20 research outputs found

    Natur, myte, kropp og arkitektur

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    I det gamle Egypt fantes det ingen helhetlig kanonisk tekst som skildret forlÞpet i skapelsesmytene. Utdrag fra slike myter kan imidlertid isoleres og rekonstrueres fra forskjellige religiÞse skrifter, sÊrlig ritualtekster. FÞrst og fremst er slike ritualtekster nedtegnet i graver. Skapelsen har altsÄ en rituell funksjon knyttet til gravens rolle og den dÞdes gjenoppstandelse

    Amarnatidens ikonoklasme

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    NÄr Egypt under det 18. dynasti (1550ù1307) utvider sine grenser, fÄr solguden Amon-Ra fornyet betydning for kongemakten. Slik solen lyser pÄ alle folk, skal ogsÄ hans representant pÄ jorden herske over alle mennesker. Men da kong Amonhotep 4. kjent som Akhenaton, kom til makten mot slutten av dynastiet, ble en serie av drastiske reformer iverksatt som lÞftet frem ett annet aspekt av solgudens mange manifestasjonsformer, solskiven Aton. Atons opphÞyde rolle ledet fram mot forestillingen om at bare én eneste gud eksisterer, samt til forfÞlgelsen av andre guder i det som kan omtales som religionshistoriens fÞrste monoteistiske eksperiment. Artikkelen diskuterer utbredelsen av og bakgrunnen for forfÞlgelsen av tradisjonelle gudebilder under Akhenatons regjeringstid


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    Encyclopedia of Religion (Apostolos-Cappadona 2005:4279), definerer ikonoklasme som intensjonell desekrering eller Ăždeleggelse av kunst, og sĂŠrlig den som avbilder mennesket, pĂ„ bakgrunn av religiĂžse prinsipper eller tro. Ordet kommer fra det greske eikon, som betyr bilde (ofte et hellig bilde, et ikon), og klasma, som betyr brudd. Begrepet har sitt opphav i den bysantinske bildedebatten, og er historisk nĂŠrt knyttet til vestlig monoteisme og sĂŠrlig den bysantinske og proteístantiske billedstorm. Begrepet kan i dag imidlertid ogsĂ„ brukes analytisk om bildeĂždeleggelse generelt, som pĂ„ ingen mĂ„te er et fenomen avgrenset til den kristne eller religiĂžse sfĂŠre

    Engaging Tools for Dialogic Guidance in Higher Education

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    In this article we present a toolbox for dialogic guidance that we use at the Academic Writing Centre at the University of Bergen when guiding students in various stages of the writing process. Our guidance is dialogic which means that we acknowledge that meaning and learning evolve when we interact with one another, when different and divergent voices meet; we let students themselves explore their writing, their writing processes and their texts, and find their own answers, their own solutions and their own ways. We ask open-ended questions, listen, describe and provide tools that meet different needs at different stages of the writing process, instead of judging and ‘diagnosing’ the written texts - and the students - and then proposing a ‘treatment’. Examples of our tools are spontaneous writing, the academic pentagon and the Toulmin model of argumentation. We seek to strengthen the students’ understanding and awareness of their own writing, thereby improving not just the writing at hand, but also the students’ academic writing skills and learning in general, and to develop a reflective and accepting attitude. Our students engage in dialogues with us, the tools we present, with themselves, their texts and their writing, with fellow students, with previous bachelor and master theses, and with the tradition which they are part of

    Optimization of the SiC Powder Source Material for Improved Process Conditions During PVT Growth of SiC Boules

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    We have studied the influence of different SiC powder size distributions and the sublimation behavior during physical vapor transport growth of SiC in a 75 mm and 100 mm crystal processing configuration. The evolution of the source material as well as of the crystal growth interface was carried out using in situ 3D X-ray computed tomography (75 mm crystals) and in situ 2D X-ray visualization (100 mm crystals). Beside the SiC powder size distribution, the source materials differed in the maximum packaging density and thermal properties. In this latter case of the highest packaging density, the in situ X-ray studies revealed an improved growth interface stability that enabled a much longer crystal growth process. During process time, the sublimation-recrystallization behavior showed a much smoother morphology change and slower materials consumption, as well as a much more stable shape of the growth interface than in the cases of the less dense SiC source. By adapting the size distribution of the SiC source material we achieved to significantly enhance stable growth conditions

