250 research outputs found

    Visionary Archive: Kinogeschichte(n) zwischen Kairo, Khartum, Johannesburg, Bissau und Berlin

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    In einem im MĂ€rz 2015 in Berlin aufgezeichneten GesprĂ€ch beschĂ€ftigen sich die Ko-Direktorin des Arsenal Berlin und die Medienwissenschaftlerin Barbara BĂŒscher mit Aspekten des mehrjĂ€hrigen Projekts „Living Archive“ und dessen FortfĂŒhrung „Visionary Archive“, das im Mai 2015 abgeschlossen wurde. Aus den Erfahrungen konkreter und interdisziplinĂ€rer Archivarbeit ergeben sich neue Perspektiven auf die Institution des Archivs einerseits, auf die GedĂ€chtniskultur im Sinne eines meist hegemonial definierten Kulturbegriffs andererseits

    Psychosocial factors in sports injury rehabilitation and return to play

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    This article discusses the principles and practices that guide psychological intervention with injury, and encourages a psychological approach to injury for clinicians. Part 1 reviews the research literature, and serves as a foundation for the review of clinical practices in part 2. Examination of the research literature highlights 4 areas: (1) psychological factors influencing rehabilitation, (2) social factors affecting rehabilitation, (3) performance concerns among returning athletes, and (4) tools/inventories for assessing psychological readiness to return. A synopsis of an injury intervention plan is provided, and the influence of pain and fear in the rehabilitation process is described

    The relationship between self-presentation concerns and pre-game affect among adolescent American football players

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    AbstractBackgroundThe influence of self-presentation concerns on the adolescent sport experience has received scant empirical attention. The purpose of this investigation was to prospectively examine the relationship among self-presentational concerns and pre-game affective states among middle and high school aged football players.MethodsAmerican football players (n = 112; mean age = 15.57 years) completed a measure of self-presentational concerns (SPSQ, McGowan, et al., 2008) a week prior to the measurement of selected pre-game affective states (i.e., attentiveness, self-assurance, serenity, and fear).ResultsRegression analyses revealed that concerns about appearing athletically untalented negatively contributed to the significant prediction (p < 0.001) of pre-game attentiveness, ÎČ = −0.43, R2adj = 19.5% (p < 0.001), and self-assurance, ÎČ = −0.38, R2adj = 11.9% (p < 0.01).ConclusionThese findings highlight the importance of reducing self-presentational concerns in promoting positive pre-game mental states that likely impact the quality of athletes' competitive play and experience

    Blood-Based Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: Evaluation of Research Approaches, Available Methods and Potential Utility from the Clinician and Clinical Laboratory Perspectives

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    Blood-based biomarkers for traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been investigated and proposed for decades, yet the current clinical assessment of TBI is largely based on clinical symptoms that can vary widely amongst patients, and have significant overlap with unrelated disease states. A careful review of current treatment guidelines for TBI further highlights the potential utility of a blood-based TBI biomarker panel in augmenting clinical decision making. Numerous expert reviews on blood-based TBI biomarkers have been published but a close look at the methods used and the astonishing paucity of validation and quality control data has not been undertaken from the vantage point of the clinical laboratory. Further, the field of blood-based TBI biomarker research has failed to adequately examine sex and gender differences between men and women with respect to the clinical care settings, as well as differences in physiological outcomes of TBI biomarker studies. Discussions of triedand-true laboratory techniques in addition to a few new ones already operating in the clinical laboratory are summarized with a consideration of their utility in TBI biomarker assessment. In the context of TBI biomarkers, the central concerns discussed in this review are the readiness of the clinical laboratory, the willingness of the research environment and the inherent ability of each to radically affect patient outcomes in TBI

    Von Verlierern und Gewinnern - die Einkommensentwicklung ausgewÀhlter Bevölkerungsgruppen in Deutschland

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    Der Beitrag dokumentiert die VerĂ€nderungen des EinkommensgefĂŒges in Deutschland, insbesondere die verĂ€nderte Zusammensetzung der Gruppe der Einkommensschwachen, der Einkommensstarken sowie der Bezieher mittlerer Einkommen. Eine zunehmende Einkommensungleichheit wird deutlich. Verlierer sind dabei Migranten und ihre Kinder sowie alleinerziehende AnsĂ€ssige; Gewinner sind ansĂ€ssige Paare mit Kindern sowie Ältere. Grund fĂŒr die zunehmende Einkommensungleichheit ist einerseits die starke zahlenmĂ€ĂŸige Zunahme nicht oder schlecht integrierter Migranten sowie ansĂ€ssiger Alleinerziehender und andererseits die Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage ansĂ€ssiger Paare mit Kindern sowie ĂŒber 64-JĂ€hriger. Die wachsende Einkommensungleichheit in Deutschland hat neben ökonomischen, vorrangig demographische und gesellschaftliche GrĂŒnde. Auf der Grundlage der Befunde werden vier Empfehlungen abgeleitet: die bessere Integration von Migranten, die Eröffnung von Bildungschancen, die Änderung von Sicht- und Verhaltensweisen sowie die stĂ€rkere Verbreiterung privater Vermögensbildung. (IAB

