243 research outputs found

    P2 receptor mRNA expression profiles in human lymphocytes, monocytes and CD34+ stem and progenitor cells

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    BACKGROUND: Extracellular nucleotides (ATP, ADP, UTP and UDP) exert a wide range of biological effects in blood cells mediated by multiple ionotropic P2X receptors and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors. Although pharmacological experiments have suggested the presence of several P2 receptor subtypes on monocytes and lymphocytes, some results are contradictory. Few physiological functions have been firmly established to a specific receptor subtype, partly because of a lack of truly selective agonists and antagonists. This stimulated us to investigate the expression of P2X and P2Y receptors in human lymphocytes and monocytes with a newly established quantitative mRNA assay for P2 receptors. In addition, we describe for the first time the expression of P2 receptors in CD34(+ )stem and progenitor cells implicating a potential role of P2 receptors in hematopoietic lineage and progenitor/stem cell function. RESULTS: Using a quantitative mRNA assay, we assessed the hypothesis that there are specific P2 receptor profiles in inflammatory cells. The P2X(4 )receptor had the highest expression in lymphocytes and monocytes. Among the P2Y receptors, P2Y(12 )and P2Y(2 )had highest expression in lymphocytes, while the P2Y(2 )and P2Y(13 )had highest expression in monocytes. Several P2 receptors were expressed (P2Y(2), P2Y(1), P2Y(12), P2Y(13), P2Y(11), P2X(1), P2X(4)) in CD34+ stem and progenitor cells. CONCLUSIONS: The most interesting findings were the high mRNA expression of P2Y(12 )receptors in lymphocytes potentially explaining the anti-inflammatory effects of clopidogrel, P2Y(13 )receptors in monocytes and a previously unrecognised expression of P2X(4 )in lymphocytes and monocytes. In addition, for the first time P2 receptor mRNA expression patterns was studied in CD34(+ )stem and progenitor cells. Several P2 receptors were expressed (P2Y(2), P2Y(1), P2Y(12), P2Y(13), P2Y(11), P2X(1), P2X(4)), indicating a role in differentiation and proliferation. Thus, it is possible that specific antibodies to P2 receptors could be used to identify progenitors for monocytes, lymphocytes and megakaryocytes

    Tumor necrosis factor restricts hematopoietic stem cell activity in mice: involvement of two distinct receptors.

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    Whereas maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is a requisite for life, uncontrolled expansion of HSCs might enhance the propensity for leukemic transformation. Accordingly, HSC numbers are tightly regulated. The identification of physical cellular HSC niches has underscored the importance of extrinsic regulators of HSC homeostasis. However, whereas extrinsic positive regulators of HSCs have been identified, opposing extrinsic repressors of HSC expansion in vivo have yet to be described. Like many other acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, bone marrow (BM) failure syndromes are associated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) overexpression. However, the in vivo relevance of TNF in the regulation of HSCs has remained unclear. Of considerable relevance for normal hematopoiesis and in particular BM failure syndromes, we herein demonstrate that TNF is a cell-extrinsic and potent endogenous suppressor of normal HSC activity in vivo in mice. These effects of TNF involve two distinct TNF receptors

    Mll-AF4 Confers Enhanced Self-Renewal and Lymphoid Potential during a Restricted Window in Development.

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    MLL-AF4+ infant B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is characterized by an early onset and dismal survival. It initiates before birth, and very little is known about the early stages of the disease's development. Using a conditional Mll-AF4-expressing mouse model in which fusion expression is targeted to the earliest definitive hematopoietic cells generated in the mouse embryo, we demonstrate that Mll-AF4 imparts enhanced B lymphoid potential and increases repopulation and self-renewal capacity during a putative pre-leukemic state. This occurs between embryonic days 12 and 14 and manifests itself most strongly in the lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitor population, thus pointing to a window of opportunity and a potential cell of origin. However, this state alone is insufficient to generate disease, with the mice succumbing to B cell lymphomas only after a long latency. Future analysis of the molecular details of this pre-leukemic state will shed light on additional events required for progression to acute leukemia.Core facilities at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research are supported by Strategic Award WT100140 and equipment grant 093026; core facilities at the Edinburgh MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine are supported by centre grant MR/K017047/1. This work was funded by a Bloodwise Bennett Senior Fellowship (10015 to K.O.), a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Studentship (097454/z/11/z to N.A.B.) the Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research (to K.O.), and the Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund (to K.O.).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press/Elsevier at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.046

