12 research outputs found

    Concerns related to COVID-19 pandemic among patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and its influence on patients management

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    A novel coronavirus, currently identified as COVID-19, was recently defined as the cause of a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin that was initially reported from Wuhan, Hubei province, People's Republic of China

    Helicobacter pylori, transmission routes and recurrence of infection: state of the art

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is one of the most common infection in humans, affecting more than half of the population. The prevalence of the infection varies widely in rural developing areas (more than 80%) compared to urban developed ones (less than 40%), as a consequence of different socioeconomic and hygienic conditions. H. pylori infection is usually acquired during childhood; infected people usually remain asymptomatic, but about 30% of individuals may develop mild to severe upper gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer or MALT lymphoma. The transmission route is not clear yet; the person-to-person transmission, especially within the same family appears to be prevalent, but also environmental contamination is possible. The eradication without a specific therapeutic regimen is very unlikely and the reinfection rate after an effective eradication therapy is quite rare. The reinfection rate will increase if there are family members affected

    Clinical approach to the patient with acute gastrointestinal bleeding

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    Gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) is a very common condition at all ages, with high rates of morbidity and mortality, especially in case of acute presentation. The optimal management of acute GIB requires a timely overview of vital signs and clinical presentation to stabilize the patient if necessary and set up the most adequate diagnostic and therapeutic approach, based on the suspected etiology. Endoscopy plays a major role both in diagnosis and treatment of acute GIB, as allows the application of several hemostasis techniques during the diagnostic session, which should preferably be performed within 24 hours from the acute event. The hemostasis technique should be chosen based on type, etiology of the bleeding and the operator preference and expertise. Nevertheless, several challenging cases need the cooperation of radiology especially in the diagnostic phase, and even in the therapeutic phase for those bleedings in which medical and endoscopic techniques have failed. Imaging diagnostic techniques include mainly CT angiography, scintigraphy with labeled erythrocytes and arteriography. This last technique plays also a therapeutic role in case arterial embolization is needed. Only those patients in which the previous techniques have failed, both in diagnosis and treatment, are candidates for emergency surgery

    Endoscopic ultrasound in pediatric population: a comprehensive review of the literature

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    Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) with or without fine needle aspiration/biopsy (FNA/B) is a well-established diagnostic tool in adults for the evaluation and management of gastrointestinal (GI) tract disorders. Its use in children is still limited as well as literature in pediatric age is limited, although the application of EUS is now increasing. The present article aims to review the current literature about EUS indication, accuracy and safety in pediatric age

    How and when investigating and treating Helicobacter pylori infection in children

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    For thousands of years humans have lived in symbiosis with Helicobacter pylori. This infection is acquired mainly during childhood and, despite it represents one of the most common infections in humans, only a minority of infected people may develop health issues and life-threatening diseases. For diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection in children we can use, at first, non-invasive diagnostic tests, if clinical pattern and/or history are of suspicion. Then, invasive tests i.e. gastroscopy are necessary to confirm the infection. As antibiotics are not widely available in children affected by Helicobacter pylori infection, they should be chosen based on individual antibiotic susceptibility testing obtained by gastric biopsy specimens or the local antibiotic resistance pattern, in empirical treatment is chosen. Test and treat strategy in children should be avoided. In this brief review we summarize how and in which children the infection should be investigate and which the most appropriate eradication treatment should be chosen

    Growth changes after gluteen free diet in pediatric celiac patients: a literature-review

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    Celiac disease is an auto-immune disorder characterized by clinical manifestations that appear in genetically predisposed subjects after gluten ingestion. In the last years, there has been a progressive change in clinical manifestations. Our aim was to evaluate the nutritional status of children with celiac disease at diagnosis and how the gluten-free diet (GFD) influences their growth

    Thyroid and celiac disease in pediatric age: a literature review

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    Chronic autoimmune thyroid disease or Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and Graves-Basedow disease (GD) are the main autoimmune thyroid diseases in pediatric age. Both are characterized by the production of anti-thyroid antibodies, by an infiltration of autoreactive B and T lymphocytes into the thyroid parenchyma and by alterations in thyroid function (hyperthyroidism in GD, normal function or subclinical hypothyroidism in HT with possible evolution towards manifest hypothyroidism). Celiac disease (CD) is a systemic autoimmune disease caused by gluten ingestion in genetically predisposed subjects, its prevalence is around 1% in Western Countries. It presents with a pathognomonic enteropathy, a variety of clinical manifestations, positivity for specific antibodies, positivity for typical haplotypes HLA DQ2/DQ8. The clinical manifestations may vary among four types: typical, atypical, silent and latent. Diagnosis can be made in presence of specific histopathologic findings in duodenal biopsies and antibodies positivity. Celiac disease is associated to various endocrine autoimmunities such as thyropathies, diabetes mellitus type 1, Addison disease, multiendocrine syndromes. The most frequent associated thyropaties are HT and GD. The present review aims to explore the associations between thyropathies and celiac disease in pediatric age

    Inverse association between Helicobacter pylori and inflammatory bowel disease: myth or fact?

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), are chronic, relapsing-remitting diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including Crohn's disease (CD), Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Unclassified IBD (IBDU). Their pathogenesis involves genes and environment as cofactors in inducing autoimmunity; particularly the interactions between enteric pathogens and immunity is being studied. Helicobacter pylori (HP) is common pathogen causing gastric inflammation. Studies found an inverse prevalence association between HP and IBD, suggesting a potential protecting role of HP from IBD