42 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of exclusion zones and soft-starts as mitigation strategies for minimizing acoustic impact from underwater noise sources

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    Several recent studies have suggested that cumulative Sound Exposure Level (SEL) is an important metric for assessment of the impact of exposure to anthropogenic sound sources by various marine receptors including marine mammals and fish. This metric allows the cumulative exposure of an animal to a sound field for an extended period to be assessed against a predefined impact criteria. Two widely used mitigation strategies used by both industrial and military users to reduce potential impact on marine receptors are exclusions zones (zones from source where received levels exceed a certain threshold), a source is either not started or stopped if receptors are detected within this zone and ā€˜soft-startsā€™ or ā€˜ramp-upsā€™ (lower energy levels at the commencement of a noise source allowing a receptor to move out of the area). This paper discusses the relative effectiveness of these methodologies in terms of a cumulative exposure impact criteria. Cumulative exposure examples are given including typical marine piling operations for wind-farm construction and sub-surface piling operations for various receptor models, including, static, fleeing and transiting animals

    The noise radiated by marine piling for the construction of offshore wind farms

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    The most commonly used method for the installation of offshore wind turbine foundations in the shallow coastal waters in the UK is pile driving. The construction technique consists of large steel piles being driven up to around 30 m into the seabed using powerful hydraulic hammers, in water depths up to around 25 to 30 m. It is a source of high-amplitude impulsive sound and has the potential for impact on marine life. Methodologies developed for the measurement of underwater sound radiated from marine piling, for the estimation of source level are described in this paper. Data are presented for piles of 5.2 m in diameter driven by hammers with typical strike energies of up to 1350 kJ. Data were recorded as a function of range from the source using vessel-deployed hydrophones, with the data then used to estimate the energy source level. In addition, fixed acoustic buoys were used to record the entire piling sequence, including soft-start period. The dependencies of the radiated noise on the physical parameters of the piling operation are discussed, along with limitations and knowledge gaps

    Temporal and spectral characteristics of a marine piling operation in shallow water

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    Analysis of the underwater radiate acoustic characteristics for marine piling operations for two pile diameters, 2m and 4.74m, in a relatively shallow water site are presented. Measurements of the entire piling sequence for several piles were conducted at ranges from 10m to 22km for piles in 10-20 m water depth. Variations in the temporal and spectral characteristics of radiated energy are analysed in context of pile size, range from source, hammer energy used and pile penetration depth. Analysis of hammer energy used shows a strong interdependence between mechanical strike ā€˜hammerā€™ energy and underwater radiated acoustic energy. This process appears ā€˜coarselyā€™ linear for individual piling operations although considerable variation in overall gradient were observed between operations. For individual hammer energy step increases often the largest increases in radiated energy were observed at the initial hammer energy increase, with subsequent strikes at the same hammer energy resulting in a gradual reduction in radiated energy to a level 1-2 dB lower. These effects are potentially due to sediment compacting / relaxation effects relating to the time and number of strikes and penetration. Temporal and spectral variations in radiated energy due to pile penetration are also examined for fixed hammer energy and range. Simultaneous recordings of radiated energy made at increasing distances from the pile showed evidence of temporal and spectral dispersion effects consistent with relatively shallow water propagation. Correlation of received levels at various ranges in differing seabed topographies were made suggesting complex shallow water modal propagation dependant on both the source and environment characteristics including seabed topography, sediment type and water column acoustic properties

    The measurement of the underwater radiated noise from a marine piling operation

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    Assessment of the underwater acoustic radiated noise during a marine piling operation was carried out in UK coastal waters in April 2006. A 2 m diameter, 65 m long test pile was driven into a "hard chalkā€Ÿ sediment. The pile was placed in an area of average water depth of 10-15 m approximately 3 km offshore

    Theoretical comparison of cumulative sound exposure estimates from jacket and tripod foundation construction