    Digital skrivestĂžtte

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    Skriving er en grunnleggende akademisk ferdighet som fremmer kritisk tenkning, lÊring, dialog og formidling. Videre er skriving en ferdighet som studenten mÄ lÊre og utvikle gjennom hele studielÞpet, for Ä bli del av det faglige fellesskapet og i forberedelse av yrkeslivet. Samtidig er skriving en generisk ferdighet som ikke enkelt kan lÊres i et auditorium, men som heller utvikles best gjennom praktisk Þvelse, diskusjon og felles refleksjon rundt konkrete tekster. Likevel vet vi at denne siden av studentenes utvikling lett neglisjeres i konkurranse med faglig undervisning. Akademisk skrivestÞtte krever en sammensatt faglig kompetanse. Ved Universitetet i Bergen har Utdanningsutvalget derfor bedt Universitetsbiblioteket (UB) om Ä koordinere prosjektet "Akademisk skrivestÞtte ved UiB" som skal vurdere og foreslÄ ulike modeller for fysisk og digital skrivestÞtte, og som iverksetter piloter for skrivestÞtte i utvalgte fag. Som en del av prosjektet har vi sÊrlig undersÞkt former for digital skrivestÞtte. Dette har ledet til underprosjektet "Tekst og kildebruk i digital lÊring", stÞttet av NB, hvor det er vÄr mÄlsetning Ä styrke samarbeidet mellom bibliotekarer og faglÊrere, og sammen finne gode metoder for Ä utvikle digitale kursopplegg der opplÊring i skriving og informasjonskompetanse er integrert i den faglige undervisningen. Med andre ord; kursopplegg hvor man lÊrer Ä skrive og skriver for Ä lÊre. I denne presentasjonen ser vi nÊrmere pÄ hvorfor biblioteket mÄ ha en nÞkkelrolle i utviklingen av slike program for skrivelÊring. Videre tar vi for oss hvordan vi har samarbeidet med andre enheter pÄ universitetet for Ä finne og prÞve ut metoder for digital skrivestÞtte i faglig lÊring. Vi har flere positive erfaringer av samarbeidet mellom de involverte i prosjektet, men det har ogsÄ vÊrt utfordringer. Hva vil det si Ä delta i et samarbeidsprosjekt pÄ tvers av enheter, avdelinger og fakultet, og hvilken betydning har det at prosjektet er forankret i Þverste ledelse ved universitetet

    Digital Academic Writing Support

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    At the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway, the library is given the coordinator responsibility for a project involving faculties, first-year-support, Department of Education and student administrative support. The project aims at making it easy to embed information literacy and academic writing into the curriculum. Develop a digital tool box where academics will find and share teaching activities Harvest experiences and suggest models for physic and digital writing support Suggest competence building measures for teachers and guides of academic writing Academic writing and critical dealing with sources are central skills that students are expected to master after graduating from university. At the same time these are generic skills which need practice, discussion and reflection. However, we know that this part of students' learning is easily neglected in competition with subject teaching. What we have done: The library has established the project in collaboration with two pilot subjects (biology and geography), emphasising digital writing support according to the UiB’s strategic aims and action plans. The two pilot subjects recognise the importance of writing for critical thinking and development of subject knowledge. They will redesign courses in their BA programmes to better align learning outcomes and assessment with learning activities, e.g. writing including peer and teacher feedback. By the time of the conference in June, we will have drafted a framework for typical writing support in the pilots to use for their teaching in the autumn semester. In our presentation we will address these key questions: How does our institution support academic writing? How do we train the trainers? How do we provide integrated teaching of academic writing and IL

    Diversity predicts stability and resource use efficiency in natural phytoplankton communities

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    The relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functioning has been debated for decades, especially in relation to the “macroscopic” realm (higher plants and metazoans). Although there is emerging consensus that diversity enhances productivity and stability in communities of higher organisms; however, we still do not know whether these relationships apply also for communities of unicellular organisms, such as phytoplankton, which contribute ≈50% to the global primary production. We show here that phytoplankton resource use, and thus carbon fixation, is directly linked to the diversity of phytoplankton communities. Datasets from freshwater and brackish habitats show that diversity is the best predictor for resource use efficiency of phytoplankton communities across considerable environmental gradients. Furthermore, we show that the diversity requirement for stable ecosystem functioning scales with the nutrient level (total phosphorus), as evidenced by the opposing effects of diversity (negative) and resource level (positive) on the variability of both resource use and community composition. Our analyses of large-scale observational data are consistent with experimental and model studies demonstrating causal effects of microbial diversity on functional properties at the system level. Our findings point at potential linkages between eutrophication and pollution-mediated loss of phytoplankton diversity. Factors reducing phytoplankton diversity may have direct detrimental effects on the amount and predictability of aquatic primary production