4 research outputs found

    Thermally and dynamically induced pressure features over complex terrain from high resolution analyses

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    Multi time-scale evaluation of high-resolution satellite-based precipitation products over northeast of Austria

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    Over the years, combinations of different methods that use multi-satellites and multi-sensors have been developed for estimating global precipitation. Recently, studies that have evaluated Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Final-Run (FR) version V-03D and other precipitation products have indicated better performance for IMERG-FR compared to other similar products in different climate regimes. This study comprehensively evaluates the two GPM-IMERG products, specifically IMERG-FR and IMERG-Real-Time (RT) late-run, against a dense station network (62 stations) in northeast Austria from mid-March 2015 to the end of January 2016 using different time-scales. Both products are examined against station data in capturing the occurrence and statistical characteristics of precipitation intensity. With regard to probability density functions (PDFs), the satellite precipitation estimate (SPE) products have detected more heavy and extreme precipitation events than the ground measurements. Both precipitation products at all time-scales, except for IMERG-RT 12- hourly and daily precipitation, capture less occurrence of precipitation than the station dataset for light precipitation. This partially explains the under-detection of precipitation events. For all time-scales, both IMERG products' CDFs (Cumulative Distribution Function) are well above that of the stations' precipitation. For lower precipitation levels, IMERG-RT is slightly below the IMERG-FR whereas IMERG-RT is above IMERG-FR at higher precipitation levels. Furthermore, for entire spectrum precipitation rates (P≄0.1 mm), 1, 3, 6-hourly, IMERGFR did not show a clear improvement of the Bias over IMERG-RT, while for 12-hourly and daily precipitation estimates, the bias in IMERG-FR has improved compared to IMERG-RT. In addition, IMERG-FR shows a considerable improvement in RMSE as compared to IMERG-RT. IMERG-FR, however, systematically underestimates moderate to extreme precipitation and overestimates light precipitation for all time scales against rain-gauges in northeast Austria. When comparing the bias, RMSE, and correlation coefficients, IMERG-FR has outperformed IMERG-RT particularly for 6-hourly, 12-hourly, and daily precipitation. Despite the general low probability of detection (POD) and threat score (TS) and the high false alarm ratio (FAR) within specified precipitation thresholds, the contingency table shows relatively acceptable values of the POD, TS and FAR for precipitation without classification

    Assessment of GPM-IMERG and Other Precipitation Products against Gauge Data under Different Topographic and Climatic Conditions in Iran: Preliminary Results

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    The new generation of weather observatory satellites, namely Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) constellation satellites, is the lead observatory of the 10 highly advanced earth orbiting weather research satellites. Indeed, GPM is the first satellite that has been designed to measure light rain and snowfall, in addition to heavy tropical rainfall. This work compares the final run of the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) product, the post real time of TRMM and Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-3B42) and the Era-Interim product from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) against the Iran Meteorological Organization (IMO) daily precipitation measured by the synoptic rain-gauges over four regions with different topography and climate conditions in Iran. Assessment is implemented for a one-year period from March 2014 to February 2015. Overall, in daily scale the results reveal that all three products lead to underestimation but IMERG performs better than other products and underestimates precipitation slightly in all four regions. Based on monthly and seasonal scale, in Guilan all products, in Bushehr and Kermanshah ERA-Interim and in Tehran IMERG and ERAInterim tend to underestimate. The correlation coefficient between IMERG and the rain-gauge data in daily scale is far superior to that of Era-Interim and TMPA-3B42. On the basis of daily timescale of bias in comparison with the ground data, the IMERG product far outperforms ERA-Interim and 3B42 products. According to the categorical verification technique in this study, IMERG yields better results for detection of precipitation events on the basis of Probability of Detection (POD), Critical Success Index (CSI) and False Alarm Ratio (FAR) in those areas with stratiform and orographic precipitation, such as Tehran and Kermanshah, compared with other satellite/model data sets. In particular, for heavy precipitation (>15 mm/day), IMERG is superior to the other products in all study areas and could be used in future for meteorological and hydrological models, etc