70 research outputs found

    Prediction of Stress Level from Speech – from Database to Regressor

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    The term stress can designate a number of situations and affective reactions. This work focuses on the immediate stress reaction caused by, for example, threat, danger, fear, or great concern. Could measuring stress from speech be a viable fast and non-invasive method? The article describes the development of a system predicting stress from voice – from the creation of the database, and preparation of the training data to the design and tests of the regressor. StressDat, an acted database of speech under stress in Slovak, was designed. After publishing the methodology during its development in [1], this work describes the final form, annotation, and basic acoustic analyses of the data. The utterances presenting various stress-inducing scenarios were acted at three intended stress levels. The annotators used a "stress thermometer" to rate the perceived stress in the utterance on a scale from 0 to 100. Thus, data with a resolution suitable for training the regressor was obtained. Several regressors were trained, tested and compared. On the test-set, the stress estimation works well (R square = 0.72, Concordance Correlation Coefficient = 0.83) but practical application will require much larger volumes of specific training data. StressDat was made publicly available

    Speaker Authorization for Air Traffic Control Security

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    The number of incidents in which unauthorized persons break into frequencies used by Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) and give false instructions to pilots, or transmit fake emergency calls, is a permanent and apparently grow�ing threat. One of the measures against such attacks could be to use automatic speaker recognition on the voice radio channel to disclose the potential unau�thorized speaker. This work describes the solution for a speaker authorization system in the Security of Air Transport Infrastructures of Europe (SATIE) project, presents the architecture of the system, gives details on training and testing proce�dures, analyses the influence of the number of authorized persons on the system’s performance and describes how the system was adapted to work on the radio channel

    Airports’ Crisis Management Processes and Stakeholders Involved

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    Airports are exposed to various physical incidents that can be classified as aviation and non-aviation related incidents, including terrorist attacks, bombings, natural disasters (e.g. earthquake or tsunami and man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks) etc. (Kanyi, Kamau, &amp; Mireri, 2016). In addition to this, cyber-attacks to airport operations are emerging especially with the increasing use of Information Systems (IS), such as electronic tags for baggage handling and tracking, remote check-in, smart boarding gates, faster and more reliable security screening technologies and biometric immigration controls etc. Any physical or cyber incident that causes loss of infrastructure or massive patient surge, such as natural disasters, terrorist acts, or chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive hazards could affect the airports’ services provision and could cause overwhelming pressure. During the crisis management, several stakeholders that have different needs and requirements, get involved in the process, trying to cooperate, respond and support recovery and impact mitigation. The aim of this paper is to present a holistic security agenda that defines the stakeholders involved in the respective processes followed during the crisis management cycle. This agenda is based both on normative literature, such as relevant standards, guidelines, and practices and on knowledge and feedback extrapolated from a case study conducted in the context of the SATIE project (H2020-GA832969). &nbsp;In meeting paper’s aim, initially the normative review of the phases of the crisis management cycle (preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation) in the context of airports as well as general practices applied, are presented. Moreover, the key airport stakeholders and operation centres involved in airports operations, as well as during the crisis management are analysed. By combining the information collected, a holistic cyber and physical crisis management cycle including the stakeholders and the relevant processes are proposed. The crisis management process is taken into consideration into the SATIE project, which aims to build a security toolkit in order to protect critical air transport infrastructures against combined cyber-physical threats. This toolkit will rely on a complete set of semantic rules that will improve the interoperability between existing systems and enhanced security solutions, in order to ensure more efficient threat prevention, threat and anomaly detection, incident response and impact mitigation, across infrastructures, populations and environment.</p

    14th CoU Thematic Workshop - SATIE

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    Projektvorstellung des Projektes SATIE beim Community of Users Event der Europäischen Kommission

    SATIE; a Horizon 2020 project (2019-2021) designed to enhance security of critical infrastructures and understandings for adapting policies and adopting best practices.

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    Beitrag des H202 Projektes SATIE zum Schutz von Flughäfen vor cyber-physikalischen Bedrohungen und SATIEs Beitrag zu Standards in diesem Bereich

    fit4sec: Air Traffic Management SATIE, FLUIT

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    Presentatio of a national (FLUIT) and an international (SATIE) security projects

    Validating ATM Security Prototypes

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    Overview of the Validation activities planned for the GAMMA Project. Held at a Workshop of the Slovakian Air Navigation Service Provider (LPS

    Simulations to Validate ATM Security Requirements and Concepts

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    Simulation zur Validierung von Anforderungen bzw. Konzepten mit Beispiel GAMMA-Projek

    3S Clustering Event: SATIE project overview

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    Presentation of the H2020 project SATIE at The 3S Clustering Event (combined with SATIEs and SecureGas Final Conference)

    Security of Airport Transport Infrastructure in Europe - Overview of the project

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    Ăśberblicksvortrag ĂĽber das Projekt SATI
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