206 research outputs found
Diagnostic of premalignant and early malignant laryngeal lesions with narrow band imaging (NBI)
Treatment and prognosis of leukoplakia significantly differ with the different pathological types and an
effective examination measure is the key to make informed treatment decision. New diagnostic techniques
with real-time applicability try to better detect or delineate primary squamocellular carcinoma. Narrow band
imaging (NBI) is often called “optical biopsy”, because it enables the characterization of mucosal changes and
making endoscopic findings more predictive without requiring tissue sampling. In detection of surface mucosal
changes characteristic for neoplastic lesions - epithelial abnormalities and vascular changes can be better
observed in NBI. According to the vascular pattern of NBI described by Ni, which is based on the dynamic
changes of the capillary pattern on the surface of vocal cord mucosa and vocal cord leukoplakia were classified
into the following types: type I-III lesions are benign, type IV lesions are precancerous, and type Va-c lesions
are malignant. In University Clinical Hospital Sestre milosrdnice, we conducted a study to show the sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy of NBI in predicting the pathohistological analysis in patients with vocal cord
leukoplakia. During a one-year period, from 39 operated patients with leukoplakia we found 23 patients with
SCC, 6 high grade dysplasia, 8 low grade dysplasia, 2 keratosis. In these cases, NBI sensitivity was 82.14%,
NBI specificity 72.73%, positive predictive value 79.31% (95% CI 60.28% to 92.01%) and negative predictive
value 76.19% (95% CI 52.83% to 91.78%). The accuracy of NBI in our patients was 78%. In conclusion, NBI
is an advanced endoscopic imaging technique that allows early detection of small superficial mucosal lesions
that are undetectable using the conventional white-light endoscopy
Ethical Problem of Life from the Aspect of Nursing Ethics
Završni rad nudi prikaz etičkog problema života ne samo s medicinskog, već i s pravnog te vjerskog stajališta, s osvrtom na etiku sestrinstva. Etika kao grana filozofije preispituje moral, odnosno preispituje postupke i odluke, čime se dolazi do pronalaženja normi i vrijednosti na kojima se temelje sve profesije u zdravstvenoj medicini. Moralne osobine medicinskih sestara, njihova uvjerenja kao i način komuniciranja izravno i neizravno utječu na etiku skrbi. U današnje vrijeme polemike oko pobačaja i eutanazije sve su češće te o tim temama svako ima svoje mišljenje i teško je ostati nepristran. Zadaća medicinske sestre nije osuditi pacijenta i njegovu odluku, već osigurati mu kvalitetnu edukaciju o zahvatu na koji se odlučio i biti pacijentu pomoć i potpora, kako to i nalaže Etički kodeks medicinskih sestara
Re-examining generic conventions in Serbian avantgarde and neo-avant-garde lyric poetry Пересмотр жанровых условностей в сербской лирической авангардной и неоавангардной ориентации
Циљ истраживања је сагледавање развоја лирског жанровског дискурса српске
књижевности 20. века. На основу теоријско-аналитичке обраде идентификују се
промене настале у лирском жанровском дискурсу српске књижевности у епохама
историјске авангарде и неоавангарде.
У првом делу истраживања успоставља се концепт жанровског дискурса, преглед
релевантних теорија жанра и дефинисање концепта лирског. На основу савремених
теоријских промишљања, жанровски дискурс одређује се као динамична историјска
категорија, која активно учествује у променама књижевног дискурса. Идентификују се
и основна својства жанровског дискурса и преиспитују се поступци који доводе до
њихових модификација и трансформација. Лирски жанровски дискурс одређује се на
основу савремених теорија лирике и у односу на традиционално поимање лирског.
Други део истраживања обухвата идентификовање и експликацију поступака који
су допринели модификацији и трансформацији српске поезије 20. века на корпусу који
обухвата одабране ауторе епохе историјске авангарде и неоавангарде. Испитивањем
и сагледавањем употребе поступака монтаже, колажа, прозаизације и визуелизације
у оквиру жанровског репертоара, као и промена које су настале на тематско-
мотивском, формалном и значењском плану, затим поступака који су подразумевали
инклузију и негацију жанровских дискурса, заступа се становиште да су аутори
авангардног и неоавангардног опредељења извршили значајан утицај на развој
српске поезије 20. века.
