24 research outputs found

    Current state of neural networks applications in power system monitoring and control

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    For over two decades Neural Network (NN) has been applied to power system monitoring and control. Conventional controllers suffer from certain limitations which NN as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique is able to overcome. Therefore, many researchers prefer to use NN technique in the monitoring and control of power systems. This paper reviews published recently schemes for control and monitoring based on NN. The performance of various NN controllers is compared with one another as well as to the performance of other types of controllers. This review further reveals that the design of a proper NN control can maintain first-swing stability, damp oscillation, ensure voltage stability and the reliable supply of electric power

    Untersuchung alternativer Zerfaelle der Formisomere 238mU und 237mNp

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    SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Application of genetic algorithm in optimization of unified power flow controller parameters and its location in the power system network

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    a b s t r a c t This work demonstrates the application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique for the simultaneous stabilization of power systems using a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The GA is applied to find the optimal location of the UPFC and to tune its control parameters under different operating conditions. The problem is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem which aims at maximizing the damping ratio of the electromechanical modes using different lines fitted with the UPFC. The approach is successfully tested on the 16-machine 68-bus New England-New York interconnected system and on the Iraqi National Super Grid System (INSGS) to validate its effectiveness in the damping of local and inter-area modes of oscillations. In addition, the proposed approach demonstrated better performance when compared to a fuzzy-based UPFC damping controller

    2-nucleon, 3-nucleon and 4-nucleon Transfer, Doorways To Fusion

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    Near-barrier differential cross sections of the prominent transfer channels in the systems S-33, Zr-90, Zr-91, Zr-93 and S-32 , Ru-100, Ru-101 have been measured including Q-distributions. The relatively large 2-,3- and 4-nucleon transfer cross sections suggest their contribution to the observed fusion enhancements. The angular distributions are discussed within the frame work of a simple semiclassical formalism and some interesting connections to fusion are revealed

    Near-barrier Transfer and Fusion of the Systems S-33 + Zr-90, Zr-91, Zr-92

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    Double differential cross sections of all prominent transfer channels have been measured in the systems33S +99,91,92Zr at two energies close to the nominal Coulomb barrier. In addition the fusion excitation functions of these systems have been measured below and around the barrier. The angular- andQ-distributions of the most important transfer reactions have been analysed in the framework of a simple semiclassical formalism. Particularly the two-nucleon transfer angular distributions exhibit strong multi step coupling effects which manifest themselves in reduced cross sections at large angles corresponding to close distances. From the angular distributions at forward angles, where a single step character of the transfer reaction can be assumed, approximate form factors have been extracted employing a first order perturbation theory. Within the uncertainties of a schematic coupled channels calculation the isotopic differences of the sub-barrier fusion enhancement can be understood on the basis of the isotopic differences of the transfer form factors andQ-values

    Correlations between nucleon transfer and fusion at near-barrier energies for the systems32S +100,101Ru and33S +90,91,92Zr

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    Transfer reactions at two near-barrier energies for the systems32S +100,101Ru have been studied. Differential cross sections have been extracted for a large variety of channels, with a set-up yielding good mass, nuclear charge and energy resolutions. A steeper decrease of the measured angular distributions at backward angles with respect to the prediction of a semiclassical theory is interpreted as a loss of transfer flux feeding more complex channels and/or fusion. Coupled channels calculations, which use the transfer form factors derived from the experiment, reproduce the fusion cross sections at sub-barrier energies. Multi-nucleon transfer seems to play an essential role for the fusion process, as evidenced by the found strong correlations. A systematic comparison is made with the systems33S +90,91,92Zr, which have been the object of a previous experimental study with the same set-up

    Testing and characterization of the short-wavelength spectrometer for Infrared Space Observatory

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    Results of the ground test and characterization program show that the performance of the SWS is well within its specifications. The procedures for ground testing and calibration are tuned to achieve commonality with in-orbit procedures. This strategy optimizes the development of data analysis procedures and allows a fast in-orbit check-out and update of the calibration