16 research outputs found
Effectiveness of supported housing versus residential care in severe mental illness: a multicenter, quasi-experimental study
Up to now there are only few studies and no RCT comparing efficacy or effectiveness of supported housing (SH) versus residential care (RC) in severe mental illness (SMI) without homelessness. Here we present an observational followup study in SMI subjects, who entered SH or RC, to compare clinical and functional outcomes 2 years later.
In this prospective study in more than 30 locations throughout a German federal state, we included SMI subjects, who entered SH (n= 153) or RC (n = 104). About one quarter suffered from each substance use, psychotic, affective, or other disorders. To avoid sampling bias, we used the propensity score matching method to establish a quasi-experimental design. Outcome measures were social functioning (SFS), the number of psychiatric hospitalisations, psychopathology (SCL-9-K), and quality of life (MANSA). Apart from descriptive methods we analysed primarily using repeated-measures ANOVAS.
Our analyses revealed significant effects of time for all outcomes in both study groups. However, there were not any group differences of outcome measures, i.e., not any significant effects of group or interactional effects of group x time. Moreover, these results hold true for intent-to-treat and per-protocol sample analyses.
The results show, that SH and RC for non-homeless people with SMI achieve the same clinical and psychosocial outcomes across a 2-year period. Taking into account the usersâ preferences, the present findings should give reason to ensure the availability of affordable housing and to support the expansion of upported housing approache
Wahlfreiheit beim Wohnen: Forschungsstand und praktische Erfahrungen.
Aus den alten, maroden Anstalten sind fĂŒr die Akutbehandlung in der Post-Enquete-Ăra sehr gut restaurierte Behandlungszentren geworden. FĂŒr die Eingliederungshilfe hat die Dezentralisierung in verkleinerte Einrichtungen und Kleinstheime ebenfalls eine deutlich verbesserte Personalsituation gebracht und die auf den KerngelĂ€nden der Anstalten verbliebenen (Gross-)Heime haben sich nicht nur neue TĂŒrschilder geleistet, sondern setzen ĂŒberwiegend neue fachliche Inhalte und Konzeptionen um - auch wenn sich noch zahlreiche z.T. immer noch sehr abseits gelegene psychiatrische Heimbereiche mit ĂŒber hundert PlĂ€tzen in dieses Jahrtausend gerettet haben.
Strukturell gilt: Die neuen Psychiatrie-Wohneinrichtungen sind ĂŒberwiegend angekommen im Gemeindepsychiatrischen Verbund. Aber war's das? Wo ist der Drive der Normalisierungsdebatte aus dem letzten Jahrtausend geblieben? Haben wir in den vierzig Jahren mehr als eine strukturelle "Umhospitalisierung" in ein neues gemeindepsychiatrisches Sondersystem geschafft? Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass wir in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland versĂ€umt haben, diesen Umbruchprozess der Psychiatrie durch intelligente VersorgungsforschungsansĂ€tze zu evaluieren, deren Ergebnisse jetzt hilfreich zur Bewertung und Weiterentwicklung wĂ€ren. Gerade fĂŒr den Bereich Wohnen liegt im deutschen Sprachraum trotz steigender Fallzahlen erschreckend wenig wissenschaftliche Evidenz vor; von Multicenterstudien mit dem Vergleich unterschiedlicher HilfeansĂ€tze und das gar im internationalen Vergleich können wir leider nur trĂ€umen. Der gesamte Prozess der "Heimpsychiatrie" der letzten Jahrzehnte war sicherlich wichtig und richtig; aber: warum nur sind wir auf halber Strecke stehen geblieben, was ist aus den "alten Psychiatriethemen" der Selbstbestimmung und Wahlfreiheit geworden? Haben wir uns alle gemeinsam im Gemeindepsychiatrischen Verbund "eingerichtet"? Warum "lahmt" die Psychiatriereform
Neue Praxis braucht neue Theorie : der Capabilities-Approach
Der Beitrag diskutiert die Bedeutung des Capability Approach fĂŒr ein neues theoretisches VerstĂ€ndnis von psychischer Erkrankung und dessen Folgen sowie den Aufbau eines diesbezĂŒglichen Versorgungsmodells
Participating in longitudinal observational research on psychiatric rehabilitation: quantitative results from a patient perspective study
Dehn L, Driessen M, Steinhart I, Beblo T. Participating in longitudinal observational research on psychiatric rehabilitation: quantitative results from a patient perspective study. Frontiers in Psychiatry . 2022;13: 834389.Background: Longitudinal observational studies play on an important role for evidence-based research on health services and psychiatric rehabilitation. However, information is missing about the reasons, why patients participate in such studies, and how they evaluate their participation experience.; Methods: Subsequently to their final assessment in a 2-year follow-up study on supported housing for persons with severe mental illness, n = 182 patients answered a short questionnaire on their study participation experience (prior experiences, participation reasons, burden due to study assessments, intention to participate in studies again). Basic respondent characteristics as well as symptom severity (SCL-K9) were also included in the descriptive and analytical statistics.; Results: To help other people and curiosity were cited as the main initial reasons for study participation (>85%). Further motives were significantly associated with demographic and/or clinical variables. For instance, "relieve from boredom" was more frequently reported by men and patients with substance use disorders (compared to mood disorders), and participants 'motive" to talk about illness" was associated with higher symptom severity at study entry. Furthermore, only a small proportion of respondents indicated significant burdens by study participation and about 87% would also participate in future studies.; Conclusions: The respondents gave an overall positive evaluation regarding their participation experience in an observational study on psychiatric rehabilitation. The results additionally suggest that health and social care professionals should be responsive to the expectations and needs of patients with mental illness regarding participation in research. Copyright © 2022 Dehn, Driessen, Steinhart and Beblo
Die "Modelltreue-Skala Selbstbestimmtes Wohnen (MSSW)"
Wienberg G, Richter D, Myszor F, Steinhart I. Die "Modelltreue-Skala Selbstbestimmtes Wohnen (MSSW)". Kerbe. 2021;(4):27-29
Participating in Longitudinal Observational Research on Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Quantitative Results From a Patient Perspective Study
Longitudinal observational studies play on an important role for evidence-based research on health services and psychiatric rehabilitation. However, information is missing about the reasons, why patients participate in such studies, and how they evaluate their participation experience.
