350 research outputs found

    Decomposition of Congruence Modular Algebras into Atomic, Atomless Locally Uniform and Anti-Uniform Parts

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    We describe here a special subdirect decomposition of algebras with modular congruence lattice. Such a decomposition (called a star-decomposition) is based on the properties of the congruence lattices of algebras. We consider four properties of lattices: atomic, atomless, locally uniform and anti-uniform. In effect, we describe a star-decomposition of a given algebra with modular congruence lattice into two or three parts associated to these properties

    Irredundant Decomposition of Algebras into One-Dimensional Factors

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    We introduce a notion of dimension of an algebraic lattice and, treating such a lattice as the congruence lattice of an algebra, we introduce the dimension of an algebra, too. We define a star-product as a special kind of subdirect product. We obtain the star-decomposition of algebras into one-dimensional factors, which generalizes the known decomposition theorems e.g. for Abelian groups, linear spaces, Boolean algebras

    Motion Planning for Grasping and Delivering Bricks by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Cı́lem této práce je navrhnout, implementovat a ověřit metody plánovánı́ pohybu pro sběr a pokládánı́ barevných cihel pomocı́ autonomnı́ch he-likoptér s cı́lem stavby zdi. Ke sbı́ránı́ cihel jsou použity informace z kamery připevněné na helikoptéru, pomocı́ které docházı́ k detekci cihel. Pro pokládánı́ cihel jsou vytvářeny zakřivené trajektorie pomocı́ třech různých interpolacı́ (B-spline, Catmull-Rom a Hermite). Funkčnost a přesnost metod je ověřena v GAZEBO simulátoru, který umožňuje sim-ulaci reálných podmı́nek letu. Výsledky simulacı́ jsou porovnány a dále analyzovány.The aim of this work is to design, implement and verify methods for motion planning for grasping and placing color bricks by UAV to build a wall. For grasping the bricks is used information from an onboard camera, which is able to detect bricks. For placing the bricks are created curved trajectories by using three different interpolations (B-spline, CatmullRom and Hermite). The functionality and precision of methods is verified in GAZEBO simulator, which allows simulating the real conditions of the flight. Results of simulations are compared and analyzed further

    Magnetotransport and Multiferroic Properties of Perovskite Rare-earth Manganites

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    This work details the studies of several perovskite rare earth manganite (RMnO3) systems, focusing on the effects of both A-site and B-site doping of TbMnO3 and the magnetotransport behavior of La1-xSrxMnO3:insulator composites. In pure TbMnO3 synthesized by solution route, it was revealed that the magnetic properties could be modulated by structural modifications resulting from different synthesis methods. In bulk Tb0.67Ho0.33MnO3, signatures of a weak ferromagnetic moment were detected in the magnetization measurements, and an anomaly due to Ho3+-Mn3+ exchange striction was observed in the polarization measurement. These results signify that both the ionic radius and the magnetic properties of the dopant affect the multiferroic properties in this system. Signatures of both long-range magnetic ordering as well as spin-glass-like behavior were observed in the DC and AC susceptibility data of Tb1-xMxMnO3 (M = Ca, Sr). This suggests the importance of the A-site ionic-size mismatch in determining the magnetic interactions. In bulk TbMn1-xCrxO3, the DC and AC susceptibility measurements and neutron diffraction revealed competition between several different spin configurations. A magnetic phase diagram for TbMn1-xCrxO3 is proposed. Composite thin films of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3:ZnO and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3:MgO were grown using solution routes. A shift in the ferromagnetic transition to lower temperatures in the composite films indicates strain effects or doping at the interfaces. Disorder at the interfaces is presumed to result in spin-polarized tunneling at the grain boundaries. A significant enhancement of magnetoresistance, particularly at low applied magnetic fields (≤ 0.5 T), was observed in all composite films, making these promising for magnetic field sensing applications

    Uses of Language in Politics: Sequences in Political Campaign Speech Events

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    The theoretical framework for this analysis is from the field of sociolinguistics which emphasizes the importance of language in society. that is the study of how speakers use language as a activity to pursue their social roles in their community. The work of Searle, Schegloff, Jefferson, Sacks, and Hymes in particular are cited. Their work based on conversational intereaction between two or more speakers is applied to the data of campaign speech events

    The surgical management of male breast cancer: Time for an easy access national reporting database?

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    Introduction Male breast cancer is extremely rare with an incidence of less than 1% of all breast cancers. Literature reports a peak of incidence at roughly 71 years of age. Management currently follows the same clinical pathways as female breast cancer as a general rule. Methods A retrospective search for all patients who were referred and diagnosed with male breast cancer at our centre was undertaken. Patients notes were then explored for demographics, histological staging, multidisciplinary team meeting outcome and treatment. A literature search including the search terms ‘Male Breast Cancer AND Surgery’ or ‘Male Breast Cancer AND Experience’ were used. Non English language articles, or those without abstracts were excluded. Results Seven patients were reviewed over 3 years (2006–2009). Mean agea was 69 years and mean lesion size was 15 mm. Histology was invasive ductal carcinoma for all patients. All patients were ER receptor positive. Two patients were HER2 positive. Five patients were offered mastectomy. One patient refused treatment. In follow up at 36 months there were 3 recurrences. 1 patient was lost to follow up. There were 3 mortalities. The literature search identified 72 articles. Articles were subdivided into those that discussed the surgical management of male breast cancer (n = 8), articles that discussed male breast cancer as podium presentations or posters with no full text article publication (n = 13) and finally full text publications of case experience of male breast cancer (n = 21). Discussion We report a series of seven cases of male breast cancer encountered over three years, evaluating patient demographics as well as treatment and outcomes. In our series patients were managed with mastectomy. New evidence is questioning the role of mastectomy against breast conserving surgery in male patients. Furthermore there is a lack of reporting infrastructure for national data capture of the benefits of surgical modalities. Literature review highlights the varied clinical experience between units that remains reported as podium presentation but not published. The establishment of an online international reporting registry would allow for efficient analysis of surgical outcomes to improve patient care from smaller single centres. This would facilitate large scale meta analysis by larger academic surgical centres

    The influence of Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 on selected properties of fermented sausages

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    Fermented sausages rank among non-heat-treated meat products. Their nutritional properties are similar to the raw material, simultaneously their microbial safety and stability is ensured using additives and specific microbial cultures. The use of probiotic cultures can positively affect the processing of fermented sausages, resulting in the new technological properties and beneficial effect on human health. However, commercial application of probiotic microorganisms in fermented sausages is not common yet. Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 is a gram-positive, non-spore forming, homofermentative rod, which according to studies may modulate immune responses in human organism and survives the passage through the gastrointestinal tract. The main object of this work was to evaluate technological properties of L. paracasei LPC-37, which have not been fully examined. Two groups of fermented sausages were analysed in this work. The first group of fermented sausages was prepared using lyophilized starter culture (Lyocarni RHM-33). The second group of fermented sausages was prepared by the combination of lyophilized starter culture and potential probiotic culture Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37. The processing and ripening of sausages were carried out in meat processing plant to simulate real conditions of production. The changes of the products (water activity, pH, concentration of organic acids and microbial growth) were evaluated during ripening (3 weeks), while sensory analysis was carried out in the final stage of the process and during storage (3 weeks). It was found that the environment of raw-fermented sausages is suitable for the growth and survival of Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 and the microbiological quality of the final product was very good (absence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes). The counts of lactobacilli reached 107 CFU/g of the product, which meet the requirements for functional foods. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that the overall quality of raw-fermented sausages with Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 was satisfactory and differed mainly in two taste descriptors (meaty and sour)