489 research outputs found

    Costs, Returns, Production and Financial Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2006

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    This report provides a summary of the costs, returns, and production and financial performance for participating niche pork producer s for the year 2006. There were 41 niche pork farrow-to-finish producers who completed records fo r 2006. Five of these were certified organic producers, four were purebred Berkshire producers, and 32 were ‘natural’ producers, meaning their pigs were raised without antibiotics using bedded pens with outdoor access. An initial evaluation of the data showed th at the average production efficien cies were similar between the organic, purebred Berkshire and other operations . Thus, all are combined for this analysis

    Costs, Returns, Production and Financial Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2008

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    In recent years the production of niche pork has been expanding in response to growing demand for products with specific attributes, such as pork from animals produced without antibiotics, using bedded pens and with outdoor access. This growth has occurred, in many situations, from the ground up. Entrepreneurial producers have identified unmet market demands and opportunities for new products. These producers then set out to develop products to satisfy this demand and marketing systems to get these niche products to the consumer

    Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2006

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    Production of niche pork has been expanding in response to increased demand. Little information is known about production efficiency of niche pork. This report provides information on production efficiency from 41 niche pork producers. The average female breeding herd size was 91 females. The average feed efficiency was 4.31 pounds of feed per pound of pork produced. The average feed efficiency for the top 15 herds was 3.74 and it was 4.25 for the bottom 15 herds. Average labor use was .87 hours per hundred pounds of pork produced. About one of every four pigs born alive died before weaning. Another eight percent died from weaning to market. Breeding herd death loss was in the 4 to 6 percent range. The information summarized here shows striking production differences in many areas between the top 15 and bottom 15 producers. The areas with the largest differences are places with the most potential to help producers improve. Educational programming that targets these areas is being developed to help these producers make changes to improve their operations, which in turn will improve the position of this sector of the industry

    Returns and Costs of Niche Pork Production in 2006

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    Production of niche pork has been expanding in response to growing demand. Little information is known about the costs and returns from niche pork production. This report provides information on cost and returns for 41 niche pork producers. Return levels show that the average return to capital, unpaid labor and management for the top 15 producers was 17.43perhundredpoundsofporkproduced,whilethisaveragewas17.43 per hundred pounds of pork produced, while this average was 2.17 for the bottom 15 producers and 10.08forall41producers.Theaveragemarginoverallcostsonaperheadsoldbasiswasslightlybelowbreakeven(10.08 for all 41 producers. The average margin over all costs on a per head sold basis was slightly below breakeven (-2.36) for all 41 producers. The average return per hour of labor after all costs was 13.17forall41producers,but13.17 for all 41 producers, but 22.66 per hour for the top 15 producers and 3.02forthebottom15producers.Theaveragetotalcostperhundredpoundsofporkproducedforallproducerswas3.02 for the bottom 15 producers. The average total cost per hundred pounds of pork produced for all producers was 52.05, while the top 15 third had average total costs that were 11.17lessthanthebottom15producers(11.17 less than the bottom 15 producers (46.05 vs. $57.22). The main contributor to cost differences between the top third and bottom third producers was operating costs, which included feed and other operating expenses but not labor. These costs represented 96 percent of the total cost difference, with 56 percent of this difference being in other operating costs and 40 percent in feed costs

    Częstość chorób wątroby u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 leczonych doustnymi lekami przeciwcukrzycowymi

