18 research outputs found

    Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    This paper employs a homogenous firms' database to investigate industry localiza- tion in European countries. More specifically, we compare, across industries and countries, the predictions of two of the most popular localization indices, i.e., the Ellison and Glaeser index (Ellison and Glaeser, 1997) and the Duranton and Over- man index (Duranton and Overman, 2005). We find that, independently from the index used, localization is a pervasive phenomenon in all countries studied, but the degree of localization is very uneven across industries in each country. Furthermore, we find that the two indices significantly diverge in predicting the intensity of the forces generating localization within each industry. Finally, we perform a cross- sectoral analysis of localized industries. We show that, in all countries, localized sectors are mainly "traditional" sectors (like jewelery, wine, and textiles) and sec- tors where scale economies are important. However, once one controls for countries' industrial structures science-based sectors turn out to be the most localized ones.Industry Localization, Manufacturing Industries, Localization Indices, Spatial Concentration, Spatial correlation, Cross-country studies

    Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    This paper employs a homogenous firms database to investigate industry localization in European countries. More specifically, we compare, across industries and countries, the predictions of two of the most popular localization indices, i.e., the Ellison and Glaeser (1997) index and the Duranton and Overman (2005) index. We find that, independently from the index used, localization is a pervasive phenomenon in all countries studied, but the degree of localization is very uneven across industries in each country. Furthermore, we find that the two indices significantly diverge in predicting the intensity of the forces generating localization within each industry. Finally, we perform a cross-sectoral analysis of localized industries. We show that, in all countries, localized sectors are mainly ``traditional'' sectors (like jewelery, wine, and textiles) and sectors where scale economies are important. However, once one controls for countries' industrial structures science-based sectors turn out to be the most localized ones.Industry Localization; Manufacturing Industries; Localization Indices; Spatial Concentration; Spatial correlation; Cross-country studies

    Chromosome microarray analysis as first-line test in pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities

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    n this study, we aimed to explore the utility of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in groups of pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosome abnormalities, usually not considered an indication for testing, in order to assess whether CMA improves the detection rate of prenatal chromosomal aberrations. A total of 3000 prenatal samples were processed in parallel using both whole-genome CMA and conventional karyotyping. The indications for prenatal testing included: advanced maternal age, maternal serum screening test abnormality, abnormal ultrasound findings, known abnormal fetal karyotype, parental anxiety, family history of a genetic condition and cell culture failure. The use of CMA resulted in an increased detection rate regardless of the indication for analysis. This was evident in high risk groups (abnormal ultrasound findings and abnormal fetal karyotype), in which the percentage of detection was 5.8% (7/120), and also in low risk groups, such as advanced maternal age (6/1118, 0.5%), and parental anxiety (11/1674, 0.7%). A total of 24 (0.8%) fetal conditions would have remained undiagnosed if only a standard karyotype had been performed. Importantly, 17 (0.6%) of such findings would have otherwise been overlooked if CMA was offered only to high risk pregnancies.The results of this study suggest that more widespread CMA testing of fetuses would result in a higher detection of clinically relevant chromosome abnormalities, even in low risk pregnancies. Our findings provide substantial evidence for the introduction of CMA as a first-line diagnostic test for all pregnant women undergoing invasive prenatal testing, regardless of risk factors

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    This paper employs a homogenous firms database to investigate industry localization in European countries. More specifically, we compare, across industries and countries, the predictions of two of the most popular localization indices, i.e., the Ellison and Glaeser index (Ellison and Glaeser, 1997) and the Duranton and Overman index (Duranton and Overman, 2005). We find that, independently from the index used, localization is a pervasive phenomenon in all countries studied, but the degree of localization is very uneven across industries in each country. Furthermore, we find that the two indices significantly diverge in predicting the intensity of the forces generating localization within each industry. Finally, we perform a crosssectoral analysis of localized industries. We show that, in all countries, localized sectors are mainly “traditional ” sectors (like jewelery, wine, and textiles) and sectors where scale economies are important. However, once one controls for countries

    New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), Psychedelic Experiences and Dissociation: Clinical and Clinical Pharmacological Issues

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    submitted 16 01 2019; revised version submitted 08 02 2019; accepted final 03 04 2019Purpose of the review: A significant increase in the number, type, and availability of new psychoactive substances (NPS) with dissociative and psychedelic potential has occurred worldwide over the last few decades. Psychedelic substances have historically been used in order to achieve altered states of consciousness such as dissociative states. We aimed here at describing both the large number of novel ketamine-like dissociatives and tryptamine/lysergamide/phenethylamine psychedelics available, whilst describing the acute/long term clinical scenarios most commonly associated with their intake. Recent findings: An updated overview of the clinical and clinical pharmacological issues related to some of the most popular NPS categories has been provided, describing both psychosis and remaining psychopathological issues related to them. Conclusions: Although the complex link between NPS and psychiatric illnesses is yet to be fully understood, NPS misuse is now a significant clinical issue and an increasing challenge for clinicians working in both mental health and emergency departments.Peer reviewe

    Canale del Rio. Gli spazi attraversati

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    A quale comunità si fa riferimento quando si programmano e si progettano interventi sulla costa? Chi sono i coastal users a cui riconoscere peso decisionale? Le marine dei comuni salentini vivono dinamiche fortemente influenzate dalla stagione estiva: il diritto di cittadinanza è mosso principalmente da uno status di villeggiante e dalle attività economiche legate ai flussi turistici ma la cura del territorio passa anche da una visione più organica ed estesa ad ogni periodo dell'anno. Il Comune di Tricase, con l'intenzione di intraprendere operazioni di valorizzazione e rigenerazione del tratto costiero, vuole costruire un modello di consultazione e partecipazione alle progettualità che abbia lo sguardo e la voce sia dei cittadini temporanei (come i turisti e i villeggianti abituali) sia della popolazione che stabilmente vive nelle marine. L'obiettivo è quello di scrivere insieme un Documento Guida che contenga proposte e interpretazioni della fascia costiera tricasina, che raccolga le criticità e le opportunità riguardanti le relazioni tra città, borghi di prossimità e waterfront e che, quindi, sia utile alla predisposizione di scelte tecniche progettuali consapevoli da parte dell’amministrazione comunale. Saranno chiamati all’azione studenti universitari, tecnici, enti, associazioni e cittadini. Attiveremo una residenza in loco entro la quale avverrano le passeggiate conoscitive, i confronti con esperti e le esperienze simili. Durante il percorso, con le riflessioni e i contenuti via via emergersi, ciascuno costruirà una mappa che faremo confluire in un disegno comune e che servirà a redigere il Documento Guida. Partiremo da alcuni temi essenziali: - ambiente, sostenibilità e qualità del paesaggio costiero, gli usi e la fruizione del litorale, soprattutto in relazione alla duplice identità, estiva e invernale, delle marine; - le relazioni spaziali tra i sistemi insediativi di Tricase città (sede prevalente di pratiche quotidiane e di lavoro nella maggior parte dei mesi dell’anno), i borghi di prossimità (come ad esempio in corrispondenza di Marina Serra e Tricase Porto, nati come ripari per soddisfare le esigenze primarie dei pescatori e trasformatesi oggi in gran parte in seconde case per i locali ma anche in buoni casi in luoghi permanenti di vita), e il waterfront interessato da pratiche di fruizione stagionale ma anche da azioni immateriali a tutela della memoria storica dei luoghi