15 research outputs found
Effects of music and painting training on accuracy in the phonemic blending (a) and rhythm reproduction (b) tasks, before and after training.
<p>Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. Values are z-score normalized.</p
Movement Time, expressed in milliseconds, in the pre and post-natal periods.
<p>Movement Time, expressed in milliseconds, in the pre and post-natal periods.</p
Frequency of occurrence for the three different types of movements analysed at three different times during the prenatal life and six different times during the first year of life for each foetus/infant.
<p><i>Notes:</i> wk = weeks; mo = months.</p
Scatter plot of the improvement in the rhythm reproduction task (accuracy After training—accuracy Before training) and the improvement in the Phonemic blending task (accuracy After training—accuracy Before training).
<p>The ellipse contains the non-outlying data. The grey line represents the best linear fit to the remaining data (Spearman skipped correlation, [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0138715#pone.0138715.ref047" target="_blank">47</a>]). The shadow represents the 95% bootstrap CI.</p
Flow chart illustrating participants’ recruitment and experimental design.
<p>Flow chart illustrating participants’ recruitment and experimental design.</p
The two types of movements considered during the pre-natal period and the first 3 months of post-natal life: hand to mouth (A and C) and hand to eye (B and D) performed by a fetus at 18 weeks of gestation and by a 3 month old infant.
<p>The two types of movements considered during the pre-natal period and the first 3 months of post-natal life: hand to mouth (A and C) and hand to eye (B and D) performed by a fetus at 18 weeks of gestation and by a 3 month old infant.</p
Movement Time for reaching to the mouth and to the object respectively at 4, 8 and 12 months of age.
<p>Movement Time for reaching to the mouth and to the object respectively at 4, 8 and 12 months of age.</p
Summary of results before and after training in WISC III Subtests, Auditory attention test, Self Esteem Competence Scale and Musical tasks.
<p>The column “Larger effect of music training” reports whether or not there is a larger and significant improvement in the music training group compared to the painting group (p value<0.05), except in the Block design test wherein the improvement is larger for the Painting group (+). When this is not the case (ns, p>0.05), significant main effects of session are reported (* = p<0.05; ** = p<0.01; *** = p<0.001), pointing to an equal improvement of both groups. The standard deviation from the mean is reported in parenthesis.</p><p>Summary of results before and after training in WISC III Subtests, Auditory attention test, Self Esteem Competence Scale and Musical tasks.</p
Movement duration for different types of movement at the 14<sup>th</sup> and 18<sup>th</sup> week of gestation for each foetus.
<p>Movement duration for different types of movement at the 14<sup>th</sup> and 18<sup>th</sup> week of gestation for each foetus.</p
Types of movements.
<p>a, Video frame representing a self-directed movement towards the mouth. b, Video frame representing a self-directed movement towards the eye. c, Video frame representing the foetus reaching towards and “caressing” the back of the sibling. d, Video frame representing the foetus reaching towards and “caressing” the head of the sibling.</p