7,978 research outputs found

    Bypassing Cowling's theorem in axisymmetric fluid dynamos

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    We present a numerical study of the magnetic field generated by an axisymmetrically forced flow in a spherical domain. At small enough Reynolds number, Re, the flow is axisymmetric and generates an equatorial dipole above a critical magnetic Reynolds number Rmc . The magnetic field thus breaks axisymmetry, in agreement with Cowling's theorem. This structure of the magnetic field is however replaced by a dominant axial dipole when Re is larger and allows non axisymmetric fluctuations in the flow. We show here that even in the absence of such fluctuations, an axial dipole can also be generated, at low Re, through a secondary bifurcation, when Rm is increased above the dynamo threshold. The system therefore always find a way to bypass the constraint imposed by Cowling's theorem. We understand the dynamical behaviors that result from the interaction of equatorial and axial dipolar modes using simple model equations for their amplitudes derived from symmetry arguments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Theoretical Uncertainties in Red Giant Branch Evolution: The Red Giant Branch Bump

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    A Monte Carlo simulation exploring uncertainties in standard stellar evolution theory on the red giant branch of metal-poor globular clusters has been conducted. Confidence limits are derived on the absolute V-band magnitude of the bump in the red giant branch luminosity function (M_v,b) and the excess number of stars in thebump, R_b. The analysis takes into account uncertainties in the primordial helium abundance, abundance of alpha-capture elements, radiative and conductive opacities, nuclear reaction rates, neutrino energy losses, the treatments of diffusion and convection, the surface boundary conditions, and color transformations. The uncertainty in theoretical values for the red giant bump magnitude varies with metallicity between +0.13/-0.12 mag at [Fe/H] = -2.4 and +0.23/-0.21 mag at [Fe/H] = -1.0.Thedominantsourcesofuncertaintyaretheabundanceofthealphacaptureelements,themixinglength,andthelowtemperatureopacities.ThetheoreticalvaluesofMv,bareingoodagreementwithobservations.TheuncertaintyinthetheoreticalvalueofRbis+/0.01atallmetallicitiesstudied.Thedominantsourcesofuncertaintyaretheabundanceofthealphacaptureelements,themixinglength,andthehightemperatureopacities.ThemedianvalueofRbvariesfrom0.44at[Fe/H]=2.4. The dominant sources of uncertainty are the abundance of the alpha-capture elements, the mixing length, and the low-temperature opacities. The theoretical values of M_v,b are in good agreement with observations. The uncertainty in the theoretical value of R_b is +/-0.01 at all metallicities studied. The dominant sources of uncertainty are the abundance of the alpha-capture elements, the mixing length, and the high-temperature opacities. The median value of R_b varies from 0.44 at [Fe/H] = -2.4 to 0.50 at [Fe/H] = -1.0. These theoretical values for R_b are in agreement with observations.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Ap

    Starburst in the Intragroup Medium of Stephan's Quintet

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    Based on new ISO mid-infrared observations and ground based HαH_\alpha and near-infrared observations, we report the detection of a bright starburst in the intragroup medium (IGM) of the famous compact group of galaxies Stephan's Quintet (Source A in Fig.1). We demonstrate that this starburst is caused by a collision between a high velocity (δ\deltaV\sim 1000 km/sec) intruder galaxy (NGC7318b) and the IGM of the group. While this is the only starburst known today that is induced by a galaxy/cold-intergalactic-medium collision, it provides new constraints to the theory for interaction-induced starbursts, and may hint at a new mechanism for the star formation excess seen in more distant clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 2 PS figures. Accepted by Ap

    On the Correlation Between CO Absorption and Far-Ultraviolet Non-Linear Extinction Toward Galactic OB Stars

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    A sample of 59 sight lines to reddened Galactic OB stars was examined for correlations of the strength of the CO Fourth Positive (A - X) absorption band system with the ultraviolet interstellar extinction curve parameters. We used archival high-dispersion NEWSIPS IUE spectra to measure the CO absorption for comparison to parametric fits of the extinction curves from the literature. A strong correlation with the non-linear far-UV curvature term was found with greater absorption, normalized to E(B-V), being associated with more curvature. A weaker trend with the linear extinction term was also found. Mechanisms for enhancing CO in dust environments exhibiting high non-linear curvature are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, including 6 figures. LaTeX2e (emulateapj5.sty). To appear in ApJ, Sep 20, 200

    Polaron band formation in the Holstein model

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    We present numerical exact results for the polaronic band structure of the Holstein molecular crystal model in one and two dimensions. The use of direct Lanczos diagonalization technique, preserving the full dynamics and quantum nature of phonons, allows us to analyze in detail the renormalization of both quasiparticle bandwidth and dispersion by the electron-phonon interaction. For the two-dimensional case some of our exact data are compared with the results obtained in the framework of a recently developed finite cluster strong-coupling perturbation theory.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX), 6 figures (ps), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    BoGSy:ein Informationssystem für Botanische Gärten

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    Botanische Gärten bieten den Botanischen Instituten die Grundlage für deren Forschungen und Besuchern einen Einblick in die Pflanzenwelt. Die mit dem Wissenschaftszweig der Botanik entstanden Universitätsgärten haben ihren Mittelpunkt in der Botanischen Forschung und Lehre, vor allem in den Bereichen Taxonomie und Ökologie. Die Grundlagen und der Inhalt der Botanischen Arbeit sind demnach insbesondere Sammlungen. Darüber hinaus erfordert die Teilnahme im IPEN (International Plant Exchange Network) seit einigen Jahren die Einhaltung strenger Kriterien der CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) beim Austausch von Samen und Pflanzenmaterial. Die Entwicklung eines Datenbank gestützten Informationssystems für Botanische Gärten wird durch eine Reihe von Beobachtungen motiviert und muss diverse Randbedingungen beachten. Dies wird im Folgenden genauer erläutert. Sodann werden der Entwurf und eine erste Realisierung des Informationssystems BoGSy beschrieben, welches an der Universität Münster entwickelt wird und diesen Bedingungen genügt.<br/

    Number partitioning as random energy model

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    Number partitioning is a classical problem from combinatorial optimisation. In physical terms it corresponds to a long range anti-ferromagnetic Ising spin glass. It has been rigorously proven that the low lying energies of number partitioning behave like uncorrelated random variables. We claim that neighbouring energy levels are uncorrelated almost everywhere on the energy axis, and that energetically adjacent configurations are uncorrelated, too. Apparently there is no relation between geometry (configuration) and energy that could be exploited by an optimization algorithm. This ``local random energy'' picture of number partitioning is corroborated by numerical simulations and heuristic arguments.Comment: 8+2 pages, 9 figures, PDF onl

    Baryogenesis with Superheavy Squarks

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    We consider a setup where R-parity is violated in the framework of split supersymmetry. The out-of-equilibrium decays of heavy squarks successfully lead to the generation of a baryon asymmetry. We restrict the R-parity violating couplings to the baryon number violating subset to keep the neutralino sufficiently stable to provide the dark matter. The observed baryon asymmetry can be generated for squark masses larger than 10^11 GeV, while neutralino dark matter induces a stronger bound of 10^13 GeV. Some mass splitting between left- and right-handed squarks may be needed to satisfy also constraints from gluino cosmology.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 4 figure