130 research outputs found

    Interspecific gene flow and ecological selection in a pine (Pinus sp.) contact zone

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    Nucleotide polymorphisms in a set of nuclear genes were studied in a sympatric population of pines Pinus mugo and Pinus sylvestris that includes trees classified as pure species and polycormic (multi-stemmed)individuals of potentially hybrid origin. Patterns of genetic diversity were compared between those groups of samples and to the reference allopatric populations of the species in Europe. Polymorphisms at the gene loci clearly distinguished pure parental species as measured by conventional frequency-based statistics and Bayesian assignment of samples into separate genetic clusters. Most individuals classified based on phenotypic assessments as putative hybrids were genetically very similar to P. mugo showing no existing average net divergence and genetic assignment to the same genetic cluster. On the other hand, individuals of P. sylvestris showed homogenous genetic background to the reference populations of the species from Central and Northern Europe. Ten individuals of admixed genetic composition were found in all three groups of samples; however, the majority of hybrids except one individual were identified across the samples classified as P. mugo and polycormic pines. Those trees that contained a mixture of nuclear gene haplotypes observed in the reference populations of pure species and cpDNA from P. mugo, most likely represent the first generation of hybrids. Analysis of the allelic frequency spectra and compound neutrality tests identified deviations from neutrality at several genes. This contact zone seems suitable for selection of a mapping population both in hybrid and parental species for admixture mapping to effectively search for polymorphisms that may play role in species adaptive variation and speciation

    Among population differentiation at nuclear genes in native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Scotland

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    In the Scottish Highlands, Scots pine is at the north-western extreme of its wide natural distribution. Here, the remaining native populations are patchily distributed in highly variable environments, from the more continental, drier eastern Highlands to the milder, wetter Atlantic Ocean coast. As these pinewoods are the remnants of a naturally established forest, they form a valuable system for analysis of genetic and adaptive variation in heterogeneous environments. Using samples from across the Scottish population, we analysed data from nuclear and mitochondrial genes to assess patterns of within and between population genetic variation. Within population diversity levels were high, and significant genetic differentiation among pairs of Scottish populations at relatively small spatial scales was present at several nuclear loci. At these loci, no differentiation had been found among continental populations, even those separated by large geographic distances. Overall, no clear clustering of Scottish samples was found in population structure analysis suggesting that geographically distant populations with high intra-population nucleotide diversity are not strongly isolated and diverged from each other. Scottish populations lacked a mitotype that is widespread in eastern and north-eastern Europe, indicating that pines from that area may not have participated in the most recent colonisation of the British Isles

    Rangewide ploidy variation and evolution in Acacia senegal: a north-south divide?

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    Knowledge of rangewide variation in DNA content and ploidy level may be valuable in understanding the evolutionary history of a species. Recent studies of Acacia senegal report diploids and occasional tetraploids in the Sudano-Sahelian region of sub-Saharan Africa, but nothing is known about the overall extent of DNA ploidy variation within the species. In this study, we determine the DNA content and ploidy level of A. senegal across its native range, and explore whether the variation is related to its evolutionary and colonization history. We used propidium iodide flow cytometry (FCM) to estimate DNA content (2C value) and infer ploidy in 157 individuals from 54 populations on various tissues, using seeds, fresh leaves, dried leaves and twigs and herbarium specimens. The mean 2C DNA (pg ± s.d.) contents detected were 1.47 ± 0.09, 2.12 ± 0.02, 2.89 ± 0.12, and a single individual with 4.51 pg, corresponding to a polyploid series of diploid, triploid, tetraploid and hexaploid individuals. Diploids were confirmed by chromosome counts (2n = 2x = 26). Most populations (90.7 %) were of single ploidy level, while mixed ploidy populations (9.3 %) comprising mostly diploids (2x+3x, 2x+4x and 2x+6x) were restricted to the Sudano-Sahelian and Indian subcontinent regions, its northern range. The species is predominantly diploid, and no mixed ploidy populations were detected in east and southern Africa, its southern range. The geographic pattern of ploidy variation in conjunction with existing phylogeographic and phylogenetic data of the species suggests that polyploids have occurred multiple times in its evolutionary and recent colonization history, including contemporary ecological timescales. The successful use of external tissues of dried twigs in FCM is new, and presents the opportunity to study numerous other dryland woody species

