110 research outputs found

    Polynomial-Time, Semantically-Secure Encryption Achieving the Secrecy Capacity

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    In the wiretap channel setting, one aims to get information-theoretic privacy of communicated data based only on the assumption that the channel from sender to receiver is noisier than the one from sender to adversary. The secrecy capacity is the optimal (highest possible) rate of a secure scheme, and the existence of schemes achieving it has been shown. For thirty years the ultimate and unreached goal has been to achieve this optimal rate with a scheme that is polynomial-time. (This means both encryption and decryption are proven polynomial time algorithms.) This paper finally delivers such a scheme. In fact it does more. Our scheme not only meets the classical notion of security from the wiretap literature, called MIS-R (mutual information security for random messages) but achieves the strictly stronger notion of semantic security, thus delivering more in terms of security without loss of rate

    Optimally Secure Block Ciphers from Ideal Primitives

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    Recent advances in block-cipher theory deliver security analyses in models where one or more underlying components (e.g., a function or a permutation) are {\em ideal} (i.e., randomly chosen). This paper addresses the question of finding {\em new} constructions achieving the highest possible security level under minimal assumptions in such ideal models. We present a new block-cipher construction, derived from the Swap-or-Not construction by Hoang et al. (CRYPTO \u2712). With nn-bit block length, our construction is a secure pseudorandom permutation (PRP) against attackers making 2nβˆ’O(log⁑n)2^{n - O(\log n)} block-cipher queries, and 2nβˆ’O(1)2^{n - O(1)} queries to the underlying component (which has itself domain size roughly nn). This security level is nearly optimal. So far, only key-alternating ciphers have been known to achieve comparable security levels using O(n)O(n) independent random permutations. In contrast, here we only assume that a {\em single} {\em function} or {\em permutation} is available, while achieving similar efficiency. Our second contribution is a generic method to enhance a block cipher, initially only secure as a PRP, to achieve related-key security with comparable quantitative security


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    HMAC and its variant NMAC are the most popular approaches to deriving a MAC (and more generally, a PRF) from a cryptographic hash function. Despite nearly two decades of research, their exact security still remains far from understood in many different contexts. Indeed, recent works have re-surfaced interest for {\em generic} attacks, i.e., attacks that treat the compression function of the underlying hash function as a black box. Generic security can be proved in a model where the underlying compression function is modeled as a random function -- yet, to date, the question of proving tight, non-trivial bounds on the generic security of HMAC/NMAC even as a PRF remains a challenging open question. In this paper, we ask the question of whether a small modification to HMAC and NMAC can allow us to exactly characterize the security of the resulting constructions, while only incurring little penalty with respect to efficiency. To this end, we present simple variants of NMAC and HMAC, for which we prove tight bounds on the generic PRF security, expressed in terms of numbers of construction and compression function queries necessary to break the construction. All of our constructions are obtained via a (near) {\em black-box} modification of NMAC and HMAC, which can be interpreted as an initial step of key-dependent message pre-processing. While our focus is on PRF security, a further attractive feature of our new constructions is that they clearly defeat all recent generic attacks against properties such as state recovery and universal forgery. These exploit properties of the so-called ``functional graph'' which are not directly accessible in our new constructions

    Efficient and Optimally Secure Key-Length Extension for Block Ciphers via Randomized Cascading

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    We consider the question of efficiently extending the key length of block ciphers. To date, the approach providing highest security is triple encryption (used e.g. in Triple-DES), which was proved to have roughly k + min{n/2, k/2} bits of security when instantiated with ideal block ciphers with key length k and block length n, at the cost of three block-cipher calls per message block. This paper presents a new practical key-length extension scheme exhibiting k + n/2 bits of security – hence improving upon the security of triple encryption – solely at the cost of two block cipher calls and a key of length k + n. We also provide matching generic attacks showing the optimality of the security level achieved by our approach with respect to a general class of two-query constructions

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Trilinear Maps and Block-Wise Local PRGs