Subsequently to their final assessment in a 2-year follow-up study on supported housing for persons with severe mental illness, n = 182 patients answered a short questionnaire on their study participation experience (prior experiences, participation reasons, burden due to study assessments, intention to participate in studies again). Basic respondent characteristics as well as symptom severity (SCL-K9) were also included in the descriptive and analytical statistics.
To help other people and curiosity were cited as the main initial reasons for study participation (>85%). Further motives were significantly associated with demographic and/or clinical variables. For instance, ârelieve from boredomâ was more frequently reported by men and patients with substance use disorders (compared to mood disorders), and participants âmotiveâ to talk about illnessâ was associated with higher symptom severity at study entry. Furthermore, only a small proportion of respondents indicated significant burdens by study participation and about 87% would also participate in future studies.
The respondents gave an overall positive evaluation regarding their participation experience in an observational study on psychiatric rehabilitation. The results additionally suggest that health and social care professionals should be responsive to the expectations and needs of patients with mental illness regarding participation in research
Projekt GUT: Lebenssituation von Menschen mit kognitiven BeeintrÀchtigungen und herausfordernden Verhaltensweisen in NRW
Myszor F, Reuter J, Sappok T, Steinhart I, Schneider H. Projekt GUT: Lebenssituation von Menschen mit kognitiven BeeintrÀchtigungen und herausfordernden Verhaltensweisen in NRW. Presented at the Forschungstag Medizin 2024 der Medizinischen FakultÀt OWL, Bielefeld
Wie wirksam ist WohnunterstĂŒtzung? Ein Vergleich von UnterstĂŒtzungsangeboten in der eigenen Wohnung und solchen in besonderer Wohnform
Dehn L, Beblo T, Wienberg G, Driessen M, Steinhart I. Wie wirksam ist WohnunterstĂŒtzung? Ein Vergleich von UnterstĂŒtzungsangeboten in der eigenen Wohnung und solchen in besonderer Wohnform. Kerbe â Forum fĂŒr soziale Psychiatrie. 2021;39(4):24-27
Vocational Perspectives for People with Mental Illness Under Corona Conditions: An Exploratory Brief Survey
Dehn L, Böske N, Beblo T, Steinhart I, Stengler K, Driessen M. Arbeitsperspektiven fĂŒr Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen unter Corona-Bedingungen: Eine explorative Kurzumfrage[Vocational Perspectives for People with Mental Illness Under Corona Conditions: An Exploratory Brief Survey]. Psychiatrische Praxis. 2021.OBJECTIVE: Exploratory study of corona-related impacts on vocational perspectives of people with mental illness.; METHODS: Short survey with quantitative and qualitative questions among employees from vocational rehabilitation.; RESULTS: More than 90â% of the nâ=â76 participants stated that the situation regarding vocational reintegration or job search had worsened due to corona. Moreover, 75â% considered that there would still be a negative impact on vocational rehabilitation in the longer term. In addition to the main problem of a lack of job offers, open responses on obstacles also referred to increased psychological stress among clients as well as problems in reaching cooperation partners or in dealing with online processes.; CONCLUSIONS: Under Corona conditions, the work-related perspectives and participation opportunities of people with mental illness have been additionally worsened. Thieme. All rights reserved.Ziel der Studie Explorative Untersuchung der coronabedingten Auswirkungen auf die beruflichen Perspektiven von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt.
Methode Kurzumfrage mit quantitativen und qualitativen Fragen unter Mitarbeitenden aus der beruflichen Rehabilitation und Wiedereingliederung.
Ergebnisse Von den nâ=â76 Teilnehmenden gaben ĂŒber 90â% an, dass sich die Situation beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg bzw. der Arbeitsplatzsuche coronabedingt (deutlich) verschlechtert habe. 75â% sahen auch auf lĂ€ngere Sicht hin negative Aussichten fĂŒr die berufliche Rehabilitation. Offene Antworten zu Schwierigkeiten verwiesen neben dem Hauptproblem fehlender Stellenangebote u.âa. auf erhöhte psychische Belastungen bei den Betroffenen sowie Probleme bei der Erreichbarkeit von Ansprechpersonen oder bei Online-Prozessen.
Schlussfolgerung Durch die Corona-Situation ist es zu einer zusÀtzlichen Verschlechterung der beruflichen Perspektiven und Teilhabechancen von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen gekommen