2,924 research outputs found

    A survey of the PEPA tools

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    This paper surveys the history and the current state of tool support for modelling with the PEPA stochastic process algebra and the PEPA nets modelling language. We discuss future directions for tool support for the PEPA family of languages.

    Compositional Approximate Markov Chain Aggregation for PEPA Models

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    Using eSkel to Implement the Multiple Baseline Stereo Application

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    We give an overview of the Edinburgh Skeleton Library eSkel, a structured parallel programming library which offers a range of skeletal parallel programming constructs to the C/MPI programmer. Then we illustrate the efficacy of such a high level approach through an application of multiple baseline stereo. We describe the application and show different ways to introduce parallelism using algorithmic skeletons. Some performance results will be reported

    Control Strategies for Endemic Childhood Scabies

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    Human scabies is a major global public health issue, with an estimated 300 million cases per year worldwide. Prevalence rates are particularly high in many third-world regions and within various indigenous communities in developed countries. Infestation with Sarcoptes Scabiei is associated with group-A streptococcal pyoderma which in turn predisposes to rheumatic fever, acute glomerulonephritis and their respective long-term sequelae: rheumatic heart disease and chronic renal insufficiency. The documented difficulties inherent in achieving scabies control within affected communities have motivated us to develop a network-dependent Monte-Carlo model of the scabies contagion, with the dual aims of gaining insight into its dynamics, and in determining the effects of various treatment strategies. Here we show that scabies burden is adversely affected by increases in average network degree, prominent network clustering, and by a person-to-person transmissibility of greater magnitude. We demonstrate that creating a community-specific model allows for the determination of an effective treatment protocol that can satisfy any pre-defined target prevalence. We find frequent low-density treatment protocols are inherently advantageous in comparison with infrequent mass screening and treatment regimes: prevalence rates are lower when compared with protocols that administer the same number of treatments over a given time interval less frequently, and frequent low-density treatment protocols have economic, practical and public acceptance advantages that may facilitate their long-term implementation. This work demonstrates the importance of stochasticity, community structure and the heterogeneity of individuals in influencing the dynamics of the human scabies contagion, and provides a practical method for investigating the outcomes of various intervention strategies

    Design and Development of Software Tools for Bio-PEPA

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    This paper surveys the design of software tools for the Bio-PEPA process algebra. Bio-PEPA is a high-level language for modelling biological systems such as metabolic pathways and other biochemical reaction networks. Through providing tools for this modelling language we hope to allow easier use of a range of simulators and model-checkers thereby freeing the modeller from the responsibility of developing a custom simulator for the problem of interest. Further, by providing mappings to a range of different analysis tools the Bio-PEPA language allows modellers to compare analysis results which have been computed using independent numerical analysers, which enhances the reliability and robustness of the results computed.

    Emerging Market Currency Excess Returns

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    We discuss the foreign currency forward premium puzzle in the context of 20 internationally tradable emerging market currencies. We find that since the late 1990s the broad basket of emerging market currencies has provided significant equity-like excess returns against a number of major market currencies, but with low volatility. We also find that the forward premium, or carry, is significant in explaining that excess return but that excess returns would still have existed even in the absence of positive carry. Our calculation shows that transactions cost due to bid/offer spreads is substantially lower than commonly supposed in the academic literature.

    A Quantum Yield Map for Synthetic Eumelanin

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    The quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin is known to be extremely low and it has recently been reported to be dependent on excitation wavelength. In this paper, we present quantum yield as a function of excitation wavelength between 250 and 500 nm, showing it to be a factor of 4 higher at 250 nm than at 500 nm. In addition, we present a definitive map of the steady-state fluorescence as a function of excitation and emission wavelengths, and significantly, a three-dimensional map of the specific quantum yield: the fraction of photons absorbed at each wavelength that are subsequently radiated at each emission wavelength. This map contains clear features, which we attribute to certain structural models, and shows that radiative emission and specific quantum yield are negligible at emission wavelengths outside the range of 585 and 385 nm (2.2 and 3.2 eV), regardless of excitation wavelength. This information is important in the context of understanding melanin biofunctionality, and the quantum molecular biophysics therein.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure