57 research outputs found

    Fokus-Naturtag – Beratungskonzept zur Förderung des Naturschutzbewusstseins und der Naturschutzleistungen landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe

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    Landwirte spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei dem Versuch den Rückgang der Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften zu stoppen. Naturschutzberatung versucht deshalb das ökologische Wissen zu verbessern, passende Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf Betriebsebene zu finden und die Motivation der Landwirte zu stärken. Das Konzept des "Fokus-Naturtags" stellt ein Material- und Methodenset zur Durchführung von eintägigen Naturschutzberatungen sowohl für konventionelle als auch Bio-Betriebe zur Verfügung. Die Beratungsergebnisse werden nicht in Form eines Berichtes sondern durch ein Poster oder eine Mappe dokumentiert, die Berater und Landwirt gemeinsam aus extra erstellten Materialien - verschiedenen Aufkleber, mobile Fotodrucker - zusammenstellen. Von der Bioland Beratung und den Projektpartner wurden 80 Fokus-Naturtage durchgeführt. Die Erfahrungen waren überwiegend positiv. Eine interviewgestützte Evaluation ist geplant und soll Auskunft über die tatsächlichen Naturschutzwirkungen auf den Betrieben nach der Beratung geben

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher S Versorgungszustände auf den N Flächenertrag eines Luzerne-Kleegrasbestandes

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    Die Untersuchung zeigt den Effekt einer Schwefel-Düngung auf den Ertrag eines Luzerne-Kleegrasbestandes, angebaut auf dem Versuchsbetrieb Gladbacherhof. Die S-Düngung hat einen bis zu 70%igen (90kgN *ha-1) Ertragsanstieg des Gesamtgemenges induziert. Dieser Ertragsanstieg war das Resultat einer höheren N-Konzentration und einem höheren TS-Ertrag der Leguminosen

    Einfluss von Schwefel- und Stickstoffdüngung auf den Kornertrag von Winterraps in ökologischem Anbau

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    Die Untersuchung zeigt Effekte von Schwefel- und Stickstoffgaben auf den Kornertrag von Winterraps

    Benefit of Sulfate fertilisation in Alfalfa - and clover-grass mixtures in organic farming

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    The study shows the effect of sulfur (S) fertilization of an alfalfa clover-grass mixture, cultivated on the experimental farm Gladbachhof. Induced by the S fertilization the yield and N and S concentration were positiv influenced

    D.2.4: Recommendations for a common European research agenda

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    Organic farming is knowledge intensive and in supporting farmers in enhancing their production systems, there is a need to improve how knowledge is shared. This is the overall aim of the OK-Net Arable project. Work Package 2 of the project is concerned with facilitating the testing of practical and educational materials with farmer innovation groups to improve knowledge provision in this sector. The work package adopts an interactive multi-actor approach, bringing together practitioners from regional innovation groups with each other, and with advisers and scientists. The aim of this report is to give a brief overview of the most important topics in organic arable farming for a common European research agenda. It identifies topics and open questions that are related to the main obstacles for increasing and stabilising yields in organic arable farming in Europe that should be considered in a common research agenda. It builds on the farmers’ perspective of knowledge gaps and questions (Cullen et al 2016, D2.1) and the experience from testing knowledge exchange tools with farmers (Bliss et al 2018, D2.2). This is contrasted with the researchers’ perspective from the Ok-Net Arable project on which knowledge is already there and which is still needed (Niggli et al 2016, D3.1). Perspectives from the project partners, the partner countries and national research agendas on approaches that bring together the relevant actors to discuss and shape research agendas were also considered. The ten recommendations for research topics are based on experiences made in the OK-Net Arable project. They include topics related to cropping systems and interactions, weed management, soil fertility and nutrient management and pest and disease control. Not all topics are equally relevant across the whole of Europe and in all areas both fundamental and applied research is needed. The farmers taking part in the OK-Net arable project were interested in a better understanding of the systemic aspects of organic cropping systems as well as in applied solutions to specific problems. There also is a need for further opportunities for knowledge exchange between farmers and farmers and advisors in Europe

    Vorlag Effekte einer Schwefel- und Phosphor-Düngung auf Futterleguminosen auf einem Schwefel- und Phosphormangelstandort

