2 research outputs found

    Uticaj nivoa dobrobiti i stresnih faktora na krvne parametre kod krava tokom laktacije

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in the value of certain blood parameters in cows in the function of the level of fulfillment of the criteria and the presence of certain indicators of well-being on the farm. Cows in which the farms are not fully satisfied with the principles of the welfare of the metabolic status that indicates that they are significant stress load (the higher the concentration of cortisol), take small amounts of food (lower concentrations of glucose, urea calcium) and spend their own reserves to overcome external factors (higher value of NEFA and BHB) and the maintenance of homeostasis. The metabolic status of cows depends largely on the degree of satisfaction of the principle of the welfare and the presence of indicators of stress and can be a quality indicator in assessing the stress load of cows.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita da li postoji razlika u vrednosti pojedinih krvnih parametara kod krava u funkciji nivoa ispunjenosti kriterijuma i prisustva određenih indikatora dobrobiti na farmama. Krave kod kojih na farmama nisu u dovoljnoj meri zadovoljeni principi dobrobiti imaju metabolički status koji pokazuje da su one značajnije stresno opterećenje (viÅ”a koncentracija kortizola), uzimaju manje količine hrane (niža koncentracija glukoze, uree u kalcijuma) i troÅ”e sopstvene rezerve za savladavanje spoljaÅ”njih faktora (viÅ”a vrednost NEFA i BHB) i održavanje homeostaze. Metabolički status krava u mnogome zavisi od stepena zadovoljenja principa dobrobiti i prisustva indikatora stresa i može biti kvalitetan indikator u proceni stresne opterećenosti krava

    Energetski status krava sa različitim nivoom reproduktivne efikasnosti

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    Financial efficiency of dairy farms depends on the reproductive efficiency of cows on these farms. Reproductive efficiency of cows on farms depends on the occurrence of postpartum ovarian activity and the visible oestrus. Cows are in negative energy balance in early lactation. We hypothesized that negative energy balance adversely affects the onset of postpartum ovarian activity and occurrence of visible estrus. The pupils were 2 groups of cows: on the basis of ovarian activity (cows that showed ovarian activity until 30 days after parturition, and cows that ovarian activity showed later) and on the basis of visible postpartum estrus (cows that have shown a clinically visible oestrus to 70 days after parturition, and cows that were first estrus shown later). Performed to investigate the parameters of the metabolic profile in the first, fourth and eighth week after parturition. Cows with higher quality reproductive efficiency have lower concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and ketones, and higher glucose concentration. These results confirm that postpartum reproductive efficiency depends on the energy status of cows. Number of days to starst of ovarial activity and days to firs visible oestrus negatively corelated with glucose concentration and positively with value of NEFA and BHB.Reproduktivna efikasnost krava na farmama zavisi od nastanka postpartalne ovarijalne aktivnosti i pojave vidljivih estrusa. Krave se nalaze u negativnom energetskom bilansu u početku laktacije. Predpostavili smo da negativni energetski bilans negativno utiče na nastanak postpartalne ovarijane aktivnosti i nastanka vidljivog estrusa. Formirane su 2 grupe krava: na osnovu ovarijalne aktivnosti (krave koje pokazuju ovarijalnu aktivnost do 30. dana posle partusa i krave koje su ovarijalnu aktivnost pokazale kasnije) i na osnovu vidljivog postpartalnog estrusa (krave koje su pokazale klinički vidljiv estrus do 70. dana posle partusa i krave koje su prvi estrus pokazale kasnije). VrÅ”eno je ispitivanje parametara metaboličkog profila u prvoj, četvrtoj i osmoj nedelji posle partusa. Krave sa kvalitetnijom reproduktivnom efikasnoŔću imaju nižu koncentraciju neesterifikovanih masnih kiselina i ketona i viÅ”u koncentaciju glukoze u prvoj i četvrtoj nedelji posle teljenja. Nađena je pozitivna korelacija između vrednosti NEFA i BHB, a negativna korelacija glukoze i momenta kada je započela ovarijalna aktivnost, odnosno kada je uočen prvi klinički vidljiv estru