    Using modelling to investigate the effectiveness of national surveillance monitoring aimed at detecting a Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in Scotland

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    Xylella fastidiosa is an important bacterial plant pathogen with a wide host range, causing significant economic impact in the agricultural and horticultural trades. Once restricted to the Americas, new severe outbreaks have recently been discovered in Italy, Spain and France, and to a lesser extent in other countries. Given the ever increasing global plant trade, the likelihood of this potentially devastating plant disease being introduced to novel locations, such as Scotland, is also increasing. Therefore, understanding the potential spread in novel locations is important for accurate risk assessment and mitigation strategies. The Scottish Plant Health Centre requested a preliminary exploration of this potential threat in a Scottish context, with a view of informing contingency planning, which we address here

    Heritable genetic variation but no local adaptation in a pine-ectomycorrhizal interaction

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    Local adaptation of plants to mycorrhizal fungi helps determine the outcome of mycorrhizal interactions. However, there is comparatively little work exploring the potential for evolution in interactions with ectomycorrhizal fungi, and fewer studies have explored the heritability of mycorrhizal responsiveness, which is required for local adaptation to occur. We set up a reciprocal inoculation experiment using seedlings and soil from four populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from Scotland, measuring seedling response to mycorrhizal inoculation after 4 months. We estimated heritability for the response traits and tested for genotype × environment interactions. While we found that ectomycorrhizal responsiveness was highly heritable, we found no evidence that pine populations were locally adapted to fungal communities. Instead, we found a complex suite of interactions between pine population and soil inoculum. Our results suggest that, while Scots pine has the potential to evolve in response to mycorrhizal fungi, evolution in Scotland has not resulted in local adaptation. Long generation times and potential for rapid shifts in fungal communities in response to environmental change may preclude the opportunity for such adaptation in this species, and selection for other factors such as resistance to fungal pathogens may explain the pattern of interactions found

    Development of a single nucleotide polymorphism array for population genomic studies in four European pine species

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    Pines are some of the most ecologically and economically important tree species in the world, and many have enormous natural distributions or have been extensively planted. However, a lack of rapid genotyping capability is hampering progress in understanding the molecular basis of genetic variation in these species. Here, we deliver an efficient tool for genotyping thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers across the genome that can be applied to genetic studies in pines. Polymorphisms from resequenced candidate genes and transcriptome sequences of P. sylvestris, P. mugo, P. uncinata, P. uliginosa and P. radiata were used to design a 49,829 SNP array (Axiom_PineGAP, Thermo Fisher). Over a third (34.68%) of the unigenes identified from the P. sylvestris transcriptome were represented on the array, which was used to screen samples of four pine species. The conversion rate for the array on all samples was 42% (N = 20,795 SNPs) and was similar for SNPs sourced from resequenced candidate gene and transcriptome sequences. The broad representation of gene ontology terms by unigenes containing converted SNPs reflected their coverage across the full transcriptome. Over a quarter of successfully converted SNPs were polymorphic among all species, and the data were successful in discriminating among the species and some individual populations. The SNP array provides a valuable new tool to advance genetic studies in these species and demonstrates the effectiveness of the technology for rapid genotyping in species with large and complex genomes

