450 research outputs found

    Construction And Demolition Debris Recovery And Recycling In Orange County, Fl

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    In 2008, the State of Florida established a recycling goal of 75% to be achieved by 2020. In response to the Florida goal Orange County (OC), Florida has made the development and implementation of an efficient strategy for landfill diversion of its solid waste a top priority. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) estimated that 23 % of municipal solid waste was generated by construction and demolition (C&D) activities in 2009, with only 30 percent of C&D debris being recycled. Therefore, OC decided to create a solid waste integrated resource plan (SWIRP) initially focused on the recovery and recycling of C&D materials (2010). For SWIRP development, OC decision makers need the best available data regarding C&D debris generation and composition and an understanding of the potential markets available for recycled materials. In this investigation debris generation was estimated over the period of 2001 to 2009 for the largest single governing body within OC, unincorporated OC (UOC), representing 65 percent of county population. The debris generation model was constructed for years 2001-2010 using area values for C&D activities in six sectors obtained from building permits and debris generation multipliers obtained from literature values. The benefit of the model is that as building permit information is received, debris generation estimations can also be expediently updated. Material composition fractions obtained from waste characterization studies of landfills in the Central Florida area were applied to the debris generation model resulting in a material iv composition for all sectors for years 2001-2010. The material composition of the debris stream was found to be, on average, concrete (53%) drywall (20%), wood (12%), a miscellaneous fraction (8%), asphalt roofing material (4%), metal (2%), cardboard (1%) and carpet and padding (1%). A market analysis was performed for concrete, drywall, wood, asphalt roofing shingles and residual screened materials (RSM). It was found that statewide, markets existed for 100 percent of the materials studied and could replace significant amounts of natural material feedstocks, but that the development of more local markets was vital to meeting OC’s diversion goal to minimize the cost of transporting recyclables

    Empirical study of the effect of offramp queues on freeway mainline traffic flow

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    The dissertation examines the relationship between the number of lane changes, the speed of the ramp lane, and the location upstream of the ramp split. Analyses indicate the number of lane changes exhibits a parabolic relationship with respect to the ramp lane speed, and the number of lane changes exhibits gamma-distributed relationship with respect to the distance upstream of the ramp. The macroscopic lane changing model presented is best characterized as the development of generalized lane-changing relationships, and provides a starting point from which more complex corridor-level models can be developed. This study also identifies an unusual car-following behavior exhibited by certain lane-changing drivers. When the target lane is moving slowly, some lane-changing drivers will slow down, causing a disruption in their initial lane. Regression analysis is used to estimate the speed upstream of the initial lane to indicate the disruption is responsible for the lateral propagation of congestion. The lane choice of exiting vehicles is also studied. Lane choice appears to be a function of origin/destination, and freeway speed. As speeds in the general purpose lanes decrease, exiting vehicles are more likely to wait longer to move into the exit ramp lanes, resulting in an increased lane changing density. Results from this study are expected to have the greatest impact on microscopic lane-change model validation. Additionally, results have implications for design and safety issues associated with freeway ramps. As data collection technologies improve and data becomes increasingly available, this research provides the basis for the further development of more elaborate lane-changing models.Ph.D

    The Lords of Discipline. The Penal Colony Guards of New Caledonia and Guyana

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    Given their remote location and great distance from France, guards in the penal colonies of New Caledonia and Guyana had immediate and total control over prison life. As such, they routinely engaged in the beating and torture of the bagnards, and even carried out public executions for those guilty of legal and disciplinary infractions while in their charge. Were these men simply sadistic brutes, willing instruments of state-sanctioned violence? This article examines the institutional life and culture of the penal colony guard in an attempt to answer this question. Despite rhetoric that emphasized militarism as a means to assure discipline and surveillance in the penal colonies, and a professional structure designed to fashion and instill a sense of pride and purpose, the guards, like the prisoners, were beyond the pale; a group somehow rejected by their peers. Even with the establishment of a complex set of procedures, guidelines, and a system of appointments, perquisites, and promotions, the corps never took on the air of a professional military service as a variety of obstacles – structural and individual –impeded its development as an effective disciplinary apparatus of the bagnes. The guard lived in an occupational netherworld in which he was neither soldier nor bureaucrat, but a turnkey loathed by administrators and prisoners alike.Du fait de leur situation isolĂ©e et de l’éloignement de la France, les gardiens des bagnes de Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie et de Guyane contrĂŽlaient directement et totalement la vie en dĂ©tention. Ils frappaient et torturaient couramment les bagnards et il leur arrivait d’exĂ©cuter publiquement ceux qui commettaient des infractions ou violaient la discipline de l’établissement. N’étaient-ils que des sadiques, des instruments consultants de la violence d’État? Cet article examine la vie et la culture institutionnelles des gardiens de bagne afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions. En dĂ©pit d’une thĂ©orique militariste destinĂ©e Ă  conforter la discipline et la surveillance des bagnes et une organisation conçue pour susciter fiertĂ© et sens du devoir, les gardiens Ă©taient, tout comme les dĂ©tenus, au banc de la sociĂ©tĂ©: c’était un groupe plus ou moins rejetĂ© par ses pairs. La mise en place d’un ensemble complexe de procĂ©dures et de directives, ainsi qu’un systĂšme de nominations, de gratifications et de promotions n’a pas suffi Ă  donner Ă  ce corps l’apparence d’une formation militaire professionnelle. En effet, une sĂ©rie d’obstacles – aussi bien structurels qu’individuels – l’ont empĂȘchĂ© de constituer un appareil disciplinaire efficace. Les gardiens vivaient dans une sorte d’entredeux professionnel, ni militaire, ni bureaucrate, mais simple geĂŽlier mĂ©prisĂ© autant par les administrateurs que par les dĂ©tenus

