5 research outputs found

    The BAF complex interacts with Pax6 in adult neural progenitors to establish a neurogenic cross-regulatory transcriptional network

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    Numerous transcriptional regulators of neurogenesis have been identified in the developing and adult brain, but how neurogenic fate is programmed at the epigenetic level remains poorly defined. Here, we report that the transcription factor Pax6 directly interacts with the Brg1-containing BAF complex in adult neural progenitor

    Prospective isolation of adult neural stem cells from the mouse subependymal zone.

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) have the remarkable capacity to self-renew and the lifelong ability to generate neurons in the adult mammalian brain. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms contributing to these behaviors are still not understood. Now that prospective isolation of the NSCs has become feasible, these mechanisms can be studied. Here we describe a protocol for the efficient isolation of adult NSCs, by the application of a dual-labeling strategy on the basis of their glial identity and ciliated nature. The cells are isolated from the lateral ventricular subependymal zone (SEZ) of adult hGFAP-eGFP (human glial fibrillary acidic protein-enhanced green fluorescent protein) transgenic mice by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Staining against prominin1 (CD133) allows the isolation of the NSCs (hGFAP-eGFP(+)/prominin1(+)), which can be further subdivided by labeling with the fluorescent epidermal growth factor. This protocol, which can be completed in 7 h, allows the assessment of quantitative changes in SEZ NSCs and the examination of their molecular and functional characteristics

    The BAF complex interacts with Pax6 in adult neural progenitors to establish a neurogenic cross-regulatory transcriptional network.

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    Numerous transcriptional regulators of neurogenesis have been identified in the developing and adult brain, but how neurogenic fate is programmed at the epigenetic level remains poorly defined. Here, we report that the transcription factor Pax6 directly interacts with the Brg1-containing BAF complex in adult neural progenitors. Deletion of either Brg1 or Pax6 in the subependymal zone (SEZ) causes the progeny of adult neural stem cells to convert to the ependymal lineage within the SEZ while migrating neuroblasts convert to different glial lineages en route to or in the olfactory bulb (OB). Genome-wide analyses reveal that the majority of genes downregulated in the Brg1 null SEZ and OB contain Pax6 binding sites and are also downregulated in Pax6 null SEZ and OB. Downstream of the Pax6-BAF complex, we find that Sox11, Nfib, and Pou3f4 form a transcriptional cross-regulatory network that drives neurogenesis and can convert postnatal glia into neurons. Taken together, elements of our work identify a tripartite effector network activated by Pax6-BAF that programs neuronal fate