    Loss of C/EBPα cell cycle control increases myeloid progenitor proliferation and transforms the neutrophil granulocyte lineage

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    CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)α is a myeloid-specific transcription factor that couples lineage commitment to terminal differentiation and cell cycle arrest, and is found mutated in 9% of patients who have acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We previously showed that mutations which dissociate the ability of C/EBPα to block cell cycle progression through E2F inhibition from its function as a transcriptional activator impair the in vivo development of the neutrophil granulocyte and adipose lineages. We now show that such mutations increase the capacity of bone marrow (BM) myeloid progenitors to proliferate, and predispose mice to a granulocytic myeloproliferative disorder and transformation of the myeloid compartment of the BM. Both of these phenotypes were transplantable into lethally irradiated recipients. BM transformation was characterized by a block in granulocyte differentiation, accumulation of myeloblasts and promyelocytes, and expansion of myeloid progenitor populations—all characteristics of AML. Circulating myeloblasts and hepatic leukocyte infiltration were observed, but thrombocytopenia, anemia, and elevated leukocyte count—normally associated with AML—were absent. These results show that disrupting the cell cycle regulatory function of C/EBPα is sufficient to initiate AML-like transformation of the granulocytic lineage, but only partially the peripheral pathology of AML

    Exit of pediatric pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells from the bone marrow to the peripheral blood is not associated with cell maturation or alterations in gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a bone marrow (BM) derived disease, which often disseminates out of the BM cavity, where malignant cells to a variable degree can be found circulating in the peripheral blood (PB). Normal pre-B cells are absolutely dependent on BM stroma for survival and differentiation. It is not known whether transformed pre-B ALL cells retain any of this dependence, which possibly could impact on drug sensitivity or MRD measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pre-B ALL cells, highly purified by a novel method using surface expression of CD19 and immunoglobulin light chains, from BM and PB show a very high degree of similarity in gene expression patterns, with differential expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a notable exception. In addition, the cell sorting procedure revealed that in 2 out of five investigated patients, a significant fraction of the malignant cells had matured beyond the pre-B cell stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The transition of ALL cells from the BM into the circulation does not demand, or result in, major changes of gene expression pattern. This might indicate an independence of BM stroma on the part of transformed pre-B cells, which contrasts with that of their normal counterparts.</p

    FOG-1 and GATA-1 act sequentially to specify definitive megakaryocytic and erythroid progenitors

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    During haematopoiesis, megakaryocytes and erythrocytes derive from a common precursor called preMegE. This study reports a role for the transcription factor FOG-1 in specification of preMegEs, while GATA-1 is subsequently required for erythroid-lineage commitment

    Complementary Signaling through flt3 and Interleukin-7 Receptor α Is Indispensable for Fetal and Adult B Cell Genesis

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    Extensive studies of mice deficient in one or several cytokine receptors have failed to support an indispensable role of cytokines in development of multiple blood cell lineages. Whereas B1 B cells and Igs are sustained at normal levels throughout life of mice deficient in IL-7, IL-7Rα, common cytokine receptor gamma chain, or flt3 ligand (FL), we report here that adult mice double deficient in IL-7Rα and FL completely lack visible LNs, conventional IgM+ B cells, IgA+ plasma cells, and B1 cells, and consequently produce no Igs. All stages of committed B cell progenitors are undetectable in FL−/− × IL-7Rα−/− BM that also lacks expression of the B cell commitment factor Pax5 and its direct target genes. Furthermore, in contrast to IL-7Rα−/− mice, FL−/− × IL-7Rα−/− mice also lack mature B cells and detectable committed B cell progenitors during fetal development. Thus, signaling through the cytokine tyrosine kinase receptor flt3 and IL-7Rα are indispensable for fetal and adult B cell development