    Louis-JosĂ© Barbançon, L’archipel des forçats: Histoire du bagne de Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie, 1863-1931

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    In recent years there has been growing interest in the French overseas penal colonies. Scholars such as Matt Matsuda, Richard Price, Peter Redfield, and Alice Bullard have each published works—albeit from different methodological perspectives—that devote considerable attention to how these prison outposts illustrate issues such as historical memory, national identity, and colonial and post-colonial perspectives. To this already considerable bibliography, Louis-JosĂ© Barbançon adds his social h..

    Achievement of combined goals of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with three different statins: Results from VOYAGER

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    AbstractBackgroundGuidelines suggest that the combination of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) is the most clinically relevant goal for lipid-lowering treatments.MethodsData from VOYAGER, an individual patient data meta-analysis including 32,258 patients from 37 clinical trials, was used to determine the percentage of patients reaching combined goals of LDL-C and non-HDL-C following treatment with simvastatin, atorvastatin, or rosuvastatin. Paired comparisons were made between each dose of rosuvastatin and the same or higher doses of simvastatin and atorvastatin.ResultsEach dose of rosuvastatin brought significantly more patients to the combined goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL and non-HDL-C < 130 mg/dL than the same or double dose of atorvastatin; atorvastatin 80 mg was significantly superior to rosuvastatin 10 mg (all p < 0.001). Each dose of rosuvastatin helped significantly more patients reach the combined goal than any dose of simvastatin (all p < 0.001), except for rosuvastatin 10 mg versus simvastatin 80 mg (non-significant). Also, each dose of rosuvastatin helped significantly more patients to reach the combined goal of LDL-C < 70 mg/dL and non-HDL-C < 100 mg/dL than the same or double dose of atorvastatin (all p < 0.001). Every dose of rosuvastatin was significantly superior to all doses of simvastatin (all p ≀ 0.020), except for rosuvastatin 10 mg versus simvastatin 40 mg and 80 mg (non-significant).ConclusionsPhysicians' choice of statin and dose is important in helping patients achieve the combined LDL-C and non-HDL-C goals recommended in established guidelines

    Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Botulinum Neurotoxin Protease Domains

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    Botulinum neurotoxins are most potent of all toxins. Their N-terminal light chain domain (Lc) translocates into peripheral cholinergic neurons to exert its endoproteolytic action leading to muscle paralysis. Therapeutic development against these toxins is a major challenge due to their in vitro and in vivo structural differences. Although three-dimensional structures and reaction mechanisms are very similar, the seven serotypes designated A through G vastly vary in their intracellular catalytic stability. To investigate if protein phosphorylation could account for this difference, we employed Src-catalyzed tyrosine phosphorylation of the Lc of six serotypes namely LcA, LcB, LcC1, LcD, LcE, and LcG. Very little phosphorylation was observed with LcD and LcE but LcA, LcB, and LcG were maximally phosphorylated by Src. Phosphorylation of LcA, LcB, and LcG did not affect their secondary and tertiary structures and thermostability significantly. Phosphorylation of Y250 and Y251 made LcA resistant to autocatalysis and drastically reduced its kcat/Km for catalysis. A tyrosine residue present near the essential cysteine at the C-terminal tail of LcA, LcB, and LcG was readily phosphorylated in vitro. Inclusion of a competitive inhibitor protected Y426 of LcA from phosphorylation, shedding light on the role of the C-terminus in the enzyme’s substrate or product binding