    Hybridization in contact zone between temperate European pine species

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    Hybridization studies are important to advance our understanding of the interspecific gene flow and its evolutionary consequences in closely related species. Hybridization and admixture patterns were assessed in a contact zone and reference populations of European pine species using sequence data from 26 nuclear genes and a species-diagnostic cpDNA marker. Reference populations formed three distinct genetic clusters comprising Pinus sylvestris, Pinus mugo/Pinus uliginosa, and Pinus uncinata. Evidence of population structure was found only in P. uliginosa. Based on phenotypic characteristics and molecular data, we identified five groups of individuals in the contact zone in Poland, comprising forms of the parental species and intermediates that were most probably the result of interspecific crosses. A combination of nuclear gene sequence data and a diagnostic organelle marker were used to show that hybridization is frequent in the contact zone and results in hybrid trees with distinct phenotypic identity. The influence of selection in maintaining hybrid phenotypes in environments unsuited to parental species was inferred from nucleotide polymorphism data. A lack of admixture in reference populations suggests that hybridization has not occurred during post-glacial migration and so the contact zone represents a distinct, active example of ongoing evolution. Pine populations in this zone will be a valuable system for studying the genetic basis of hybrid advantage in environmental conditions untypical of pure parental species

    Identifying and testing marker–trait associations for growth and phenology in three pine species:Implications for genomic prediction

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    In tree species, genomic prediction offers the potential to forecast mature trait values in early growth stages, if robust marker-trait associations can be identified. Here we apply a novel multispecies approach using genotypes from a new genotyping array, based on 20,795 SNPs from three closely related pine species (Pinus sylvestris, Pinus uncinata and Pinus mugo), to test for associations with growth and phenology data from a common garden study. Predictive models constructed using significantly associated SNPs were then tested and applied to an independent multisite field trial of P. sylvestris and the capability to predict trait values was evaluated. One hundred and eighteen SNPs showed significant associations with the traits in the pine species. Common SNPs (MAF > 0.05) associated with bud set were only found in genes putatively involved in growth and development, whereas those associated with growth and budburst were also located in genes putatively involved in response to environment and, to a lesser extent, reproduction. At one of the two independent sites, the model we developed produced highly significant correlations between predicted values and observed height data (YA, height 2020: r = 0.376, p < 0.001). Predicted values estimated with our budburst model were weakly but positively correlated with duration of budburst at one of the sites (GS, 2015: r = 0.204, p = 0.034; 2018: r = 0.205, p = 0.034-0.037) and negatively associated with budburst timing at the other (YA: r = -0.202, p = 0.046). Genomic prediction resulted in the selection of sets of trees whose mean height was taller than the average for each site. Our results provide tentative support for the capability of prediction models to forecast trait values in trees, while highlighting the need for caution in applying them to trees grown in different environments

    Spring phenology shows genetic variation among and within populations in seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Scottish Highlands

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    Background: Genetic differentiation in phenotypic traits is often observed among forest tree populations, but less is known about patterns of adaptive variation within populations. Such variation is expected to enhance the survival likelihood of extant populations under climate change. Aims: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) occurs over a spatially and temporally heterogeneous landscape in Scotland. Our goal was to examine whether populations had differentiated genetically in timing of bud flush in response to spatial heterogeneity and whether variation was also maintained within populations. Methods: Two common-garden studies, involving maternal families of seedlings from 21 native pinewoods, were established and variation in the trait was measured at the beginning of the second growing season. Results: Populations showed genetic differences in the trait correlated with the length of growing season at their site of origin, but the majority of variation was observed within populations. Populations also differed in their levels of variation in the trait; a pattern that may be influenced by spatial variation in the extent of temporal climate variability. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that populations have adapted to their home environments and that they also have substantial ability to adapt in situ to changes in growing season length

    Pilot study to find potential new sites for genetic conservation units for native trees in Scotland

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    Gene Conservation Units (GCUs) are a Europe-wide network of sites recognised for their protection of genetic diversity and natural processes in forest trees. The first GCU in the UK was declared for Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve (NNR), Wester Ross in 2019. There are now five GCUs in Scotland, representing four species of tree (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula, Quercus petraea and Sorbus aucuparia). This report proposes a further 98 GCUs, adding seven species. These proposed GCUs are on sites owned and managed by a range of public, private and non-governmental organisations. It is a core principle of the GCU process that sites are put forward by their owners. The GCU is a recognition of sound sustainable management of genetic diversity, and is compatible with commercial land use