4 research outputs found

    Simulation of the Betatron Magnetic Field at the Electron Beam Displacement in Comsol Multiphysics

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    This article describes the betatron magnetic field simulation in Comsol Multiphysics software package. The model makes it possible to evaluate the betatron focusing properties at the moment of electron displacement onto the target. The simulation results coincide with the experiment described earlier. The study shows the vertical size of the target affects the focal spot size. However, a target size decrease leads to low output dose, since not all electrons reach it. Therefore, the vertical size of the target should be greater than or equal to the vertical dimension of the accelerated beam

    Comparative physical-tribological properties of anti-friction ion-plasma Ti-C-Mo-S coating on VT6 alloy or 20X13 and 40X steels

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    Results of comparative tests mechanical and tribological properties of solid antifriction Ti-C-Mo-S coating, deposited by magnetron-plasma combined sputtering method on substrates of VT6 titanium alloy, 40X and 20X13 hardened steels are provided. Coating is sputtered using the same conditions and technological regimes on substrates of different materials. However, the friction tests results showed significant difference in tribological characteristics of coating depending on type of material used for substrate, first of all by wear-resistance ability. Authors suppose that this is due to difference between physical properties such as composition and structure of substrate materials that determines hardness and coating adhesion to surface

    New microfocus bremsstrahlung source based on betatron B-18 for high-resolution radiography and tomography

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    New microfocus source of hard bremsstrahlung (photon energy > 1 MeV), based on the betatron B-18 with a narrow Ta target inside, for high-resolution radiography and tomography is presented. The first studies of the source demonstrate its possibilities for practical applications to detect the microdefects in products made from heavy materials and to control gaps in joints of parts of composite structures of engineering facilities. The radiography method was used to investigate a compound object consisting of four vertically arranged steel bars between which surfaces were exposed gaps of 10 [mu]m in width. The radiographic image of the object, obtained with a magnification of 2.4, illustrates the good sensitivity of detecting the gaps between adjacent bars, due to the small width of the linear focus of the bremsstrahlung source