspectā€™s house. This result clearly indicates that all the examined biological samples originate from the same animal, and consequently represents forensically valid evidence in the case of roebuck poaching. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Retrospective analysis of the bluetongue outbreak in Serbia

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    Bluetongue, a vector-born disease caused by the Bluetongue virus (BTV) and transmitted by Culicoides biting midges, is considered to be one of the most important diseases of domestic ruminants. The first outbreak of bluetongue in Serbia was reported in 2001, when BTV serotype 9 was identified in sampled materials. In 2014, outbreak of BTV-4 in Serbia caused considerable economic losses affecting sheep, cattle and goats. During this outbreak, BTV-4 was recorded in 644 outbreaks within 49 municipalities, part of 17 administrative regions. From the total number of sheep kept in areas affected by bluetongue (n=1 748 110), 2 083 cases (0.2%) were proven to be BTV-4 infected. Total of 206 infected cattle and 24 infected goats were reported during this investigation period, which represents 0.06% and 0.03% of the total number of cattle and goats kept in affected areas, respectively. The highest incidence of infected sheep, cattle and goats was recorded on the territory covered by veterinary institute of Nis. Recorded lethality in cattle, sheep and goats was 18.45% (n=38), 48.10% (n=1002) and 54.17% (n=13), respectively. The peak of the outbreak was in September and October when 94.43% of the confirmed positive cases, regardless of the species, was recorded. Monitoring of bluetongue disease in Serbia relies on active surveillance programmes aimed at: (i) identification and tracing of susceptible and potentially infected animals and (ii) detection, distribution and prevalence of insect vectors. Vaccination of sheep is planned to be implemented as a control measure against bluetongue in Serbia

    Validation of 10 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina

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    The aim of the study was to assess a commercially available microsatellite panel for use in paternity and identification analyses in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, an ancient livestock guarding breed. Allele frequencies for 10 microsatellite loci (PEZ01, FHC2054, FHC2010, PEZ05, PEZ20, PEZ12, PEZ03, PEZ06, PEZ08 and FHC2079) were determined in 103 unrelated Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog individuals. The loci revealed varied levels of polymorphism (five to 12 alleles), with an average of 7.83 per locus. Average values of observed heterozygosity and polymorphic information content (PIC) were 0.64 and 0.66, respectively. Nine out of 10 microsatellite markers were highly informative with PIC values higher than 0.5. The obtained value of combined power of exclusion (0.9989) confirms usefulness of this panel of microsatellites for parentage verification, while the value of combined power of discrimination of 0.9999 clearly shows that the panel can conclusively identify individual dogs. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that the selected set of commercially available microsatellite markers may be used as a routine tool for parentage verification and individual identification in the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog. Although analysis of genetic variability of the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog was not the primary focus of the study, the established values of major diversity indices disclose a highly variable gene pool in the breed

    The impact of the building envelope with the green living systems on the built environment

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    Altering the surface cover of an area causes the change in the environment. By erecting buildings change in the flow of energy and matter through the urban ecosystems occurs creating multiple environmental problems. Built areas exert considerable influence over their local climate, amplifying problems such as heat waves, air pollution, and flooding. Greening the building envelope these problems can be partially mitigated. By combining nature and built areas in their designs, architects and urban planners can respond to these serious human health and welfare issues and restore the environmental quality of dense urban areas. Green living systems are not the only solution for new designs. Retrofitting existing buildings by altering the buildings' surficial properties can reduce buildings' energy consumption in case of older buildings with poor existing insulation. Implementation of green living systems in the building envelope, greening horizontal surfaces with intensive and extensive green roofs or using vegetation in vertical greening systems for faƧades, is a strategy that provides ecological, economic and social benefits. This review paper presents collected evidence of effects and explores the important role that the green living systems can play in the dense urban areas. Benefits such as heat island amelioration, reduction of buildings energy consumption, air quality and indoor and outdoor comfort conditions improvement, stormwater management and improved water run-off quality, will be mainly considered. Ā© 2018 Serbian Society of Heat Transfer Engineers

    Assessment of 17 microsatellite loci for their use in parentage verification and individual identification in the Balkan donkey breed

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    The aim of this study was to assess a panel of 17 microsatellites for parentage verification and individual identification in the endangered Balkan donkey breed. Allele frequencies for 17 microsatellite loci (AHT4, AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HTG4, HTG6, HTG7, HTG10, HMS1, HMS2, HMS3, HMS6, HMS7, LEX3 and VHL20) were determined in a 77 unrelated Balkan donkeys. Three loci (ASB2, HMS1 and ASB17) proved to be unsuitable and had been excluded from the investigation. Analysis of the remaining 14 loci revealed varied levels of polymorphism (three to 12 alleles), while the total number of observed alleles was 118 with an average of 8.42 per locus. Average values of observed heterozygosity and polymorphic information content (PIC) were 0.712 and 0.650, respectively. Twelve out of 14 microsatellite markers were highly informative with PIC values higher than 0.5. Only four loci were in HWE (HMS2, HMS6, HMS7 and HTG6). The obtained value of combined power of exclusion 0.9999) confirms usefulness of this microsatellite panel for parentage verification, while the value of combined power of discrimination of 0.9941 clearly approves the reliability of the panel for individual identification in Balkan donkeys

    Financial position and credit rating of companies in circular economy in Serbia

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    The circular economy concept is increasingly gaining in importance. The world's most developed economies pay more and more attention to this concept. The European Union adopted a special document to affirm the concept. In Serbia, this concept is in its early stages, but is being practically (production) and institutionally actuated. This paper analyses a sample of six companies engaged in different production options in the area of circular economy. The aim of the paper is to analyse the perspective of a new concept in Serbian economy, through assessment of the financial position and credit rating of these companies by applying Altman's ZŹ¼ and Z'- adjusted score model. The findings in the paper showed that the companies which had been subject to this analysis have such financial position and credit rating that make assessment of their future optimistic. In the light of that, there is a prospect for the development of circular economy concept in Serbia

    Estimation of Power Production of Wind Potential

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    Estimating the wind potential for a particular micro location (siting) involves detailed analysis of the possibility of annual electricity production at that location. Based on the assumption of installed capacity, area and number of hours constant load, it is possible to obtain annual theoretical production of electricity according to expression . The wind atlas for target location contains data onto 5 reference roughness lengths (0.000 m , 0.030 m , 0.100 m , 0.400 m , 1.500 m ) and 5 reference heights (10 m , 25 m , 50 m , 100 m , 200 m ) above ground level . This paer have measured data onto site at target location, and base of that there was modeled digital model of location and wind power model for elevation at 110m. There was estimation of 20 GE (2,78 MW) instaling capacity for target location.14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems : October 1-6, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2019
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