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    We consider the question of finding the lowest degree LL for which LL-linear maps suffice to obtain IO. The current state of the art (Lin, EUROCRYPT\u2716, CRYPTO \u2717; Lin and Vaikunthanathan, FOCS\u2716; Ananth and Sahai, EUROCRYPT \u2717) is that LL-linear maps (under suitable security assumptions) suffice for IO, assuming the existence of pseudo-random generators (PRGs) with output locality LL. However, these works cannot answer the question of whether L<5L < 5 suffices, as no polynomial-stretch PRG with locality lower than 55 exists. In this work, we present a new approach that relies on the existence of PRGs with block-wise locality LL, i.e., every output bit depends on at most LL (disjoint) input blocks, each consisting of up to log⁑λ\log \lambda input bits. We show that the existence of PRGs with block-wise locality is plausible for any Lβ‰₯3L \geq 3, and also provide: * A construction of a general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscator from LL-linear maps and a subexponentially-secure PRG with block-wise locality LL and polynomial stretch. * A construction of general-purpose functional encryption from LL-linear maps and any slightly super-polynomially secure PRG with block-wise locality LL and polynomial stretch. All our constructions are based on the SXDH assumption on LL-linear maps and subexponential Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption, and follow by instantiating our new generic bootstrapping theorems with Lin\u27s recently proposed FE scheme (CRYPTO \u2717). Inherited from Lin\u27s work, our security proof requires algebraic multilinear maps (Boneh and Silverberg, Contemporary Mathematics), whereas security when using noisy multilinear maps is based on a family of more complex assumptions that hold in the generic model. Our candidate PRGs with block-wise locality are based on Goldreich\u27s local functions, and we show that the security of instantiations with block-wise locality Lβ‰₯3L \ge 3 is backed by similar validation as constructions with (conventional) locality 55. We further complement this with hardness amplification techniques that further weaken the pseudorandomness requirements

    Threshold and Multi-Signature Schemes from Linear Hash Functions

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    This paper gives new constructions of two-round multi-signatures and threshold signatures for which security relies solely on either the hardness of the (plain) discrete logarithm problem or the hardness of RSA, in addition to assuming random oracles. Their signing protocol is partially non-interactive, i.e., the first round of the signing protocol is independent of the message being signed. We obtain our constructions by generalizing the most efficient discrete- logarithm based schemes, MuSig2 (Nick, Ruffing, and Seurin, CRYPTO ’21) and FROST (Komlo and Goldberg, SAC ’20), to work with suitably defined linear hash functions. While the original schemes rely on the stronger and more controversial one-more discrete logarithm assumption, we show that suitable instantiations of the hash functions enable security to be based on either the plain discrete logarithm assumption or on RSA. The signatures produced by our schemes are equivalent to those obtained from Okamoto’s identification schemes (CRYPTO ’92). More abstractly, our results suggest a general framework to transform schemes secure under OMDL into ones secure under the plain DL assumption and, with some restrictions, under RSA

    Revisiting BBS Signatures

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    BBS signatures were implicitly proposed by Boneh, Boyen, and Shacham (CRYPTO ’04) as part of their group signature scheme, and explicitly cast as stand-alone signatures by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya (CRYPTO ’04). A provably secure version, called BBS+, was then devised by Au, Susilo, and Mu (SCN ’06), and is currently the object of a standardization effort which has led to a recent RFC draft. BBS+ signatures are suitable for use within anonymous credential and DAA systems, as their algebraic structure enables efficient proofs of knowledge of message-signature pairs that support partial disclosure. BBS+ signatures consist of one group element and two scalars. As our first contribution, we prove that a variant of BBS+ producing shorter signatures, consisting only of one group element and one scalar, is also secure. The resulting scheme is essentially the original BBS proposal, which was lacking a proof of security. Here we show it satisfies, under the q-SDH assumption, the same provable security guarantees as BBS+. We also provide a complementary tight analysis in the algebraic group model, which heuristically justifies instantiations with potentially shorter signatures. Furthermore, we devise simplified and shorter zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of a BBS message-signature pair that support partial disclosure of the message. Over the BLS12-381 curve, our proofs are 896 bits shorter than the prior proposal by Camenisch, Drijvers, and Lehmann (TRUST ’16), which is also adopted by the RFC draft. Finally, we show that BBS satisfies one-more unforgeability in the algebraic group model in a scenario, arising in the context of credentials, where the signer can be asked to sign arbitrary group elements, meant to be commitments, without seeing their openings

    Short Pairing-Free Blind Signatures with Exponential Security

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    This paper proposes the first practical pairing-free three-move blind signature schemes that (1) are concurrently secure, (2) produce short signatures (i.e., three or four group elements/scalars), and (3) are provably secure either in the generic group model (GGM) or the algebraic group model (AGM) under the (plain or one-more) discrete logarithm assumption (beyond additionally assuming random oracles). We also propose a partially blind version of one of our schemes. Our schemes do not rely on the hardness of the ROS problem (which can be broken in polynomial time) or of the mROS problem (which admits sub-exponential attacks). The only prior work with these properties is Abe’s signature scheme (EUROCRYPT ’02), which was recently proved to be secure in the AGM by Kastner et al. (PKC ’22), but which also produces signatures twice as long as those from our scheme. The core of our proofs of security is a new problem, called weighted fractional ROS (WFROS), for which we prove (unconditional) exponential lower bounds
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