9 research outputs found

    Bringing spacecraft into solar-oriented attitude by the measurements of a single-axis angular-rate sensor and an optical solar sensor

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    The algorithm of the turn of the spacecraft from an initial arbitrary angular position at an arbitrary angular rate to a solar-oriented attitude is investigated. Minimum essential equipment of the motion control system required for the purpose of ensuring maintenance of solar orientation is defined: a solar sensor, a single-axis angular-rate sensor, low-thrust liquid rocket engines. A solution of the problem of defining the spacecraft angular rate vector by the measurements of the deviation of the optical axis of the solar sensor from the sun vector and the single-axis angular-rate sensor is presented. The conditions under which control action on the rocket engines for the purpose of changing the value of the angular-rate vector for the Sun to get into the field of viewing of the solar sensor or for the spacecraft stabilization are defined. Mathematical modeling of the spacecraft attitude control system with the unknown initial state vector of motion is carried out. The results of mathematical modeling confirmed the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in terms of reducing propellant fuel consumption and high-speed performance. In comparison with the known methods of solving the problem of reducing angular speed (a lengthy process with the use of a magnetic system or a fast process with the use of a three-axis angular-rate sensor and rocket engines) the duration of the process of reducing angular speeds is the same as in normal operation, however, at the same time the problem of bringing spacecraft into the solar oriented attitude is solved

    Vertex operators - from a toy model to lattice algebras

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    Within the framework of the discrete Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten theory we analyze the structure of vertex operators on a lattice. In particular, the lattice analogues of operator product expansions and braid relations are discussed. As the main physical application, a rigorous construction for the discrete counterpart g_n of the group valued field g(x) is provided. We study several automorphisms of the lattice algebras including discretizations of the evolution in the WZNW model. Our analysis is based on the theory of modular Hopf algebras and its formulation in terms of universal elements. Algebras of vertex operators and their structure constants are obtained for the deformed universal enveloping algebras U_q(B). Throughout the while paper, the abelian WZNW model is used as a simple exmaple to illustrate the steps of our construction. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1596(238) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Electrical Resistivity Imaging and the Saline Water Interface in High-Quality Coastal Aquifers

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Population growth and changing climate continue to impact on the availability of natural resources. Urbanization of vulnerable coastal margins can place serious demands on shallow groundwater. Here, groundwater management requires definition of coastal hydrogeology, particularly the seawater interface. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) appears to be ideally suited for this purpose. We investigate challenges and drivers for successful electrical resistivity imaging with field and synthetic experiments. Two decades of seawater intrusion monitoring provide a basis for creating a geo-electrical model suitable for demonstrating the significance of acquisition and inversion parameters on resistivity imaging outcomes. A key observation is that resistivity imaging with combinations of electrode arrays that include dipole–dipole quadrupoles can be configured to illuminate consequential elements of coastal hydrogeology. We extend our analysis of ERI to include a diverse set of hydrogeological settings along more than 100 km of the coastal margin passing the city of Perth, Western Australia. Of particular importance are settings with: (1) a classic seawater wedge in an unconfined aquifer, (2) a shallow unconfined aquifer over an impermeable substrate, and (3) a shallow multi-tiered aquifer system over a conductive impermeable substrate. We also demonstrate a systematic increase in the landward extent of the seawater wedge at sites located progressively closer to the highly urbanized center of Perth. Based on field and synthetic ERI experiments from a broad range of hydrogeological settings, we tabulate current challenges and future directions for this technology. Our research contributes to resolving the globally significant challenge of managing seawater intrusion at vulnerable coastal margins