2 research outputs found

    A possible Mesoarchaean impact structure at Setlagole, North West Province, South Africa : aeromagnetic and field evidence

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    A 25 to 30 km wide magnetic anomaly within the >2.79 Ga granite-greenstone rocks of the northwestern Kaapvaal Craton is spatially associated with megabreccia outcrops near the village of Setlagole in the North West Province, South Africa. The breccia comprises angular to rounded ciasts of TTG gneisses, granites and granodiorites, with les.ser amounts of amphilxjlite, calc-silicate rock and banded iron-formation as well as unusual dark grey to black, irregular, centimetre- to decimetre-sized clasts that show evidence of fluidal behaviour and plastic deformation during incorporation into the breccia. The largest cla.sts reach up to several metres in size. Evidence of fluvial transport is found in rare thin sandy to gritty layers that show crude bedding and upward-fining with layers dipping gently to the northeast. The breccia matrix is highly variable but is dominated by angular mineral clasls (mainly quartz and feldspar, with subsidiary biotite, amphibole and epidote) with interstitial chlorite. The clasts show variable amounts of alteration (saussuritization, sericitization, chloritization of biotite and amphibole). The dark clasts contain angular quartz and feldspar and small biotite fragments in a cryptocrystalline chlorite-dominant matrix. Textures indicate a lower greenschist faciès metamorphic overprint. The absence of lava, dolomite or quartzite cla.sts suggests that the breccia formed prior to the deposition of the Neoarchaean Ventersdorp and Eoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroups, whereas the metamorphic grade indicates that it postdates the ca. 2.79 Ga amphibolite-facies metamorphic peak in the region. This suggests a late Mesoarchaean or early Neoarchaean (ca. 2.79 to 2.71 Ga) age for the breccia. A similar age is inferred for the magnetic anomaly based on postulated crosscutting dyke ages. Despite a comprehensive search, unequivocal shock-diagnostic microdeformation features have not yet Ixïen found in either the breccia or the highly-weathered granitic gneiss outcrops in the central parts of the anomaly. The unusual plastically-deformed dark clasts may represent chloritized mud clasts or impact melt clasts. Geochemical data on these clasts and other components of the megabreccia provide no conclusive support for a meteoritic origin, but the unparalleled comptjsition of the clasts and their high trace element abundances of Ni, Cr, V, Zn and Co relative to rocks of the Kraaipan granite-greenstone basement, sugge.sts an unusual origin for this matrix material. Given the distinctive nature of the breccia and its proximity to a large circular magnetic anomaly, it is postulated that the megabreccia could represent a mass or debris flow in a marine .setting triggered by an impact tsunami or resurge. Subsequent faulting may have led to the preferential preservation of these deposits. This interpretation of the Setlagole megabreccia and geophysical anomaly is evaluated in terms of other possible modes of origin and it is concluded that a meteoritic source best fits the available data

    Are earth sciences lagging behind in data integration methodologies?

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    This article reflects discussions German and South African Earth scientists, statisticians and risk analysts had on occasion of two bilateral workshops on Data Integration Technologies for Earth System Modelling and Resource Management. The workshops were held in October 2012 at Leipzig, Germany, and April 2013 at Pretoria, South Africa, and were attended by about 70 researchers, practitioners and data managers of both countries. Both events were arranged as part of the South African-German Year of Science 2012/2013. The South African National Research Foundation (NRF, UID 81579) has supported the two workshops as part of the South African--German Year of Science activities 2012/2013 established by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the South African Department of Science and Technology.http://link.springer.com/journal/12665hb201