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    Foundation pile driving during offshore construction has led to increasing concerns regarding radiated noise and its effects on the marine fauna (receptors). In the case of many static offshore developments two commonly used foundation techniques are tripod-constructions involving installation of a series of smaller diameter piles surrounding a central structure and mono-piles using a single larger diameter pile. Pile installation itself may involve sequences of percussive piling at different hammer energies, vibro-piling (more rapid, lower level vibrations) and drilling. In some cases all three techniques are used on a single pile installation. The spectral characteristics, as well as duration and level of the total radiated energy from these techniques can vary significantly and may result in different Sound Exposure Levels (SEL) experienced by marine fauna. This paper theoretically explores the potential difference in total SEL for various receptor scenarios for each of these techniques using available source characteristics data. The total sound SELā€™s for each scenario are compared and model sensitivities identified

    What is the source level of pile-driving noise in water?

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    To meet the growing demand for carbon-free energy sources, the European Union (EU) has ambitious plans to increase its capacity for generation of offshore wind power. The United Kingdom and The Netherlands, for example, plan to increase their offshore power-generating capacity to 33 and 6 GW, respectively, by the year 2020. Assuming that this power is generated entirely by wind and that a single wind turbine can generate up to 10 MW, at least 3,900 offshore turbines would be required by these two states alone to achieve this goal. A popular turbine construction method known as ā€œpile drivingā€ involves the use of hammering a steel cylinder (a ā€œmonopileā€) into the seabed. A concern has arisen for the possible effect on mammals (Southall et al. 2007) and fish (Popper and Hastings 2009) of the sound produced by the succession of hammer impacts required to sink the pile to its required depth (tens of meters)

    Measurement and characterisation of radiated underwater sound from a 3.6 MW monopile wind turbine

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    This paper describes underwater sound pressure measurements obtained in close proximity (50 m) to two individual wind turbines, over a 21-day period, capturing the full range of turbine operating conditions. The sound radiated into the water was characterised by a number of tonal components, which are thought to primarily originate from the gearbox for the bandwidth measured. The main signal associated with the turbine operation had a mean-square sound pressure spectral density level which peaked at 126 dB re 1 lPa2 Hz 1 at 162 Hz. Other tonal components were also present, notably at frequencies between about 20 and 330 Hz, albeit at lower amplitudes. The measured sound characteristics, both in terms of frequency and amplitude, were shown to vary with wind speed. The sound pressure level increased with wind speed up to an average value of 128 dB re 1 lPa at a wind speed of about 10 ms 1, and then showed a general decrease. Overall, differences in the mean-square sound pressure spectral density level of over 20 dB were observed across the operational envelope of the turbine

    Theoretical determination of the long term contributions to ambient noise levels from offshore wind farm construction

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    Marine pile driving during offshore wind farm construction may increase the anthropogenic component of ocean ambient noise and has led to increasing concerns regarding its effects on the marine fauna (receptors)1. In the case of many static offshore developments two commonly used foundation techniques are tripod and jacket constructions involving installation of a series of smaller diameter piles surrounding a central structure and mono-piles using a single larger diameter pile. Pile installation itself may involve sequences of percussive piling at different hammer energies, vibro-piling (more rapid, lower level vibrations) and drilling. In some cases all three techniques are used on a single pile installation, with the construction phase lasting several hours for each pile, and with perhaps 50 - 100 turbine supports in a typical windfarm development

    A methodology for the measurement of radiated noise from marine piling

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    This paper describes a methodology that has been developed for measuring marine piling noise, which is designed to record the temporal, spatial and spectral characteristics of the radiated sound field. Results are presented for measurements of two pile diameters, 2m and 4.74m, in a shallow water site off the east coast of the UK. Measurements of the entire piling sequence for several piles were conducted at ranges from 10 m to 22 km for piles in 10-20 m water depth. To assess variations in the temporal, spatial and spectral characteristics, a number of recording systems were simultaneously deployed at various ranges and depths, allowing the full piling sequence to be measured. This allowed assessment of source level variation at fixed locations, and the effect of propagation within the water column