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    In this study the effect of sulphate fertilization and rock phosphate fertilization on legumes in a grass clover mixture was investigated on a field under S and P limiting conditions. The results showed that S fertilization resulted in higher yield. Increment of yield came along with higher P uptake, but with decline in P concentration in the shoots. The results suggest that although P might have become a limiting factor, the plants have realized to meet their increased P demand in the case of higher growth rates. became a limiting factor. Independent of S fertilization level rock phosphate application didn’t show any effect

    Wirkung einer Schwefel- und Gülledüngung auf den Trockensubstanz- und Stickstoffertrag eines Futterleguminosenbestandes

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    In this study clover-grass was fertilized with 46 kg N per hectare (slurry) in spring or treated with sulphur in form of Mg SO4. The fertilization with slurry showed no effects on dry matter and nitrogen yield whereas fertilization with sulphur affected dry matter and nitrogen yield positively

    Wirkung einer Schwefeldüngung zu einem Luzerne-Kleegras-Bestand auf den Kornertrag der Nachfrucht Winterweizen

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    In this study clover-grass was fertilized with MgSO4 (40 kg S*ha-1 and 80 kg S*ha-1) and CaSO4 (80 kg S*ha-1). The yield of the following crop winter wheat was clearly positive affected by fertilizing sulphur in the clover grass

    SARS-CoV-2 antibodies protect against reinfection for at least 6 months in a multicentre seroepidemiological workplace cohort

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    dentifying the potential for SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is crucial for understanding possible long-term epidemic dynamics. We analysed longitudinal PCR and serological testing data from a prospective cohort of 4,411 United States employees in 4 states between April 2020 and February 2021. We conducted a multivariable logistic regression investigating the association between baseline serological status and subsequent PCR test result in order to calculate an odds ratio for reinfection. We estimated an odds ratio for reinfection ranging from 0.14 (95% CI: 0.019 to 0.63) to 0.28 (95% CI: 0.05 to 1.1), implying that the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at baseline is associated with around 72% to 86% reduced odds of a subsequent PCR positive test based on our point estimates. This suggests that primary infection with SARS-CoV-2 provides protection against reinfection in the majority of individuals, at least over a 6-month time period. We also highlight 2 major sources of bias and uncertainty to be considered when estimating the relative risk of reinfection, confounders and the choice of baseline time point, and show how to account for both in reinfection analysis.The authors received funding from the following sources: EF was funded by the Medical Research Council (MR/N013638/1); AJK was supported by Wellcome Trust (206250/Z/17/Z) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR200908); RL was funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (https://royalsociety.org). EN was supported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U01 U01GH002238). AM was supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement (https://www.nasa.gov/hrp/tri; NNX16AO69A). GA was supported by the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (https://masscpr.hms.harvard.edu/; MassCPR), the National Institutes of Health (3R37AI080289-11S1, R01AI146785, U19AI42790-01, U19AI135995-02, 1U01CA260476-01) and the Musk Foundation (http://www.muskfoundation.org/). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript."Article signat per 18 autors/es: Emilie Finch ,Rachel Lowe,Stephanie Fischinger,Michael de St Aubin,Sameed M. Siddiqui,Diana Dayal,Michael A. Loesche,Justin Rhee,Samuel Beger,Yiyuan Hu,Matthew J. Gluck,Benjamin Mormann,Mohammad A. Hasdianda,Elon R. Musk,Galit Alter,Anil S. Menon ,Eric J. Nilles ,Adam J. Kucharski ,on behalf of the CMMID COVID-19 working group and the SpaceX COVID-19 Cohort Collaborative"Postprint (author's final draft

    Organische Dünger in Topfkulturen auf dem Prüfstand - wie steht es mit der Stickstofffreisetzung?

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    Matching nitrogen demand of plants and N release of organic fertilizers with respect to amount and timing is one key for successful cultivation of organic ornamentals. Thereby for plants with a low to moderate N demand growers can add the fertilizer as complete preplant application (CPA). For plants with a high N demand splitting fertilization in a reduced preplant application combined with an additional fertigation (RPA+F) is preferable. Aim of the current research was the investigation of N release of organic fertilizers in incubation experiments. Results of the incubation experiment were linked to a pot trial with pelargonium. Incubation experiments reveal that most fertilizers release about 40 to 50 % of total N and most nitrogen is released within the first 21 days. Only for sheep wool a delay of N release up to ten days was found. CPA using sheep wool and RPA+F (irrespective of fertilizer) give the best results. The delayed release pattern of sheep wool seems to match best N demand of plants