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    OBJECTIVE. We evaluated liver disease in conventionally treated type 2 diabetic patients to provide a reference against which reports of liver disease related to novel oral antidiabetic treatments could be compared. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS. In this follow-up study, patients with type 2 diabetes who were treated with oral antidiabetic agents were identified from the U.K.-based General Practice Research Database and were followed to determine whether they developed liver disease. The specific types and etiologies of liver disorders were determined. Incidence rates were calculated based on the accumulated exposure time to oral antidiabetic agents. RESULTS. Among 44,406 type 2 diabetic patients, 605 had a computer diagnosis of liver disease with an incidence rate of 53.2/10,000 person-years (95% CI 49.2&#150;57.6). Of the 605 subjects, 186 had nonsympWSTĘP. W badaniu oceniane były przypadki uszkodzenia wątroby u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 leczonych tradycyjnymi doustnymi środkami przeciwcukrzycowymi. Celem próby była ponowna analiza danych dotyczących zależności uszkodzeń wątroby od stosowania doustnych leków przeciwcukrzycowych. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania zakwalifikowano chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 leczonych doustnymi lekami przeciwcukrzycowymi. Korzystano z Brytyjskiej Bazy Danych. Chorzy byli obserwowani w kierunku ewentualnego rozwoju chorób wątroby. Określono typ i etiologię rozpoznanych schorzeń, a ich częstość obliczano na podstawie skumulowanego czasu trwania terapii doustnej. WYNIKI. Spośród 44 406 chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 u 605 potwierdzono po przeprowadzeniu badania komputerowego występowanie choroby wątroby, wskaźnik zapadalności wynosił 53,2/10 000 osobolat (95% CI 49,2&#8211;57,6). U 186 z nich choroba miała postać łagodnych, przejściowych, bezobjawowych epizodów, u 249 występowały czynniki predysponujące, natomiast u 113 stwierdzono istnienie innych przyczyn uszkodzenia wątroby. Oceniono, że u 57 pacjentów uszkodzenie wątroby było prawdopodobnie spowodowane stosowaniem leków, wskaźnik zapadalności wynosił 5,0/10 000 osobolat (3,9&#8211;6,5). Rozpoznanie to potwierdzono w 11 przypadkach, u 8 chorych stwierdzono stłuszczenie wątroby spowodowane cukrzycą, u pozostałych chorych przyczyna pozostała nierozpoznana. Terapię doustnymi środkami przeciwcukrzycowymi kontynuowało 51 z 57 chorych, u 2 nie potwierdzono, że przyjmowane leki wywołały uszkodzenie wątroby, przy wskaźniku zapadalności wynoszącym 0,2/10 000 osobolat (< 0,1&#8211;0,6). WNIOSKI. W badanej populacji choroby wątroby występowały często. U wielu chorych dodatkowo występowały inne schorzenia, które mogą powodować uszkodzenie wątroby

    Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2007

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    Information is provided on pig production efficiency for niche pork production. Information from 27 niche pork producers is included in the analysis. The average female breeding herd size was 81 females. The average feed efficiency was 4.42 pounds of feed per pound of production, although the average for the top 9 herds was 3.78 and the average for the bottom 9 herds was 5.24. Average labor use was 1.01 hours per hundred pounds of pork produced. About one of every four pigs born alive died before weaning. Another 13 percent died from weaning to market. Breeding herd death loss was in the 4 to 12 percent range. The information summarized here shows striking differences in many areas between the top 9 and bottom 9 producers. The areas with the largest differences are places with the most potential to help producers improve. Educational programming that targets these areas is being developed to help these producers make changes to improve their operations, which in turn will improve the position of this sector of the industry

    Returns and Costs of Niche Pork Production in 2008

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    Information is provided on the return, cost and financial efficiency for niche pork production. Information from 18 niche pork producers is included in the analysis. Return levels showed that the average return to capital, unpaid labor and management return to capital, unpaid labor and management for the top 6 producers was 5.23perhundredpoundsofporkproduced,whilethisaveragewas5.23 per hundred pounds of pork produced, while this average was -10.68 for the bottom 6 producers and -3.80forall18producers.Theaveragemarginoverallcostsonaperheadsoldbasisshowedalargeloss(3.80 for all 18 producers. The average margin over all costs on a per head sold basis showed a large loss (-52.89 for the average producer). The average return per hour of labor after all costs was -12.36forall18producers,but12.36 for all 18 producers, but 9.23 per hour for the top 6 producers and -9.82forthebottom6producers.Theaveragetotalcostperhundredpoundsofporkproducedforallproducerswas9.82 for the bottom 6 producers. The average total cost per hundred pounds of pork produced for all producers was 81.40, while the top third (6) had average total costs that were 32.43lessthanthebottom6producers(32.43 less than the bottom 6 producers (66.52 vs $98.75). Production costs increased by about 21 percent over the 2007 level. The main contributor to cost differences between the top third and bottom third producers was operating costs, which included feed and other operating expenses and labor costs. These costs represented the majority of the total cost difference and were about equally split between the two; operating costs (feed and other) and labor costs. The information summarized here shows striking differences in many areas between the top 6 and bottom 6 producers. The areas with the largest differences are places with the most potential to help producers improve. Educational programming that targets these areas is being developed to help these producers make changes to improve their operations, which in turn will improve the position of this sector of the industry