    Loss of endothelial membrane KIT ligand affects systemic KIT ligand levels but not bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells

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    A critical regulatory role of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) vascular niches in the bone marrow has been implicated to occur through endothelial niche cell expression of KIT ligand. However, endothelial-derived KIT ligand is expressed in both a soluble and membrane-bound form and not unique to bone marrow niches, and it is also systemically distributed through the circulatory system. Here, we confirm that upon deletion of both the soluble and membrane-bound forms of endothelial-derived KIT ligand, HSCs are reduced in mouse bone marrow. However, the deletion of endothelial-derived KIT ligand was also accompanied by reduced soluble KIT ligand levels in the blood, precluding any conclusion as to whether the reduction in HSC numbers reflects reduced endothelial expression of KIT ligand within HSC niches, elsewhere in the bone marrow, and/or systemic soluble KIT ligand produced by endothelial cells outside of the bone marrow. Notably, endothelial deletion, specifically of the membrane-bound form of KIT ligand, also reduced systemic levels of soluble KIT ligand, although with no effect on stem cell numbers, implicating an HSC regulatory role primarily of soluble rather than membrane KIT ligand expression in endothelial cells. In support of a role of systemic rather than local niche expression of soluble KIT ligand, HSCs were unaffected in KIT ligand deleted bones implanted into mice with normal systemic levels of soluble KIT ligand. Our findings highlight the need for more specific tools to unravel niche-specific roles of regulatory cues expressed in hematopoietic niche cells in the bone marrow

    Autophagy limits proliferation and glycolytic metabolism in acute myeloid leukemia.

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    Decreased autophagy contributes to malignancies, however it is unclear how autophagy impacts on tumour growth. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an ideal model to address this as (i) patient samples are easily accessible, (ii) the hematopoietic stem and progenitor population (HSPC) where transformation occurs is well characterized, and (iii) loss of the key autophagy gene Atg7 in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) leads to a lethal pre-leukemic phenotype in mice. Here we demonstrate that loss of Atg5 results in an identical HSPC phenotype as loss of Atg7, confirming a general role for autophagy in HSPC regulation. Compared to more committed/mature hematopoietic cells, healthy human and mouse HSCs displayed enhanced basal autophagic flux, limiting mitochondrial damage and reactive oxygen species in this long-lived population. Taken together, with our previous findings these data are compatible with autophagy limiting leukemic transformation. In line with this, autophagy gene losses are found within chromosomal regions that are commonly deleted in human AML. Moreover, human AML blasts showed reduced expression of autophagy genes, and displayed decreased autophagic flux with accumulation of unhealthy mitochondria indicating that deficient autophagy may be beneficial to human AML. Crucially, heterozygous loss of autophagy in an MLL-ENL model of AML led to increased proliferation in vitro, a glycolytic shift, and more aggressive leukemias in vivo. With autophagy gene losses also identified in multiple other malignancies, these findings point to low autophagy providing a general advantage for tumour growth

    Alternative platelet differentiation pathways initiated by nonhierarchically related hematopoietic stem cells

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    Rare multipotent stem cells replenish millions of blood cells per second through a time-consuming process, passing through multiple stages of increasingly lineage-restricted progenitors. Although insults to the blood-forming system highlight the need for more rapid blood replenishment from stem cells, established models of hematopoiesis implicate only one mandatory differentiation pathway for each blood cell lineage. Here, we establish a nonhierarchical relationship between distinct stem cells that replenish all blood cell lineages and stem cells that replenish almost exclusively platelets, a lineage essential for hemostasis and with important roles in both the innate and adaptive immune systems. These distinct stem cells use cellularly, molecularly and functionally separate pathways for the replenishment of molecularly distinct megakaryocyte-restricted progenitors: a slower steady-state multipotent pathway and a fast-track emergency-activated platelet-restricted pathway. These findings provide a framework for enhancing platelet replenishment in settings in which slow recovery of platelets remains a major clinical challenge