2,942 research outputs found

    Preservation And Conservation Of Archaeological Sites And Artefacts In Malaysia.

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    Archaeological sites and artefacts are among the most vulnerable of human cultural heritage that have suffered extensive damages. Excavations of archaeological sites and the removal of artefacts from sites have often caused abrupt changes to their ambient preserving conditions

    Prehistoric Pottery Production And Technology At Bukit Tengkorak, Sabah, Malaysia.

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    Bukit Tengkorak ("Skull Hill") is a Neolithic site, located at the top of a hill overlooking the Sulawesi sea and approximately 5 kilometers from Semporna in Sabah, Malaysia (Map 13.1). Archaeological research at Bukit Tengkorak was undertake n in 1994 and 1995 by a joint research team from the Centre for Archaeological Research Malaysia and Muzium Sabah

    A Study On The Cleaning Methods Of Stone Artifacts.

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    Stone has been one of the earliest materials used by man since prehistoric times to make tools, implements and art objects. In recent times, these stone artifacts have formed a large part of the collections in museums, temples, churches, and homes of private collectors. Stone artifacts, though strong and durable, disintegrate in time due to various deteriorating factors such as heat, the presence of micro-organisms, salts, algae, water, acids, dust, stains and mishandling

    The Prehistory Of Bukit Tengkorak. Sabah. Malaysia.

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    In 1994-95, archaeological research was undertaken by a joint Centre for Archaeological Research Malaysia and Muzium Sabah team at Bukit Tengkorak, a prehistoric site in Sempoma, Sablih (Figure 1). Two seasons of archaeological excavations, over a period of 5 weeks, were carried out at two volcanic outcrops near the summit of Bukit Tengkorak, approximately 600 feet above sea level

    Conservation Of Archaeological Sites For Eco tourism In Malaysia: Issues & Challenges.

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    Archaeological sites have developed into an essential part of the tourism industry in many countries of the world. In some ~countries, archaeological sites have not only become an important part of the tourism industry but also form a leading sector of the national income, earning millions of dollars every year. These include, amongst others, the terracotta army of China's first emperor in Xian, the ancient pyramids of Egypt and Central America, the stone age cave paintings of Lascaux in France, the ancient temples of Angkor in Cambodia, Borobudur in Indonesia, and Ayutthaya in Thailand

    Indigenous Prehistoric Pottery And Technology In Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Pottery represents one of prehistoric man's most tangible products.Its universal occurrence and its relatively imperishable nature has made it an important "tool" for archaeologists to reconstruct past cultures and also to use it as an indicator of a cultural stage i.e. the "Neolithic"

    The Origins of the Obsidian Artifacts from Gua Pawon, Dago and Bukit Karsamanik in Bandung, Indonesia

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    Abstract. This paper presents the results of a study to determine whether the obsidian artifacts found in Gua Pawon, Dago and Bukit Karsamanik in Bandung came from the well-known sources of Gunung Kendan in Nagreg, Kampung Rejeng in Garut or elsewhere. Obsidian artifacts for this study were obtained from earlier archaeological excavations at Gua Pawon and from chance finds at the sites of Dago and Bukit Karsamanik in Bandung. Samples of obsidian were also collected from the known obsidian sources in Gunung Kendan in Nagreg and Kampung Rejeng in Garut for comparative purposes.Analyses of these samples were done on a scanning electron microscope using the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer at the University of Science Malaysia, Penang and the electron microprobe at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Multi-element analysis was undertaken, and statistical procedures were performed on data obtained from the artifacts and the sources. The results of the study thus far suggested that the obsidian artifacts from Gua Pawon were made using obsidian obtained from both Gunung Kendan and Kampung Rejeng sources while those from Dago and Bukit Karsamanik have yet to be determined. More samples from all the known obsidian sources are needed to determine the variability within and between all the different sources. Temporally, the study also revealed that prehistoric humans at Gua Pawon exploited or used the same obsidian resources over several thousands of years. Abstrak. Tulisan ini membahas hasil studi tentang sumber bahan baku artefak obsidian yang ditemukan di Gua Pawon, Dago, dan Bukit Karsamanik, Bandung. Analisis dilakukan terhadap sejumlah artefak obsidian, temuan ekskavasi di Gua Pawon dan temuan permukaan di Situs Dago dan Bukit Karsamanik. Untuk perbandingan dilakukan juga analisis terhadap obsidian dari Gunung Kendan di Nagrek dan Kampung Rejeng di Garut, dua lokasi sumber obsidian di Jawa Barat.Analisis dilakukan dengan cara "scanning electron microscope", menggunakan "energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer" di Universitas Sains Malaysia, Penang dan "electron microprobe" di Universitas Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Analisis multielemen dan perhitungan statistic dilakukan terhadap data yang diperoleh dari artefak dan bahan. Hasil studi memperlihatkan artefak obsidian dari Gua Pawon menggunakan bahan dari Gunung Kendan dan Kampung Rejeng, sementara artefak Dago dan Bukit Karsamanik belum diketahui sumbernya. Analisis terhadap bahan dari sumber-sumber lain sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan variabilitas di dalam dan di antarasumber-sumber yang berbeda. Untuk sementara, hasil studi memperlihatkan manusia prasejarah Gua Pawon mengeksploitasi dan menggunakan sumber-sumber obsidian yang sama selama beberapa ribu tahun

    The Obsidian Industry At Bukit Tengkorak, Sabah, Malaysia.

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    In 1994-95, archaeological research was undertaken by a joint Centre for Archaeological Research Malaysia and Muzium Sabah team at Bukit Tengkorak, a Neolithic site in Semporna, Sabah (Figure l). Geologically, Bukit Tengkorak forms part of the rim of a 2 kilometer-wide volcanic crater, surrounded by numerous isolated hills and mountains, most of them representing sites of extinct volcanoes ranging from Pliocene to Quaternary in age (HD 'Tjia, personal communication, Kirk l962,Lee 1970)

    Prehistoric Trade And Culture Contact Between Bukit Tengkorak And Other Sites In Southeast Asia And The Pacific Region.

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    This paper describes the initial results of my SEASREP research project entitled "Prehistoric trade a d culture contact between Bukit Tengkorak and other sites in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region". It presents the research activities and findings during the first year of the project from 2002-2003 and a brief overview of the background of the research project, the research aims and methodology as well as plans for future research

    Chapter 7 : The Removal, Reconstruction And Conservation Of The Gua Gunung Runtuh Skeleton: A Practical Guide.

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    Bone consists of collagen, a proteinous (organic) substance, and a mineral, principally a form of calcium phosphate, called apatite, together with water. The bones in a body have different functions and this difference is reflected in the degree of mineralisation