46 research outputs found

    Исследование охлаждения твердотельной мишени с помощью потока мелкодисперсно распылённой воды для производства радионуклидов I-123/I-124 на циклотроне

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    В диссертационной работе поставлена актуальная научная задача, состоящая в разработке теоретических основ технологии производства нуклидов 123I/124I с использованием нового подхода к охлаждению твердотельной мишени. Из-за низкой теплопроводности ТеО2 (30 мВт/см К), используемого в качестве материала мишени, затрудняется процесс передачи тепла от вещества мишени к охлаждаемой подложке, что приводит к снижению рабочего тока и производительности наработки нуклидов. Для решения данной задачи необходимо применять дополнительное охлаждение мишени.In the dissertation the actual scientific problem is given, which consists in development of theoretical bases of production technology of nuclides 123I/124I with the use of new approach to cooling of solid-state target. Due to low thermal conductivity of TheO2 (30 mW/cm K), used as a target material, it is difficult to transfer heat from the target material to the cooled substrate, which leads to a decrease in operating current and productivity of nuclides. To solve this problem, it is necessary to apply additional cooling of the target

    The Decision Support System for improved Tsunami Early Warning in Indonesia: Approach and Implementation

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    In recent years numerous tsunami events in the Indian Ocean have shown how vulnerable human society and the environment is to this sudden-onset type of disaster. Especially the December 2004 tsunami demonstrated the need for an effective tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean. The German-Indonesian Early Warning System (GITEWS) project uses the best sensor technologies available today to detect indicators or evidence for a tsunami, combining those information with up-to-date modelling techniques and integrating them in a newly developed Decision Support System. Combining a-priori knowledge, simulation runs and analysis results with real-time information from different types of sensors, the newly developed Decision Support System (DSS) serve as a back-bone to allow an assessment for the tsunami threat at the earliest time possible and support the decision maker whether to issue a tsunami warning or not. GITEWS therefore adds additional components in order to achieve the best situation awareness possible by compiling a huge scenario-based repository of a-priori knowledge: A tsunami simulation system generates a large number of pre-calculated tsunami scenarios; in case of a potential tsunami, sensor observations can be compared and matched with these scenarios in order to find the most likely tsunami scenario descriptions, and a risk and vulnerability analysis component that helps to assess probable consequences and impacts on coastal communities exposed to tsunamis. Once the decision to disseminate a warning has been made, the DSS is able to generate regionalized warning messages, which are then transmitted to different dissemination systems using the standardized Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)