8 research outputs found

    Extracting Excitations From Model State Entanglement

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    We extend the concept of entanglement spectrum from the geometrical to the particle bipartite partition. We apply this to several Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) wavefunctions on both sphere and torus geometries to show that this new type of entanglement spectra completely reveals the physics of bulk quasihole excitations. While this is easily understood when a local Hamiltonian for the model state exists, we show that the quasiholes wavefunctions are encoded within the model state even when such a Hamiltonian is not known. As a nontrivial example, we look at Jain's composite fermion states and obtain their quasiholes directly from the model state wavefunction. We reach similar conclusions for wavefunctions described by Jack polynomials.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, updated versio

    Real-Space Entanglement Spectrum of Quantum Hall States

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    We investigate the entanglement spectra arising from sharp real-space partitions of the system for quantum Hall states. These partitions differ from the previously utilized orbital and particle partitions and reveal complementary aspects of the physics of these topologically ordered systems. We show, by constructing one to one maps to the particle partition entanglement spectra, that the counting of the real-space entanglement spectra levels for different particle number sectors versus their angular momentum along the spatial partition boundary is equal to the counting of states for the system with a number of (unpinned) bulk quasiholes excitations corresponding to the same particle and flux numbers. This proves that, for an ideal model state described by a conformal field theory, the real-space entanglement spectra level counting is bounded by the counting of the conformal field theory edge modes. This bound is known to be saturated in the thermodynamic limit (and at finite sizes for certain states). Numerically analyzing several ideal model states, we find that the real-space entanglement spectra indeed display the edge modes dispersion relations expected from their corresponding conformal field theories. We also numerically find that the real-space entanglement spectra of Coulomb interaction ground states exhibit a series of branches, which we relate to the model state and (above an entanglement gap) to its quasiparticle-quasihole excitations. We also numerically compute the entanglement entropy for the nu=1 integer quantum Hall state with real-space partitions and compare against the analytic prediction. We find that the entanglement entropy indeed scales linearly with the boundary length for large enough systems, but that the attainable system sizes are still too small to provide a reliable extraction of the sub-leading topological entanglement entropy term.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor corrections and formatting change

    Series of Abelian and Non-Abelian States in C>1 Fractional Chern Insulators

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    We report the observation of a new series of Abelian and non-Abelian topological states in fractional Chern insulators (FCI). The states appear at bosonic filling nu= k/(C+1) (k, C integers) in several lattice models, in fractionally filled bands of Chern numbers C>=1 subject to on-site Hubbard interactions. We show strong evidence that the k=1 series is Abelian while the k>1 series is non-Abelian. The energy spectrum at both groundstate filling and upon the addition of quasiholes shows a low-lying manifold of states whose total degeneracy and counting matches, at the appropriate size, that of the Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) SU(C) (color) singlet k-clustered states (including Halperin, non-Abelian spin singlet states and their generalizations). The groundstate momenta are correctly predicted by the FQH to FCI lattice folding. However, the counting of FCI states also matches that of a spinless FQH series, preventing a clear identification just from the energy spectrum. The entanglement spectrum lends support to the identification of our states as SU(C) color-singlets but offers new anomalies in the counting for C>1, possibly related to dislocations that call for the development of new counting rules of these topological states.Comment: 12 pages with supplemental material, 20 figures, published versio

    Interacting bosons in topological optical flux lattices

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    An interesting route to the realization of topological Chern bands in ultracold atomic gases is through the use of optical flux lattices. These models differ from the tight-binding real-space lattice models of Chern insulators that are conventionally studied in solid-state contexts. Instead, they involve the coherent coupling of internal atomic (spin) states, and can be viewed as tight-binding models in reciprocal space. By changing the form of the coupling and the number NN of internal spin states, they give rise to Chern bands with controllable Chern number and with nearly flat energy dispersion. We investigate in detail how interactions between bosons occupying these bands can lead to the emergence of fractional quantum Hall states, such as the Laughlin and Moore-Read states. In order to test the experimental realization of these phases, we study their stability with respect to band dispersion and band mixing. We also probe novel topological phases that emerge in these systems when the Chern number is greater than 1.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Hierarchical structure in the orbital entanglement spectrum in Fractional Quantum Hall systems

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    We investigate the non-universal part of the orbital entanglement spectrum (OES) of the nu = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall effect (FQH) ground-state with Coulomb interactions. The non-universal part of the spectrum is the part that is missing in the Laughlin model state OES whose level counting is completely determined by its topological order. We find that the OES levels of the Coulomb interaction ground-state are organized in a hierarchical structure that mimic the excitation-energy structure of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian which has a Laughlin ground state. These structures can be accurately modeled using Jain's "composite fermion" quasihole-quasiparticle excitation wavefunctions. To emphasize the connection between the entanglement spectrum and the energy spectrum, we also consider the thermodynamical OES of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian at finite temperature. The observed good match between the thermodynamical OES and the Coulomb OES suggests a relation between the entanglement gap and the true energy gap.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    Entanglement entropy of integer Quantum Hall states in polygonal domains

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    The entanglement entropy of the integer Quantum Hall states satisfies the area law for smooth domains with a vanishing topological term. In this paper we consider polygonal domains for which the area law acquires a constant term that only depends on the angles of the vertices and we give a general expression for it. We study also the dependence of the entanglement spectrum on the geometry and give it a simple physical interpretation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure