7 research outputs found
Alternatives When Coronary Sinus Pacing Is Not Possible
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Acute and Semiacute Management of Cardiac Arrest
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Safety of Combined Thrombolysis and â-Adrenergic Blockade in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American College of Chest Physicians'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Short-term variability of ventricular arrhythmia and rapid assessment of drug efficacy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities
- Author
- A. Marc Gillinov
- Abraham
- Akikusa
- Al-Ahmad
- Alexander
- Almquist
- Alt
- Alter
- Altschuler
- Amin
- Ammirati
- Anand
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Andrew E. Epstein
- Antman
- Antzelevitch
- Assar
- Attuel
- Baker
- Ballas
- Banks
- Bansch
- Bar-Cohen
- Bardy
- Barold
- Barold
- Barold
- Beder
- Begley
- Behar
- Beller
- Benditt
- Benson
- Berger
- Bernstein
- Bernstein
- Bertolet
- Beshai
- Bigger
- Blanc
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Brecker
- Brembilla-Perrot
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brilakis
- Bristow
- Brodsky
- Brugada
- Brugada
- Brugada
- Buxton
- Carlson
- Carlson
- Cazeau
- Cecchi
- Celiker
- Charles
- Chatrath
- Cheng
- Chin
- Choi
- Chokshi
- Cleland
- Clemmensen
- Click
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Col
- Colan
- Connelly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Corrado
- Corrado
- Crossley
- Curtis
- Daubert
- Daubert
- Daubert
- David L. Hayes
- Day
- de Cock
- Den
- Denes
- DePasquale
- DeRose
- Desai
- Dewey
- Dhingra
- Dhingra
- Dhingra
- DiBiase
- Domanski
- Domenighetti
- Donmoyer
- Donoso
- Dorostkar
- Dorostkar
- Doshi
- Doughan
- Doval
- Dreifus
- Dubin
- Dubois
- Duke
- Ector
- Edhag
- Eisenberg
- Eldar
- Eldar
- Ellenbogen
- Elliott
- Englund
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Erwin
- Evans
- Exner
- Ezekowitz
- Ezri
- Fananapazir
- Fananapazir
- Farmer
- Faust
- Ferrer
- Fetter
- Fisch
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fleischmann
- Fogoros
- Fonarow
- Fraser
- Friedberg
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Gabor
- Gabriel Gregoratos
- Gadboys
- Gallagher
- Gammage
- Garcia-Moran
- Garrigue
- Garson
- Garson
- Gasparini
- Gelatt
- Germano
- Ghai
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Ginks
- Glikson
- Goel
- Gold
- Goldberg
- Goldenberg
- Goldstein
- Gostin
- Gould
- Graham
- Gregoratos
- Gregoratos
- Grimm
- Grimm
- Grimm
- Grinstead
- Groh
- Gross
- Grubb
- Grubb
- Gunderson
- Gunderson
- Gupta
- Guttigoli
- Hamilton
- Hammill
- Harthorne
- Hauptman
- Hauser
- Hauser
- Hayes
- Hayes
- Healey
- Healey
- Heinz
- Hermida
- Hermida
- Herre
- Hindman
- Hiromasa
- Hlatky
- Hobbs
- Hodgkinson
- Hohnloser
- Huang
- Hulot
- Hunt
- Ichida
- Ikeda
- Irvine
- Israel
- Jaeggi
- James
- James
- Jansens
- Jeanrenaud
- Jenni
- Johansson
- John P. DiMarco
- Josephson
- Josephson
- Juma
- Jung
- Kadish
- Kadish
- Kammeraad
- Kanzaki
- Kappenberger
- Karamlou
- Karpawich
- Kass
- Kastor
- Katritsis
- Kay
- Kay
- Kelly
- Kenneth A. Ellenbogen
- Kenny
- Kerr
- Khairy
- Khairy
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kindermann
- Klein
- Knight
- Knight
- Koos
- Koplan
- Koplan
- Kothari
- Kozak
- Krahn
- Krahn
- Krongrad
- Kuck
- Kulbertus
- Kupersmith
- Kusumoto
- Kyriakidis
- L. Kristin Newby
- Lahat
- Laitinen
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Langberg
- Larsen
- Larsen
- Lau
- Lawrenz
- Lazarus
- Leclercq
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Leenhardt
- LeLorier
- Leon
- Leonard S. Gettes
- Levine
- Levine
- Levine
- Levy
- Lewis
- Liberthson
- Lie
- Lillehei
- Linde
- Linde-Edelstam
- Lindenfeld
- Link
- Love
- Luderitz
- Lynne Warner Stevenson
- Madan
- Mair
- Maisel
- Makati
- Maki
- Mangrum
- Marian
- Mark
- Mark A. Hlatky
- Mark H. Schoenfeld
- Marks
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Martin
- Maurer
- Mavroudis
- McAlister
- McAnulty
- McAnulty
- McDonald
- McKenna
- Menozzi
- Meytes
- Michael J. Silka
- Michael O. Sweeney
- Michaelsson
- Michaelsson
- Mirowski
- Mizuno
- Moak
- Monnig
- Montero
- Morady
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Mozaffarian
- Mueller
- Mushlin
- Mymin
- N.A. Mark Estes
- Naccarelli
- Naccarelli
- Naccarelli
- Nahlawi
- Namerow
- Nanthakumar
- Navia
- Newman
- Nicod
- Nielsen
- Nielsen
- Nielsen
- Nishimura
- Nishimura
- Nishimura
- Nugent
- O'Brien
- Occhetta
- Oechslin
- Oechslin
- Olshansky
- Owens
- Owens
- Payne
- Perloff
- Peters
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petrina
- Pezawas
- Pezawas
- Pfammatter
- Pignatelli
- Pinsky
- Powell
- Prinzen
- Priori
- Priori
- Priori
- Priori
- Probst
- Ranganathan
- Rankovic
- Rashba
- Rasmussen
- Reiffel
- Rhodes
- Richard L. Page
- Rinfret
- Rishi
- Ritter
- Ritter
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roger A. Freedman
- Roguin
- Rosenqvist
- Rosenqvist
- Rubenstein
- Russo
- Saad
- Sachweh
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sarkozy
- Schaumann
- Scheinman
- Scheinman
- Scheinman
- Schimpf
- Schoenfeld
- Schoenfeld
- Schoenfeld
- Schron
- Schwartz
- Scott
- Scott
- Sears
- Sears
- Sears
- Sears
- Senges-Becker
- Setoguchi
- Shaddy
- Shah
- Shah
- Shalaby
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Sheldon
- Shohat-Zabarski
- Sholler
- Siebels
- Silka
- Silka
- Silka
- Silvetti
- Simantirakis
- Simon
- Singh
- Sinha
- Solti
- Spirito
- Spurrell
- Sra
- Steinberg
- Stellbrink
- Stephen C. Hammill
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Strasberg
- Strickberger
- Sugrue
- Sulke
- Sutton
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Swerdlow
- Syed
- Symanski
- Takagi
- Talan
- Tamburro
- Tantengco
- Tavernier
- Thambo
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Toff
- Triedman
- Trippel
- Tse
- Twidale
- Unterberg
- Valls-Bertault
- Vanderheyden
- Villain
- Villain
- Viskin
- Viskin
- Vlay
- Vogt
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Ward
- Wathen
- Wathen
- Weindling
- Weiss
- Wever
- Wichter
- Wichter
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- Williams
- Winters
- Wyman
- Yasukawa
- Yu
- Zareba
- Zareba
- Zeltser
- Zimetbaum
- Zimetbaum
- Zipes
- Zipes
- Zipes
- Zwanziger
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
2012 ACCF/AHA/HRS Focused Update Incorporated Into the ACCF/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities
- Author
- Abraham
- Abraham
- Abraham
- Adelstein
- Adelstein
- Akikusa
- Al-Ahmad
- Alexander
- Almquist
- Alt
- Alter
- Altschuler
- Amin
- Amin
- Amit J. Shanker
- Ammirati
- Anand
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Andrew E. Epstein
- Antzelevitch
- Ariga
- Assar
- Attuel
- Baker
- Ballas
- Banks
- Bansch
- Bar-Cohen
- Bardy
- Barold
- Barold
- Barold
- Barsheshet
- Beder
- Begley
- Behar
- Beller
- Benditt
- Benson
- Berger
- Bernstein
- Bernstein
- Bertolet
- Beshai
- Beshai
- Bigger
- Bilchick
- Blanc
- Blanc
- Bleeker
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Brecker
- Brembilla-Perrot
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brignole
- Brilakis
- Bristow
- Bristow
- Brodsky
- Brugada
- Brugada
- Brugada
- Buxton
- Carlson
- Carlson
- Cazeau
- Cazeau
- Cecchi
- Celiker
- Charles
- Chatrath
- Cheng
- Chin
- Choi
- Chokshi
- Cleland
- Cleland
- Clemmensen
- Click
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Col
- Colan
- Connelly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Corrado
- Corrado
- Crossley
- Crossley
- Crossley
- Curtis
- Cynthia M. Tracy
- Daubert
- Daubert
- Daubert
- Daubert
- Dawood Darbar
- Day
- de Cock
- Den
- Denes
- DePasquale
- DeRose
- Desai
- Dewey
- Dhingra
- Dhingra
- Dhingra
- DiBiase
- Dickstein
- Domanski
- Domenighetti
- Donmoyer
- Donoso
- Dorostkar
- Dorostkar
- Doshi
- Doshi
- Doughan
- Doval
- Doval
- Dreifus
- Dubin
- Dubner
- Dubois
- Duke
- Ector
- Edhag
- Eisenberg
- Eldar
- Eldar
- Ellenbogen
- Elliott
- Englund
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Erwin
- Evans
- Exner
- Ezekowitz
- Ezri
- Fananapazir
- Fananapazir
- Farmer
- Faust
- Ferrer
- Fetter
- Fisch
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fleischmann
- Fogoros
- Fonarow
- Fraser
- Friedberg
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Gabor
- Gadboys
- Gallagher
- Gammage
- Garcia-Moran
- Garrigue
- Garson
- Garson
- Gasparini
- Gasparini
- Gelatt
- Germano
- Ghai
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gillis
- Ginks
- Glikson
- Goel
- Gold
- Goldberg
- Goldenberg
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Gostin
- Gould
- Graham
- Gregoratos
- Gregoratos
- Grimm
- Grimm
- Grimm
- Grinstead
- Groh
- Gross
- Grubb
- Grubb
- Gunderson
- Gunderson
- Gupta
- Guttigoli
- Haghjoo
- Hamilton
- Hammill
- Harthorne
- Hauptman
- Hauser
- Hauser
- Hayes
- Hayes
- Healey
- Healey
- Heinz
- Hermida
- Hermida
- Herre
- Hindman
- Hiromasa
- Hlatky
- Hobbs
- Hodgkinson
- Hohnloser
- Huang
- Hulot
- Ichida
- Ikeda
- Irvine
- Israel
- Jaeggi
- James
- James
- Jansens
- Jeanrenaud
- Jenni
- Johansson
- John P. DiMarco
- Joseph E. Marine
- Josephson
- Josephson
- Juma
- Jung
- Kadish
- Kadish
- Kammeraad
- Kanzaki
- Kappenberger
- Karamlou
- Karpawich
- Kashani
- Kass
- Kastor
- Katritsis
- Kay
- Kay
- Kelly
- Kenny
- Kerr
- Khairy
- Khairy
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kindermann
- Klein
- Knight
- Knight
- Koos
- Koplan
- Koplan
- Kothari
- Kozak
- Krahn
- Krahn
- Krongrad
- Kuck
- Kulbertus
- Kupersmith
- Kusumoto
- Kyriakidis
- Lahat
- Laitinen
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Lamas
- Langberg
- Larsen
- Larsen
