14 research outputs found

    On the convexity of optimal control problems involving non-linear PDEs or VIs and applications to Nash games

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    Generalized Nash equilibrium problems in function spaces involving PDEs are considered. One of the central issues arising in this context is the question of existence, which requires the topological characterization of the set of minimizers for each player of the associated Nash game. In this paper, we propose conditions on the operator and the functional that guarantee the reduced formulation to be a convex minimization problem. Subsequently, we generalize results of convex analysis to derive optimality systems also for non-smooth operators. Our theoretical findings are illustrated by examples

    Uncertainty quantification in image segmentation using the Ambrosio--Tortorelli approximation of the Mumford--Shah energy

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    The quantification of uncertainties in image segmentation based on the Mumford-Shah model is studied. The aim is to address the error propagation of noise and other error types in the original image to the restoration result and especially the reconstructed edges (sharp image contrasts). Analytically, we rely on the Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation and discuss the existence of measurable selections of its solutions as well as sampling-based methods and the limitations of other popular methods. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical findings

    Generalized Nash equilibrium problems with partial differential operators: Theory, algorithms, and risk aversion

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    PDE-constrained (generalized) Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs) are considered in a deterministic setting as well as under uncertainty. This includes a study of deterministic GNEPs with nonlinear and/or multivalued operator equations as forward problems and PDE-constrained GNEPs with uncertain data. The deterministic nonlinear problems are analyzed using the theory of generalized convexity for set-valued operators, and a variational approximation approach is proposed. The stochastic setting includes a detailed overview of the recently developed theory and algorithms for risk-averse PDE-constrained optimization problems. These new results open the way to a rigorous study of stochastic PDE-constrained GNEPs

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    A generalized GammaGamma-convergence concept for a type of equilibrium problems

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    A novel generalization of Γ-convergence applicable to a class of equilibrium problems is studied. After the introduction of the latter, a variety of its applications is discussed. The existence of equilibria with emphasis on Nash equilibrium problems is investigated. Subsequently, our Γ-convergence notion for equilibrium problems, generalizing the existing one from optimization, is introduced and discussed. The work ends with its application to a class of penalized generalized Nash equilibrium problems and quasi-variational inequalities

    A generalized GammaGamma-convergence concept for a type of equilibrium problems

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    A novel generalization of Γ-convergence applicable to a class of equilibrium problems is studied. After the introduction of the latter, a variety of its applications is discussed. The existence of equilibria with emphasis on Nash equilibrium problems is investigated. Subsequently, our Γ-convergence notion for equilibrium problems, generalizing the existing one from optimization, is introduced and discussed. The work ends with its application to a class of penalized generalized Nash equilibrium problems and quasi-variational inequalities

    Uncertainty quantification in image segmentation using the Ambrosio--Tortorelli approximation of the Mumford--Shah energy

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    The quantification of uncertainties in image segmentation based on the Mumford-Shah model is studied. The aim is to address the error propagation of noise and other error types in the original image to the restoration result and especially the reconstructed edges (sharp image contrasts). Analytically, we rely on the Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation and discuss the existence of measurable selections of its solutions as well as sampling-based methods and the limitations of other popular methods. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical findings