7 research outputs found

    A European research agenda for somatic symptom disorders, bodily distress disorders, and functional disorders: Results of an estimate-talk-estimate delphi expert study

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    Background: Somatic Symptom Disorders (SSD), Bodily Distress Disorders (BDD) and functional disorders (FD) are associated with high medical and societal costs and pose a substantial challenge to the population and health policy of Europe. To meet this challenge, a specific research agenda is needed as one of the cornerstones of sustainable mental health research and health policy for SSD, BDD, and FD in Europe. Aim: To identify the main challenges and research priorities concerning SSD, BDD, and FD from a European perspective. Methods: Delphi study conducted from July 2016 until October 2017 in 3 rounds with 3 workshop meetings and 3 online surveys, involving 75 experts and 21 European countries. EURONET-SOMA and the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM) hosted the meetings. Results: Eight research priorities were identified: (1) Assessment of diagnostic profiles relevant to course and treatment outcome. (2) Development and evaluation of new, effective interventions. (3) Validation studies on questionnaires or semi-structured interviews that assess chronic medical conditions in this context. (4) Research into patients preferences for diagnosis and treatment. (5) Development of new methodologic designs to identify and explore mediators and moderators of clinical course and treatment outcomes (6). Translational research exploring how psychological and somatic symptoms develop from somatic conditions and biological and behavioral pathogenic factors. (7) Development of new, effective interventions to personalize treatment. (8) Implementation studies of treatment interventions in different settings, such as primary care, occupational care, general hospital and specialty mental health settings. The general public and policymakers will benefit from the development of new, effective, personalized interventions for SSD, BDD, and FD, that will be enhanced by translational research, as well as from the outcomes of research into patient involvement, GP-patient communication, consultation-liaison models and implementation. Conclusion: Funding for this research agenda, targeting these challenges in coordinated research networks such as EURONET-SOMA and EAPM, and systematically allocating resources by policymakers to this critical area in mental and physical well-being is urgently needed to improve efficacy and impact for diagnosis and treatment of SSD, BDD, and FD across Europe


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    The authors discuss the activities and achievements of Albert Schweitzer in their principal fields: music and musicology, philosophy and theology, and medicine and hospital management. They also describe Schweitzer's successive hospitals in Lambarene (Gabon) during the years of 1913-2013.Авторы статьи представляют анализ деятельности и достижений Альберта Швейцера в области музыки и музыковедения, философии и теологии, медицины и больничного управления. Статья также описывает сменяющие друг друга больницы А. Швейцера в Ламбарене (Габон) на протяжении 1913-2013.Автори статті аналізують діяльність та досягнення Альберта Швейцера в царині музики та музикознавства, філософії та теології, медицини та медичного управління. Стаття також описує низку шпиталів А. Швейцера у Ламбарене (Габон) протягом 1913-2013

    Fine-particle Mn and other metals linked to the introduction of MMT into gasoline in Sydney, Australia: results of a natural experiment.

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    Using a combination of accelerator-based ion beam methods we have analysed PM2.5 particulates for a suite of 21 species (H, C, Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb) to evaluate the contribution to Sydney (New South Wales, Australia) air associated with the introduction of MMT as a replacement for lead. MMT was discontinued in 2004. Teflon filters representing continuous sampling for a 7 year period from 1998 to 2004 were analysed from two sites: one from Mascot, a suburb close to the Central Business District [CBD (n=718)] and a high trafficked area, and the other, a relatively rural (background) setting at Richmond, 20 km west of the CBD (n=730). Manganese concentrations in air at the background site increased from a mean of 1.5–1.6 ng m−3 to less than 2 ng m−3 at the time of greatest MMT use whereas those at Mascot increased from about 2 to 5 ng m−3. From the maximum values, the Mn showed a steady decrease at both sites concomitant with the decreasing use of MMT. Lead concentrations in air at both sites decreased from 1998 onwards, concomitant with the phase out of leaded gasoline, attained in 2002. Employing previously determined elemental signatures it was possible to adjust effects from season along with auto emissions and soil. A high correlation was obtained for the relationship between Mn in air and lead replacement gasoline use (R2 0.83) and an improved correlation for Mn/ Al+Si+K and lead replacement gasoline use (R2 0.93). In addition, using Mn concentrations normalized to background values of Al+Si+K or Ti to account for the lithogenically derived Mn, the proportion of anthropogenic Mn was approximately 70%. The changes for Mn and Pb detected in the particulates are attributed to the before-during-after use of MMT and decreasing use of lead in gasoline. The values measured in Sydney air are well below the reference concentration of 50 ng Mn m−3. The incremental increases in air, however, are larger than expected given the limited use of MMT only in lead replacement gasoline and high quality monitoring should be undertaken in countries where MMT is used in all gasoline. © 2005, Elsevier Ltd

