50 research outputs found

    How did COVID-19 shape the leadership practices of Norwegian school principals? A qualitative follow-up study

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    This study explores how the protracted exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic influenced role expectations and leadership practices among Norwegian school principals. Following up Lien et al. (2022). School principals’ experiences and learning from the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1–16, nine Norwegian school principals were re-interviewed 18 months into the pandemic. Four main themes emerged: (a) increased demands and expectations describes how the pandemic still poses a significant additional workload, (b) dilemmas and uncertainty outlines how the school principals have become more aware of their responsibilities and liabilities, (c) social support and relationships details an increased sense of community and peer support from fellow teachers, colleagues and the community at large, and (d) self-efficacy describes how the pandemic has instilled confidence in the principals as school leaders. The findings are discussed in the context of leadership practices in education and research on crisis leadership.publishedVersio

    Behaviour Guidance Techniques in Dentistry to prevent the need of General Anesthesia

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    In this thesis we wanted to find out; "Are there guidelines on the use of behaviour guidance techniques in dentistry to prevent the need of General Anesthesia"

    The genetic diversity, phylogeography and morphology of Elphidiidae (Foraminifera) in the Northeast Atlantic

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    Genetic characterisation (SSU rRNA genotyping) and Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM) imaging of individualtests were used in tandem to determine the modern species richness of the foraminiferal family Elphidiidae(Elphidium, Haynesina and related genera) across the Northeast Atlantic shelf biomes. Specimens were collectedat 25 locations fromthe High Arctic to Iberia, and a total of 1013 individual specimenswere successfully SEMimagedand genotyped. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out in combination with 28 other elphidiid sequencesfrom GenBank and seventeen distinct elphidiid genetic types were identified within the sample set, sevenbeing sequenced for the first time. Genetic types cluster into sevenmain cladeswhich largely represent their generalmorphologicalcharacter. Differences between genetic types at the genetic, morphological and biogeographiclevels are indicative of species level distinction. Their biogeographic distributions, in combination with elphidiidSSU sequences from GenBank and high resolution images from the literature show that each of them exhibitsspecies-specific rather than clade-specific biogeographies. Due to taxonomic uncertainty and divergent taxonomicconcepts between schools, we believe that morphospecies names should not be placed onto molecularphylogenies unless both the morphology and genetic type have been linked to the formally named holotype,or equivalent. Based on strictmorphological criteria,we advocate using only a three-stage approach to taxonomyfor practical application in micropalaeontological studies. It comprises genotyping, the production of a formalmorphological description of the SEM images associated with the genetic type and then the allocation of themost appropriate taxonomic name by comparison with the formal type description. Using this approach, wewere able to apply taxonomic names to fifteen genetic types. One of the remaining two may be potentially cryptic,and one is undescribed in the literature. In general, the phylogeographic distribution is in agreement with ourknowledge of the ecology and biogeographical distribution of the corresponding morphospecies, highlighting thegenerally robust taxonomic framework of the Elphidiidae in time and space

    Linking the Modern Distribution of Biogenic Proxies in High Arctic Greenland Shelf Sediments to Sea Ice, Primary Production, and Arctic-Atlantic Inflow

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    The eastern north coast of Greenland is considered to be highly sensitive to the ongoing Arctic warming, but there is a general lack of data on modern conditions and in particular on the modern distribution of climate and environmental proxies to provide a baseline and context for studies on past variability. Here we present a detailed investigation of 11 biogenic proxies preserved in surface sediments from the remote High Arctic Wandel Sea shelf, the entrance to the Independence, Hagen, and Danmark fjords. The composition of organic matter (organic carbon, C:N ratios, C-13, N-15, biogenic silica, and IP25) and microfossil assemblages revealed an overall low primary production dominated by benthic diatoms, especially at the shallow sites. While the benthic and planktic foraminiferal assemblages underline the intrusion of chilled Atlantic waters into the deeper parts of the study area, the distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts is controlled by the local bathymetry and sea ice conditions. The distribution of the dinoflagellate cyst Polarella glacialis matches that of seasonal sea ice and the specific biomarker IP25, highlighting the potential of this species for paleo sea ice studies. The information inferred from our multiproxy study has important implications for the interpretation of the biogenic-proxy signal preserved in sediments from circum-Arctic fjords and shelf regions and can serve as a baseline for future studies. This is the first study of its kind in this area.Peer reviewe

    Rollen som skoleleder under en pandemi: En oppfølgingsstudie av norske skoleledere

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    Covid-19-pandemien førte til radikale endringer i skole- og utdanningsinstitusjoner verden over, hvor skolene måtte finne nye måter å løse sitt samfunnsoppdrag på. Skoleledere hadde en særskilt rolle i å tilpasse skolen til radikalt endrede betingelsene, og samtidig et viktig ansvar for å ivareta personale, elever og foresatte underveis. Denne studien er en oppfølgingsstudie hvor dybdeintervjuer ble gjennomført med ni skoleledere ved norske barneskoler. Formålet var å kartlegge noen skolelederes erfaringer med ledelse under en langvarig krise som Covid-19-pandemien, og hvilken innvirkning disse erfaringene har hatt på deres syn på egen lederrolle. Resultatene fra analyser gjennom systematisk tekstkondensering (Malterud, 2012) oppsummeres i fire hovedkategorier: (1) Økte krav og forventninger, (2) Ansvaret har blitt tydelig, (3) Har ikke stått alene, og (4) Innvirkning på egen lederrolle. Informantene forteller en historie preget av høye krav og forventninger, og en sterk ansvarsfølelse som leder i skolen under pandemien. Ulike kilder til støtte trekkes frem som avgjørende for håndteringen av krisen. Spesielt interessant er det at skolelederne beskriver en følelse av økt trygghet, mestring og læring i rollen som skoleleder, som et resultat av sine erfaringer i en usikker, krevende og langvarig situasjon som Covid-19-pandemien