36 research outputs found

    On residuals of finite groups

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    A theorem of Dolfi, Herzog, Kaplan, and Lev \cite[Thm.~C]{DHKL} asserts that in a finite group with trivial Fitting subgroup, the size of the soluble residual of the group is bounded from below by a certain power of the group order, and that the inequality is sharp. Inspired by this result and some of the arguments in \cite{DHKL}, we establish the following generalisation: if X\mathfrak{X} is a subgroup-closed Fitting formation of full characteristic which does not contain all finite groups and Xβ€Ύ\overline{\mathfrak{X}} is the extension-closure of X\mathfrak{X}, then there exists an (optimal) constant Ξ³\gamma depending only on X\mathfrak{X} such that, for all non-trivial finite groups GG with trivial X\mathfrak{X}-radical, \begin{equation} \left\lvert G^{\overline{\mathfrak{X}}}\right\rvert \,>\, \vert G\vert^\gamma, \end{equation} where GXβ€ΎG^{\overline{\mathfrak{X}}} is the Xβ€Ύ{\overline{\mathfrak{X}}}-residual of GG. When X=N\mathfrak{X} = \mathfrak{N}, the class of finite nilpotent groups, it follows that Xβ€Ύ=S\overline{\mathfrak{X}} = \mathfrak{S}, the class of finite soluble groups, thus we recover the original theorem of Dolfi, Herzog, Kaplan, and Lev. In the last section of our paper, building on J.\,G. Thompson's classification of minimal simple groups, we exhibit a family of subgroup-closed Fitting formations X\mathfrak{X} of full characteristic such that SβŠ‚Xβ€ΎβŠ‚E\mathfrak{S} \subset \overline{\mathfrak{X}} \subset \mathfrak{E}, thus providing applications of our main result beyond the reach of \cite[Thm.~C]{DHKL}.Comment: 19 page

    On the distribution of the density of maximal order elements in general linear groups

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    In this paper we consider the density of maximal order elements in GLn(q)\mathrm{GL}_n(q). Fixing any of the rank nn of the group, the characteristic pp or the degree rr of the extension of the underlying field Fq\mathbb{F}_q of size q=prq=p^r, we compute the expected value of the said density and establish that it follows a distribution law.Comment: 20 pages, substantial corrections. Accepted for publication at The Ramanujan Journa

    On the subgroup permutability degree of some finite simple groups.

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    PhDConsider a finite group G and subgroups H;K of G. We say that H and K permute if HK = KH and call H a permutable subgroup if H permutes with every subgroup of G. A group G is called quasi-Dedekind if all subgroups of G are permutable. We can define, for every finite group G, an arithmetic quantity that measures the probability that two subgroups (chosen uniformly at random with replacement) permute and we call this measure the subgroup permutability degree of G. This measure quantifies, among others, how close a finite group is to being quasi-Dedekind, or, equivalently, nilpotent with modular subgroup lattice. The main body of this thesis is concerned with the behaviour of the subgroup permutability degree of the two families of finite simple groups PSL2(2n), and Sz(q). In both cases the subgroups of the two families of simple groups are completely known and we shall use this fact to establish that the subgroup permutability degree in each case vanishes asymptotically as n or q respectively tends to infinity. The final chapter of the thesis deviates from the main line to examine groups, called F-groups, which behave like nilpotent groups with respect to the Frattini subgroup of quotients. Finally, we present in the Appendix joint research on the distribution of the density of maximal order elements in general linear groups and offer code for computations in GAP related to permutabilityChrysovergis Endowment, under the auspices of the National Scholarships Foundation of Greec

    The X\mathcal{X}-series of a pp-group and complements of abelian subgroups

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    Let GG be a pp-group. We denote by Xi(G)\mathcal{X}_i(G) the intersection of all subgroups of GG having index pip^i, for i≀log⁑p(∣G∣)i \leq \log_p(|G|). In this paper, the newly introduced series {Xi(G)}i\{\mathcal{X}_i(G)\}_i is investigated and a number of results concerning its behaviour are proved. As an application of these results, we show that if an abelian subgroup AA of GG intersects each one of the subgroups Xi(G)\mathcal{X}_i(G) at Xi(A)\mathcal{X}_i(A), then AA has a complement in GG. Conversely if an arbitrary subgroup HH of GG has a normal complement, then Xi(H)=Xi(G)∩H\mathcal{X}_i(H) = \mathcal{X}_i(G) \cap H

    Common transversals and complements in abelian groups

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    Given a finite abelian group GG and cyclic subgroups AA, BB, CC of GG of the same order, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for AA, BB, CC to admit a common transversal for the cosets they afford. For an arbitrary number of cyclic subgroups we give a sufficient criterion when there exists a common complement. Moreover, in several cases where a common transversal exists, we provide concrete constructions.Comment: 14 page