3 research outputs found

    MULTILAYER GNUTELLA P2P Resource Sharing with an Efficient Flexible Multi-Keyword Search Facility

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    searching with wildcard support represents a difficult problem in which many trade-offs between efficiency and flexibility must be made. In Distributed Hash Tables, algorithms such as Squid must overcome the complexity of mapping a multi-dimensional address space onto a onedimensional address space whilst limiting or avoiding the amount of traffic and hot-spots that are generated. Unstructured P2P systems, such as Gnutella, support multikeyword searches with wildcards, but sacrifice bandwidth and fail to reliably locate rare resources. In this paper, we will present a Peer-to-Peer protocol which supports flexible, wildcard enabled, multi-keyword queries which reliably find both rare and popular resources in an efficient manner. I

    A Framework for Resource Management in Peer-to-Peer Networks" presented at NetObjectdays

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    Abstract. The huge amount of recent activities in peer-to-peer (P2P) computing led to the development of a number of applications and protocols all dealing with similar problems and providing different noninteroperable implementations. In this paper, we present a framework for resource management and information storage in P2P networks. Our framework aims at providing an easy to use and flexible model for P2P computing encouraging more modularized application development and permitting reuse of components. To provide efficient localization of resources and representation of information, our resource management framework (RMF) forms a distributed information space enabling not only flat storage of information but forming graph structures that can be used to build new kinds of applications enabling the users to browse the contents of a P2P network.