81 research outputs found

    Non-Contact Radiofrequency Inductive Sensor for the Dielectric Characterization of Burn Depth in Organic Tissues

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    International audienceA flat circular transmission line-based 300 MHz resonator was implemented for the non-contact assessment of burn depths in biological tissues. Used as a transmit-and-receive sensor, it was placed at a 2 mm distance from organic material test samples (pork fillet samples) which were previously burned on their surface in various heating conditions involving different temperatures, durations, and procedures. Data extracted from the sensor by means of a distant monitoring coil were found to clearly correlate with the depth of burn observed in the tissue samples (up to 40% sensor output changes for a 7 mm burn depth) and with the heating conditions (around 5% sensor output changes observed in samples burned with identical heating procedures but at two different temperatures—75 °C and 150 °C—and around 40% sensor output changes observed between samples heated at the same temperature but with different heating procedures). These results open the way for the development of easy-to-implement assessment and monitoring techniques for burns, e.g., integrated in wearable medical dressing-like monitoring devices

    L'intrapreneuriat : une pédagogie innovante

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    International audienceL’objectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter une approche pĂ©dagogie basĂ©e sur l’intrapreneuriat qui est une approche transversale par l'acquisition de compĂ©tences mĂ©tiers. Elle vise Ă  Ă©muler la crĂ©ativitĂ©, des savoirs et savoir-faire au sein d’espaces innovants (FacLab, living Lab, 
) et dans un contexte intrapreneurial. Ces compĂ©tences nĂ©cessitent que chacun des acteurs intĂšgrent les contours et mĂ©canismes des autres partenaires. Cette approche a Ă©tĂ© implĂ©mentĂ©e Ă  l’IUT de Cergy-Pontoise (dĂ©partement GEII Sarcelles) et s’articule sur une pĂ©riode de 3 annĂ©es incluant le DUT et la licence professionnelle IMNEOV. La finalitĂ© de ce parcours vise Ă  former des techniciens supĂ©rieurs aux mĂ©tiers du numĂ©rique. La mĂ©thode adoptĂ©e est basĂ©e sur une pĂ©dagogie active par projet oĂč l’enseignant s’adapte au niveau de l’apprenant

    Influence of the structure of nanohybrid polymer materials onto biofilm formation

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    Etude Multi-Echelle et Multi-Physique de l’Ordre d’Introduction des Phases d’une Emulsion

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    International audiencePour optimiser la stabilité d'une émulsion, une investigation multi-échelle est nécessaire. Les moyens préventifs classiques d'étude se font par l'analyse de l'inversion de phase (H/E ou E/H) ou par le changement de paramÚtres, tels que la composition, le procédé d'émulsification et les conditions environnementales. Ce travail consiste en une étude préliminaire multiphysique et multi échelle, par un changement d'ordre d'introduction des phases. Les caractéristiques mécaniques et électriques sont étudiées à deux échelles d'investigation par deux nouvelles techniques : rhéologie ultrasonore et impédancemétrie radiofréquence. La comparaison des caractéristiques, macroscopiques et mésoscopiques, cherche à identifier les grandeurs d'influence précurseurs d'une (in)stabilité

    Double‐bracelet resonator Helmholtz probe for NMR experiments

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    Multimodal O/W emulsion structuration characterization using water and emulsion thickening ranges

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    International audienceTo ensure the stability of emulsions, a thickening agent is often used to induce a higher viscosity of the continuous aqueous phase and reduce the possibility of gravitational separation(1). In some cases, these agents require a base to increase the thickening of emulsions and this process can be observed by following the viscosity as a function of the pH(2). Our work attempts to show the link between gelation process and emulsion stability investigated through the use of two innovative measurement techniques at the mesoscopic scale: micro-rheology by ultrasounds and electrical complex dielectric characterization by contactless radiofrequency spectroscopy. The first one allows to better understand the emulsion structuration through the measurement of the visco-elastic properties(3). The second one is used to get information about polarizability of the mixing and conductivity of the continuous phase(4). A comparison is done between the aqueous phase (water + Carbopol¼ CETD 2050: gel phase) and the equivalent emulsion (aqueous phase + oil: Isopropyl Palmitate + surfactants: Eumulgin¼ SMO 20/Cutina¼ GMS V), for different pH by changing the amount of base (Triethanolamine). Both are made on the same pH range (3.5 – 6) to emphasize steric behavior rather than the electrical one. The mesoscopic characterizations highlight the impact of oil on the gelation state. They also show the limits of pH adjustments on increasing viscosity and electronic repulsion between oil droplets, which are stability-promoting factors. The results are completed by complementary classical characterizations such as conductivity, rheological and optical microscopy measurements, to correlate them with documented macroscopic knowledge(5). (1) Piorkowski D.T., et al, 2014(2) Abdolmaleki K., et al, 2016(3) Gauthier V., et al, 2017(4) Dinh T.H.N., et al, 2016(5) Gutowski I., et al, 200

    Multimodal O/W emulsion structuration characterization using water and emulsion thickening ranges

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    International audienceTo ensure the stability of emulsions, a thickening agent is often used to induce a higher viscosity of the continuous aqueous phase and reduce the possibility of gravitational separation(1). In some cases, these agents require a base to increase the thickening of emulsions and this process can be observed by following the viscosity as a function of the pH(2). Our work attempts to show the link between gelation process and emulsion stability investigated through the use of two innovative measurement techniques at the mesoscopic scale: micro-rheology by ultrasounds and electrical complex dielectric characterization by contactless radiofrequency spectroscopy. The first one allows to better understand the emulsion structuration through the measurement of the visco-elastic properties(3). The second one is used to get information about polarizability of the mixing and conductivity of the continuous phase(4). A comparison is done between the aqueous phase (water + Carbopol¼ CETD 2050: gel phase) and the equivalent emulsion (aqueous phase + oil: Isopropyl Palmitate + surfactants: Eumulgin¼ SMO 20/Cutina¼ GMS V), for different pH by changing the amount of base (Triethanolamine). Both are made on the same pH range (3.5 – 6) to emphasize steric behavior rather than the electrical one. The mesoscopic characterizations highlight the impact of oil on the gelation state. They also show the limits of pH adjustments on increasing viscosity and electronic repulsion between oil droplets, which are stability-promoting factors. The results are completed by complementary classical characterizations such as conductivity, rheological and optical microscopy measurements, to correlate them with documented macroscopic knowledge(5). (1) Piorkowski D.T., et al, 2014(2) Abdolmaleki K., et al, 2016(3) Gauthier V., et al, 2017(4) Dinh T.H.N., et al, 2016(5) Gutowski I., et al, 200

    Multi-turn split-conductor transmission-line resonators

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