109 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Online Sebagai Media Promosi Trowulan

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    Trowulan heritage is a cultural heritage which is one of the relics from the Majapahit Kingdom . A lot of effort has been done by the local community to preserve the culture and engraving surrounding communities. But these efforts have not been maximized, " The awareness " in Indonesia and International and yet need to know what more could be offered through the Trowulan site can be strengthened. Increased awareness of these needs should be done in an attempt to face free competition MEA. This research aims to design an online media website and integrated with social media. The result of interview and survey indicated that Trowulan need a website which collaborated all the Trowulan\u27s information using combination of social media. By implementing and sharing this website hopefully level of awareness in society can be reached as well as the economic life of the community around Trowulan may increase. Keywords— Cultural Heritage, HTML, Majapahit History, Tourism, Wordpress

    Eksplorasi Paradigma Negativitas sebagai Akar Kekerasan Kultural

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    Kekerasan tidak hanya digeluti dengan pendekatan sosiologis, politis, ekonomis atau anthropologis. Melengkapi pendekatan tersebut, kekerasan sebagai fenomena manusia didekati pula dari perspektif filosofis. Sebagai fenomena manusia, kekerasan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan sistem ekonomi, politik, budaya dan sosial; juga tidak hanya berkaitan dengan struktur sosial. Kekerasan terjadi juga pada wilayah kultural. Kekerasan kultural menuntun kita masuk pada wilayah internal manusia, yakni pada ranah kesadaran dan ketaksadaran. Karena itulah, kajian terhadap kekerasan kultural membutuhkan pula pendekatan filosofis: salah satunya pendekatan hermeneutika. Kajian hermeneutik akan menelusuri pola-pola berpikir yang mempengaruhi pemikiran dan kesadaran individual dan kolektif sedemikian rupa sehingga opsi yang dinyatakan ialah agenda dan praksis kekerasan. Pola berpikir yang dimaksud berkaitan dengan paradigma negatif. Paradigma negatif ini berkaitan dengan pola pikir yang terjajah (colonized mind). Pola pikir tersebut dapat dicermati melalui ungkapan verbal yang bersifat diametrikal seperti pribumi dan non-pribumi, asli dan pendatang. Preferensi pada paradgima negatif ini cenderung mendorong pilihan untuk melakukan kekerasan kultural, yang tampil baik dalam sistem dan struktur sosial. Dalam penelitian filosofis ini, kami memilih kasus kekerasan terhadap orang Tionghoa Indonesia sebagai konteks medan penelaahan epistemologis terhadap kekerasan kultural. Telaah epistemologi dalam rekaman sejarah kasus kekerasan terhadap orang Indonesia ini mencoba menyoroti preferensi pada negativitas sebagai salah satu akar fenomena kekerasan. Penelitian ini juga berupaya menawarkan paradigma afirmatif, sebagai wacana bagi preferensi opsi kepada pembentukan paradigma dan praksis yang mengutamakan pendekatan tanpa-kekerasan

    Peranan Metode Activity Based Costing Dalam Menentukan Cost of Goods Manufactured

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    The purpose of this research is to know production process of a textile company in Bandung and to analyze the comparison between cost of goods manufactured calculation methods, that applied in the company (traditional costing method) and Activity Based Costing (ABC) method. The obatained data was performed monthly during the year 2009. Based on analysis result, Cost Of Goods Manufactured calculation for unpattern material using ABC method resulted the Cost Of Goods Manufactured that is lower than traditional costing method, and Cost Of Goods Manufactured calculation for pattern material using ABC method resulted the Cost Of Goods Manufactured that is higher than traditional costing method. ABC method can describes the real consumption resource needed in production process

    Implementing Recommendation Application Service Information Systems for Candidate Workers Needs in the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Every fresh graduate will need and find a job. However, it isn't easy to get a job, especially when workers are mostly done online. Thus, prospective workers need a variety of tools to assist them in their work, such as applications used for works. Therefore, this case aims to create a web-based information system to help their work. It is expected to improve the soft skills and productivity of workers. The results of the application recommendation information are obtained from the survey form in which all questions are related to the needs of the website users of the application. The information is then directly processed by the web system, and the output will get application recommendations along with usage information, info features, and platforms that can be used. The method used in this study includes the analysis phase starting from gathering information and making ideas, followed by making preliminary designs to making prototypes, testing, and evaluating implementation. Based on the testing results, the recommendation can help prospective workers increase knowledge about the right application to be used on the work to be done and prevent the use of less efficiency. This research concludes that with the help of recommendation, application services can help prevent workers from using applications that are less efficient for their work and increase soft skills and productivity

    Surface Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts Using Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy Combined with Electrochemistry