- Lau
- Lawrenz
- Lazarus
- Leclercq
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Leenhardt
- LeLorier
- Leon
- Levine
- Levine
- Levine
- Levy
- Lewis
- Liberthson
- Lie
- Lillehei
- Linde
- Linde
- Linde
- Linde-Edelstam
- Lindenfeld
- Lindenfeld
- Link
- Love
- Luderitz
- Lynne Warner Stevenson
- Mabo
- Madan
- Mair
- Maisel
- Makati
- Maki
- Mangrum
- Marian
- Mark
- Mark H. Schoenfeld
- Mark S. Link
- Marks
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Maron
- Martin
- Masci
- Maurer
- Mavroudis
- McAlister
- McAnulty
- McAnulty
- McDonald
- McKenna
- Menozzi
- Meytes
- Michael J. Silka
- Michaelsson
- Michaelsson
- Mirowski
- Mizuno
- Moak
- Monnig
- Montero
- Morady
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Mozaffarian
- Mueller
- Mushlin
- Mymin
- N.A. Mark Estes
- Naccarelli
- Naccarelli
- Naccarelli
- Nahlawi
- Namerow
- Nanthakumar
- Navia
- Newman
- Nicod
- Nielsen
- Nielsen
- Nielsen
- Nishimura
- Nishimura
- Nishimura
- Nugent
- O'Brien
- Occhetta
- Oechslin
- Oechslin
- Olshansky
- Owens
- Owens
- Pamela E. Karasik
- Paul D. Varosy
- Payne
- Perloff
- Peters
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petrina
- Pezawas
- Pezawas
- Pfammatter
- Pignatelli
- Pinsky
- Powell
- Prinzen
- Prinzen
- Priori
- Priori
- Priori
- Priori
- Probst
- Ranganathan
- Rankovic
- Rashba
- Rasmussen
- Reiffel
- Rhodes
- Rickard
- Rickard
- Rinfret
- Rishi
- Ritter
- Ritter
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roguin
- Rosenqvist
- Rosenqvist
- Rubenstein
- Russo
- Saad
- Sachweh
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Saksena
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sandra B. Dunbar
- Sarkozy
- Saxon
- Saxon
- Schaumann
- Scheinman
- Scheinman
- Scheinman
- Schimpf
- Schoenfeld
- Schoenfeld
- Schoenfeld
- Schron
- Schwartz
- Scott
- Scott
- Sears
- Sears
- Sears
- Sears
- Senges-Becker
- Setoguchi
- Shaddy
- Shah
- Shah
- Shalaby
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Sheldon
- Shohat-Zabarski
- Sholler
- Siebels
- Silka
- Silka
- Silka
- Silvetti
- Simantirakis
- Simon
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Sinha
- Sipahi
- Sipahi
- Solti
- Spirito
- Spurrell
- Sra
- Stavrakis
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Stellbrink
- Stellbrink
- Stephen C. Hammill
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Strasberg
- Strickberger
- Sugrue
- Sulke
- Sutton
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Sweeney
- Swerdlow
- Syed
- Symanski
- T. Bruce Ferguson
- Takagi
- Talan
- Tamburro
- Tang
- Tantengco
- Tavernier
- Thambo
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Toff
- Tracy
- Triedman
- Trippel
- Tse
- Twidale
- Ukkonen
- Unterberg
- Upadhyay
- Valls-Bertault
- Vanderheyden
- Varma
- Vatankulu
- Villain
- Villain
- Viskin
- Viskin
- Vlay
- Vogt
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Ward
- Wathen
- Wathen
- Weindling
- Weiss
- Wever
- Wichter
- Wichter
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- Wilkoff
- William G. Stevenson
- Williams
- Wilton
- Winters
- Wyman
- Yasukawa
- Yu
- Zareba
- Zareba
- Zeltser
- Zimetbaum
- Zimetbaum
- Zipes
- Zipes
- Zwanziger
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study