4 research outputs found

    Ground-level ozone in eastern North America : its formation and transport

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    Ozone (Os), a natural component of the troposphere, is augmented by photochemical processes involving manmade emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Sufficiently high concentrations of ozone are detrimental to the respiratory system. Ozone exposure also reduces crop yields and damages forests. This study attempts to explain the underlying factors which contribute to observed ozone levels.Long range transport models of three species - NOx, VOCs and ozone - are developed for eastern North America. The seasonally averaged models include the essential physical and chemical processes in a relatively simple framework. NOx and VOCs are treated as primary species, i.e., they are modeled from their introduction into the atmosphere to their point of removal. Detailed emission inventories serve as input to the precursor models. Ozone is considered a secondary species because it is not directly emitted. Rather, its production is assumed to be a function of ambient NO, and VOCs levels.Measured concentrations, available for NO 2 and ozone, are compared with model predictions and aid in determining adjustable model parameters. Predicted NOx concentrations are consistent with rural observations but underestimate sites influenced by nearby sources at which the long range assumptions break down. Local models which properly treat proximate sources account for the discrepancy. The VOCs model, having no measurements for verification, adopts parameters consistent with the NOx model and known chemical properties. Both biogenic and manmade emissions contribute to ambient VOCs levels. Biogenic emissions are found to be more important over most of ENA; anthropogenic sources of VOCs are dominant only in urban areas.Consistent with empirical patterns, the ozone model predicts small regional gradients and hence a limited dependence on NOx and VOCs precursors. The natural background component is determined to be two-thirds of average ozone levels. Regional transport is significant; ozone lifetimes are estimated to be of the order of a day. The high background level and insensitivity to precursors suggests that significant reductions of average ozone concentrations will be difficult to achieve

    Use of source apportionment model for designing acid deposition mitigating strategies in Massachusetts

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    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts promulgated an Act limiting S2 emissions from large sources that burn fuel at a rate greater than or equal to 100 million Btu (MBtu) of fuel input per hour. The Act requires that by 1995 the average emission rate at such facilities be less than or equal to 1.2 lb SO2 per MBtu fuel input. Because of their size, almost all power plants in Massachusetts could be subject to emission reductions. Since the average 1980-1982 annual emission rate of Massachusetts power plants was 1.84 lb S02/MBtu ("base case"), the Act requires the annual average emission rate of power plants to diminish by 35%. We use a source apportionment model to estimate the wet sulfate deposition to typical sensitive Massachusetts receptors from Massachusetts power plants, separately for the summer (April-September) and winter (October-March) half-years. We find that the summer wet deposition is about twice the winter deposition, although summer and winter SO2 emissions are approximately equal. Therefore, to reduce sulfate deposition, t is more effective to reduce emissions in the summer months rather than in winter. Using the seasonal source apportionment model we find that an annual wet deposition reduction equal to that resulting from the Act could be accomplished if only summer emission rates were reduced to 0.86 lb SO /MBtu, with winter emission rates remaining at 1.84 lb S02/MBtu. The resulging annual average emission rate is 1.35 lb SO /MBtu, 27% less than the base value. As 1980-1982 average annual emissions rom power plants amounted to 270,000 tons of SO annually, a summer emission control program would save about 21,000 tons of S emission reduction without sacrificing wet deposition protection. Te summer emission reduction could be acomplished by substituting lower sulfur content fuels, including natural gas, for higher sulfur content fuels.New England Power Company under the Electric Utility Program at the Energy Laborator