    Die Rolle der Zeitarbeit in einem sich Àndernden Arbeitsmarkt

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Zusammenfassung; 1. GegenwĂ€rtige Bedeutung der Zeitarbeit; 2. GrĂŒnde fĂŒr Bedeutungszunahme der Zeitarbeit; 2.1 Wachsender Flexibilisierungs- und Kostendruck; 2.2 Unverbindliche Erprobung von ArbeitskrĂ€ften und Unternehmen; 2.3 Verschiedene Personaldienstleistungen aus einer Hand; 2.4 Hohe Arbeitslosigkeit; 2.5 BrĂŒcke zu weiterer BeschĂ€ftigung; 2.6 Lockerung des AÜG; 2.7 Verbessertes Image der Zeitarbeit; 3. KĂŒnftige Rahmenbedingungen des Arbeitsmarktes und Wirkungen auf die Zeitarbeit; 3.1 Potentiale der Zeitarbeit; 3.2 Steigender Innovations-, Flexibilisierungs- und Kostendruck durch technischen Fortschritt und Globalisierung - wachsende Nachfrage nach Zeitarbeit; 3.3 Anhaltend hohes ArbeitskrĂ€fteangebot und Zunahme flexibler Erwerbsformen - gute Voraussetzungen fĂŒr die Standardzeitarbeit; 3.4 Mangel an hoch qualifizierten FachkrĂ€ften und Spezialisten - zweischneidige Wirkungen insbesondere auf die Spezialzeitarbeit; 3.5 Langfristig Deregulierung und Flexibilisierung der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen - vorteilhaft fĂŒr die Zeitarbeit; 4. Empfehlungen an die Zeitarbeitsbranche; 4.1 Die wachsende Bedeutung erkennen; 4.2 Bedeutung bewusst machen und Image verbessern; 4.3 Attraktiver Arbeitgeber sein; 4.4 Bereich der Dienstleistungen noch stĂ€rker erschließen; 4.5 Effizienz erhöhen; 4.6 ZusĂ€tzliche Personaldienstleistungen ausbauen; 4.7 Internationaler, vor allem europĂ€ischer werden; Anmerkungen; Glossar; Bibliographi

    Management and Rehabilitation Strategies Following IED Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Civilian Settings - What to Expect and How to Optimize Recovery From mTBI

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    The wide array of psychological and physical responses following an IED bombing may reduce the likelihood that appropriate assessment and recovery from mTBI occur. Such a situation is problematic as mTBI itself may negatively influence the recovery from the traumatic event or associated injuries if not diagnosed and managed properly. Consequently, the overall aim of this article is to better inform healthcare practitioners, patients, and patients’ social support networkabout the nature of IED-related mild traumatic brain injuries. In so doing, we hope to facilitate enhanced assessment, management, and rehabilitation of this injury. In particular, the specific goals of the review include: (i) a description of the nature of an IED-related mTBI in a civilian setting (section 2 to 2.3); (ii) a description of the unique circumstances for mTBI survivors in regards to the signs and symptoms that may be anticipated (section 2.4); (iii) what key stakeholders including: the rehabilitant, the managing health care team, and social support providers (e.g., family members) can expect in terms of the physical and emotional recovery process (sections 3 to 4.4.) Finally, general and specific lifestyle modifications to improve survivors’ health are described in order to lay a clear foundation for patients’ recovery from an IED-related mTBI

    The Relationship Between Self-Presentation Concerns and Pre-Game Affect among Adolescent Football Players

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    Background: The influence of self-presentation concerns on the adolescent sport experience has received scant empirical attention. The purpose of this investigation was to prospectively examine the relationship among self-presentational concerns and pre-game affective states among middle and high school aged football players. Methods: American football players (n = 112; mean age = 15.57 years) completed a measure of self-presentational concerns (SPSQ, McGowan, et al., 2008) a week prior to the measurement of selected pre-game affective states (i.e., attentiveness, self-assurance, serenity, and fear). Results: Regression analyses revealed that concerns about appearing athletically untalented negatively contributed to the significant prediction ( p \u3c 0.001) of pre-game attentiveness, b = 0.43, R2 adj = 19.5% ( p \u3c 0.001), and self-assurance, b = 0.38, R2 adj = 11.9% ( p \u3c 0.01). Conclusion: These findings highlight the importance of reducing self-presentational concerns in promoting positive pre-game mental states that likely impact the quality of athletes’ competitive play and experience