Књижевноисториографски и књижевнотеоријски приступ, компаративна
перспектива, тумачење, интерпретација и анализа појединачних примера усклађени
су са савременим теоријама жанра и постструктуралистичим концептима примењеним
у истраживању.The aim of the research it to perceive the development of lyrical genre discourse in Serbian
twentieth-century literature. Based on the theoretical and analytical examination, changes
of lyrical generic discourse of Serbian avant-garde and neo-avant-garde poetry are
The concept of generic discourse is established in the first part of the examination along
with the overview of the most prominent genre theories and definition of lyrical concept.
Based on the contemporary genre theories, genre discourse is defined as dynamic historical
category actively participating in changes of the discourse of literature. Fundamental traits
of genre discourse are identified, and the acts leading to their transformation and
modulations are examined. Discourse of the lyrical genre is defined based on the
contemporary theories of the lyric, and as the opposite of the traditional lyrical genre.
The second part of the research is devoted to identification and explication of artist’s acts
that lead to modulations and transformation of Serbian twentieth-century poetry. Poets
whose work was examined, were part of the historical avant-garde and neo-avant-garde
poetic movements. Examining and analysing the usage of montage, collage, prose, and
visualisation within the generic repertoires, along with the topical inventions, and changes
of the form and meaning, inclusion and negation of the generic traits, the aim of the research
is to show that authors of both, historical avant-garde and neo-avant-garde, made significant
impact on Serbian twentieth-century poetry.
Based on literary theory and literary history, with comparative perspective, interpretation,
explication, and analysis of the examples, the examination is aligned with contemporary
genre theories and poststructuralists concepts applied in the research
Organizational culture and climate as the requirements of innovation in organizations
Organizational innovation is a popular field of study in various disciplines including business, economics, engineering, psychology, public administration and sociology because it is seen as a key concept of economic growth and new industries. It creates competitive advantage and impact of the company, contributing to organizational effectiveness and competitiveness. Organizational innovation is often defined by two similar and related concepts: creativity and change. Even though the literature on innovation is fruitful, there has been a lack of connection with its predecessor - the organizational creativity, as well as an apparent lack of scientific studies conducted in organizational context. In order to introduce organizational innovations, as a result of organizational changes, the duty of a leader is to persuade employees to accept risk, to motivate them. Furthemore, they have to gain their trust which is consistent with transformational leadership - a kind of leadership that aims to create a climate for innovation and has been recognized in literature as an important factor. Therefore, organizational culture and climate are preconditions for innovation within organizations in the same manner as risk-taking, experimentation, openness, trust and autonomy are part of the organizational support which provides the basis for innovation. That is the reason why organizational culture and climate promote creativity and innovation in companies and organizations
Uloga i osobine menadžera u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta
Introduction: Global markets and competition, fast changes, the explosion of information technology, integration processes in international relations are some of the initial factors for changes in health care organizations and their management. Management represents an evolving new generic function of all organizations of social significance across the world. Managers in the health sector have exceptionally complex roles that require new skills and methods. The objective of this study is to analyze in grater detail, explain and describe the role and necessary skills of a health care manager in the strategic transformation of health care management. The modern health care manager can get the best results by strengthening human resources and meeting employees' personal needs in accordance with the global and specific goals of the health care institution. The manager is at the same time a mentor and a facilitator, putting to best use the forementioned transformation strategies whilst expending the resources carefully, strengthening the collective efforts, involving employees in the decision-making process and motivating teamwork and collective problem-solving.Uvod: Globalna tržišta i kompeticija, brze promene, eksplozija informatičke tehnologije, integracioni procesi u međudržavnim odnosima samo su neki od faktora koji su inicirali nužnost promena i u zdravstvenim organizacijama i njihovom menadžmentu. Menadžment postaje nova generička funkcija svih organizacija od društvenog značaja širom sveta, koji ima izuzetno tešku ulogu da usaglasi kompleksne probleme kojima obiluje specifična delatnost zdravstvenih službi.U svetlu tih promena menja se i uloga kao i osobine i veštine menadžera u zdravstvu. Cilj ovog rada je da se jasnije opiše i sagleda uloga, potrebne veštine i metodi kojima se služe menadžeri u zdravstvu u strateškoj transformaciji zdravstvenog menadžmenta. Moderan zdravstveni menadžer postiže najbolje rezultate kroz ojačavanje ljudskih resursa i zadovoljenje individualnih potreba zaposlenih, a u skladu sa opštim i specifičnim ciljevima zdravstvene organizacije. Menadžer je u isto vreme i mentor i facilitator jer koristi maksimalno navedene strategije promena, a resurse oprezno uz učvršćivanje kolektivnih napora, uključivanje zaposlenih u odlučivanje, podsticanje timskog rada i grupnog rešavanja problema
