6 research outputs found

    On global maxima in multiphase queues

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    The target of this research in the queueing theory is to prove the law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) under the conditions of heavy traffic in multiphase queueing systems. In this paper, the LIL for global maxima is proved in the phases of a queueing system studied for an important probability characteristic of the system (total waiting time of a customer and waiting time of a customer)

    Исследование динамической стабильности движения грузового вагона при изменениях жесткости железнодорожного пути

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    Authors analysed the rail dynamic models of rail vehicle and surveyed the features of the system “vehicle-track” modelling. Algorithms of creep forces calculation were examined. Four-axle freight wagon movement on the straight track and on curves corresponding to the given vertical and transversal track irregularities was modelled by software tool "Universal Mechanism". Authors examined the track stiffness influence on the vehicle moving stability/safety parameters at different speed, vehicle weight and track irregularities considering different wear rail profiles. Finally, basic conclusions and recommendations are given.Авторы проанализировали динамические модели рельсовых экипажей и рассмотрели особенности моделирования системы «вагон-путь». Рассмотрены алгоритмы расчета сил крипа. С помощью программного пакета «Универсальный механизм» было смоделировано движение четырехосного грузового вагона по прямой трассе и по кривой с учетом вертикальных и горизонтальных неровностей рельсовых нитей. Авторы исследовали влияние жесткости железнодорожного пути на параметры стабильность/безопасность движения рельсового экипажа, движущегося с разной скоростью, с разной массой вагона и с учетом профилей рельсов различного износа. В конце сформулированы основные выводы и рекомендации

    Heavy Traffic Limit For The Cumulative Idle Time In Multiphase Queues

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    The paper is designated to the analysis of queueing systems, arising in the networks theory and communications theory. This research present heavy traffic limit theorem for the cumulative idle time in multiphase queues

    Heavy Traffic Limit For The Cumulative Idle Time In Multiphase Queues

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    The paper is designated to the analysis of queueing systems, arising in the networks theory and communications theory. This research present heavy traffic limit theorem for the cumulative idle time in multiphase queues

    On Departure Flows Of The Served Customers In Multiphase Queueing Systems

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    Multiphase queueing systems (tandem queues, queues in series) are of special interest both in theory and in practical applications (packet switch structures, cellular mobile networks, message switching systems, retransmission of video images, assembly lines, processes of conveyor production, etc. ). In this paper, we deal with approximations of multiphase queueing systems. We investigated departure flows of the served customers under heavy traffic in multiphase queueing systems. The theorem on the law of the iterated logarithm for departure flows of the customers served under heavy traffic conditions in multiphase queueing systems has been proved