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    Fundamental studies of heterogeneous catalysis were performed and presented in this dissertation to gain a better understanding of heterogeneous catalytic reactions at a molecular level. Surface science techniques were employed in achieving the goal. Low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEISS) is the main surface science technique which will be used in all the studies discussed throughout this dissertation. The main objectives of LEISS measurements are to: 1) obtain the information of surface composition of heterogeneous catalysts from the topmost layer; 2) observe the effects of reaction conditions on the surface composition of heterogeneous catalysts. The surface composition and morphology of Au-Pd clusters bimetallic model catalysts supported on SiO2 were characterized using LEISS, infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). It is observed that relative to the bulk, the surface of the clusters is enriched in Au. Ethylene adsorption and dehydrogenation show a clear structure-reactivity correlation with respect to the structure/composition of these Au-Pd model catalysts. Fundamental studies of heterogeneous catalysis were performed and presented in this dissertation to gain a better understanding of heterogeneous catalytic reactions at a molecular level. Surface science techniques were employed in achieving the goal. Low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEISS) is the main surface science technique which will be used in all the studies discussed throughout this dissertation. The main objectives of LEISS measurements are to: 1) obtain the information of surface composition of heterogeneous catalysts from the topmost layer; 2) observe the effects of reaction conditions on the surface composition of heterogeneous catalysts. The surface composition and morphology of Au-Pd clusters bimetallic model catalysts supported on SiO2 were characterized using LEISS, infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). It is observed that relative to the bulk, the surface of the clusters is enriched in Au. Ethylene adsorption and dehydrogenation show a clear structure-reactivity correlation with respect to the structure/composition of these Au-Pd model catalysts

    Mapping Of Mangrove Diversity In Kelurahan Tongkaina, Bunaken Sub-District, Manado

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    Penelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan pesisir pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghitung keanekaragaman hutan mangrove serta memetakan zonasi pembagian jenis mangrove di tiga stasiun penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer berkaitan dengan kondisi biofisik ekosistem mangrove yaitu, struktur vegetasi dan luasan mangrove di daerah penelitian dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Kemudian data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai kajian literature, dokumentasi dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta peraturan Perundang-undangan terkait. Pada hasil yang diperoleh diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Tongkaina adalah 1,71 dimana nilai indeks ini tergolong dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, karena nilai H\u27 lebih besar dari 1 dan lebih kecil dari 3, yang berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang, dan tekanan ekologis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi didapati pada Sonneratia alba dengan nilai indeks 0,37 dan terendah ada pada spesies Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang memiliki nilai indeks yaitu 0,06. Pemetaan jenis mangrove dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan titik koordinat pada kuadran di tiga stasiun penelitian. Degradasi warna dengan simbol bulat di pakai untuk membedakan tiap spesies. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dengan mudah membedakan antar spesies secara visual serta dapat dijadikan salah satu metode kajian untuk memetakan keanekaragaman mangrove. Diketahui tingkat keanekaragaman mangrove tergolong sedang. Adanya kegiatan pertambakan dan tambatan perahu masyarakat membuat lahan mangrove semakin berkurang. Sangat diperlukan adanya perlindungan atau pelestarian melalui pengetahuan dan penyadaran kepada masyarakat, serta memberikan alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun komersial, demi menjaga perkembangan kondisi yang lebih baik

    Effects of Corporate Governance Variables on Earnings Management in Indonesia

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    To determine the effects of corporate governance on earnings management, this paper analyzed 171 annualreports from issued 2006 to 2009 by 57 non-financial, joint stock companies implementing GCG (GoodCorporate Governance) practices, which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Six corporategovernance variables (board composition, independent commissioners, separate chairman/CEO roles, auditcommittee, managerial share ownership, and audit quality) as well as three control variables (leverage, size,and ROA) were used. The results showed that two corporate governance variables significantly influencedearnings management practices (separate chairman/CEO roles and managerial share ownership); the othervariables had no effect because these companies used GCG practices only to follow regulations rather than tomonitor and control

    Views of patients on a group diabetes education programme using motivational interviewing in South African primary care : a qualitative study

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    CITATION: Serfontein, S. & Mash, R. J. 2013. Views of patients on a group diabetes education programme using motivational interviewing in South African primary care : a qualitative study. South African Family Practice, 55(5)453-458.The original publication is available at http://www.safpj.co.zaObjectives: This study was a qualitative assessment of a diabetes group education programme presented in community health centres of the Cape Town Metro District. The programme offered four sessions of group education and was delivered by trained health promoters using a guiding style derived from motivational interviewing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the programme by exploring the experiences of the patients who attended. Design: This was qualitative research that utilised in-depth interviews. Thirteen patients who had attended the educational programme, and who each came from a different health centre in the intervention arm of a larger randomised controlled trial, were purposively selected. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and then analysed using the framework approach. Setting and subjects: Patients with type 2 diabetes from community health centres in the Cape Town Metro District. Results: Patients gained useful new knowledge about diabetes and reported a change in their behaviour, especially with regard to diet, physical activity, medication and foot care. The educational material was experienced positively and enhanced recall and understanding. Health promoters were competent, utilised useful communication skills and structured the material well. There were organisational and infrastructural problems, especially with regard to space within which the groups could meet, and communication of the timing and location of the sessions. Conclusion: This study supports wider implementation of this programme, following consideration of recommendations resulting from patient feedback.http://www.safpj.co.za/index.php/safpj/article/view/3636Publisher's versio
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