This paper presents the degree of disturbance of the localities on the Nišava River, which are located near Bela Palanka and Niš (after the output of untreated water from city collectors). Quality assessment parameters were macroinvertebrates and microbial indicators of faecal pollution of water. The results show that there is a continuous pollution of the river, especially at the site near Niš, which imposes the need to build a wastewater treatment plant
Effects of selenium nanoparticles on pathogenic and probiotic food bacteria, and their influence on human intestinal cells
Selenium is an especially important element for the functioning of antioxidative enzymes, making it one of the essential micronutrients. Although selenium is required in extremely small amounts, often it is lacking from the organism. However, inorganic and organic sources of selenium are known to possess considerable toxicity. Recently, the nanoparticle form of selenium has been shown to exhibit lesser toxicity, and also better antimicrobial and other biological effects, than selenium-containing compounds. Nanotechnology has already found application in many fields, for improving material properties for various purposes, among them, in the process of improving food characteristics. It is possible that selenium nanoparticles can be applied as antimicrobial agents in food, and there has been growing interest in this area of research. We have synthesized selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) by chemical reduction method, using sodium selenite, ascorbic acid, and bovine serum albumin. The antimicrobial activity of these particles has been assessed by minimum inhibitory concentration assay and colony-forming units count, on Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica, which are common bacterial food contaminants. As intestinal microbiota, especially probiotic bacteria, have been shown to play important role in organism functioning, we also tested how SeNPs influence Lactobacillus rhamosus and Lactobacillus plantarum. To evaluate cytotoxicity, we used MTT assay on the human intestinal cell line (HT-29). Antioxidative properties were assessed by DPPH assay. SeNPs showed higher antibacterial activity on pathogenic bacteria than on probiotic strains. Cytotoxic effect was present only in the highest tested concentrations. The antioxidative activity was considerable, resulting in above 80% reduction of DPPH free radical, at 1 g/ml of SeNPs. Based on these results, SeNPs are a promising subject for further research in developing materials for food packaging or as antimicrobial selenium additives
Synthesis, characterization and toxicity studies of gelatin modified zinc oxide nanoparticles
Nanostructured zinc oxides are promising materials for numerous biomedical applications where they can serve as therapeutic agents or tools for sensing and imaging. Despite their favorable properties, wider use of zinc oxide nanoparticles in biomedicine is limited by toxicity issues. Therefore, new synthesis approaches should be devised to obtain zinc oxide nanoparticles which are safe-by-design. We present an innovative low-cost wet precipitation synthesis of gelatin modified zinc oxide nanoparticles at the gel/liquid interface. The diffusion of ammonia through the gelatin hydrogels of different porosities induces precipitation of the product in contact with the surface of the aqueous solution of zinc ions. After thermal treatment of the precipitate, adsorbed organic residues of decomposed gelatin act as modifiers of zinc oxide nanoparticles. We characterized the physicochemical properties of obtained gelatin modified zinc oxide nanoparticles by XRD, FTIR, DTA/TG, and SEM. The synthesized nanoparticles show hexagonal wurtzite structure and form flakelike aggregates. FTIR and DTA/TG analyses indicate that the thermal decomposition of adsorbed gelatin depends on the gelatin content of the hydrogel used in the synthesis. We also examined the viability of HepG2 cells, generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species, and genotoxicity using the MTS, DCFH-DA, and alkaline comet assay, respectively. Fabricated gelatin modified zinc oxide nanoparticles show very low toxicity potential at doses relevant for human exposure
Lowering unemployment through entrepreneurship: Global challenges and experience from Serbia
The unemployment rate is an exceedingly important indicator of the state of the economy and society. A high rate of unemployment demonstrates a low level of economic activity in the country, insufficient utilization of human resources, and a lower average quality of life in the country. The paper aims to examine the role and significance of entrepreneurial activity in reducing the unemployment problem in the Republic of Serbia with a specific focus on youth unemployment. The current situation including obstacles and motives of young people in the field of entrepreneurship will be examined with a focus on entrepreneurial education. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge and theory building in youth empowerment and entrepreneurship development
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