    Medical students’ perceptions of people with disabilities

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    Introduction: Little is known about associations of attitudes of medical students towards people with disabilities and their life satisfaction and empathy. Purpose: To assess the social perception of people with disabilities by medical students. Materials and methods: The present study interviewed 451 medical students of the Medical University of Białystok regarding their perceptions of people with disabilities, especially in light of their own satisfaction with life and empathy. We used the following questionnaires: the original questionnaire about attitudes towards people with disabilities, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Empathy Understanding Questionnaire (KRE). Results: Attitudes towards people with disabilities people were generally positive. Almost 40% of respondents expressed a willingness to help for people with disabilities. In general, disabled people do not have full access to all fields of social (63.4%) and professional (63.2%) life. At the same time, disabled people tend to marry (84.9%), have children (82.1%), work (88.2%), and drive cars (76.1%). Respondents were convinced that contact with a disabled person teaches ways to help others (42.1%), and in fact 58.6% of respondents reported having decided to participate with helping the disabled. The average life satisfaction of the students was 22.7 ± 5.3 which indicates that the respondents are satisfied with their lives. The empathy level of respondents was 66.97 points ± 2.98, which indicates average level of empathy. Conclusions: This study shows that students’ perception of people with disabilities depends upon how the students viewed disabled people’s, life satisfaction and empathy

    Enhanced biocompatibility of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) polymer films by ion irradiation

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    PDMS films several microns thick deposited on polished Si wafers were irradiated with Mg, Ta, and Fe in the low energy range of 40 keV to 200 key, and for doses of 10(16)-10(18) ions/cm(2). After irradiation the films surface is self-organised into 3D coherent and semi-coherent domains. As a consequence of the surface irradiation conditions and the surface boundary conditions, some domains are highly ordered in the form of parallel waves of approximately 1 mu m in height, or the result can be semi-ordered regions or disordered regions. In addition, the surface energy of the irradiated polymer is increasing, as reflected in the decrease in its surface hydrophobicity, which is beneficial for cell adhesion. The irradiated samples were tested in vivo, and the results show an increase in viable cell count of up to 650%

    Differing attitudes for various population groups towards homeless people

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    Introduction: People who are homeless are most often unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure, and adequate housing, or they lack a “fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence”. Purpose: To assess the attitude of secondaryschool students, high-school students, university students, and working adults towards homeless people. Materials and methods: A survey of 420 randomly selected middle school students (n=120), high school students (n=100), university students (n=100), and working adults (n=100) was conducted. Nearly half of the participants reported a fear of homeless people. Results: According to the majority of respondents, a homeless person collects scrap metal and waste paper, and also begs. The first words that come to mind when a majority of people think of the homeless were: poor, unhappy, dirty, lonely, and smelly. The participants reported the main reasons for homelessness to be: joblessness, family problems, alcohol, helplessness, and avoiding work. The majority of respondents argued that social and legal problems are the main reasons that it is difficult for homeless people to extricate themselves from their situation. The groups surveyed had a variety of opinions about homelessness. According to most respondents, a homeless person is a poor, miserable, lonely, childless man with a vocational education who begs, collects scrap metal and waste paper, and is also usually dirty and smelly. Conclusions: In the survey groups, respondents’ opinions about homelessness varied

    The perception of violence in children’s drawings

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    The aim of the paper is to evaluate the perception of violence held by children and adolescents aged 8 to 16 years based on their artworks. 163 children’s drawings submitted from across Poland on "Children against violence." were analyzed. These pictures were analysed according to their contents. The artworks were made using various techniques: torn paper collage, collage, wax scratch, coloring pages, painting using poster paints and watercolors. Drawings have been classified in twelve thematic groups: "aggression against things", "peer violence","violence and addiction", "family violence", "workplace violence", "on-line violence," verbal violence", the continuity of violence", difficult choices" ,and " help ". Children and adolescents are good observers and they see various forms of violence, especially signs of bullying, and the impact of addictions on their development. Children know how to avoid and reduce violence