3 research outputs found

    Forestry in sectoral economic development in Poland

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    The theory of sectoral economic development is evolving, as new forms of work organization and new economic sectors are created. Lack of clear definition of the economic sector makes it difficult to determine the impact of economic sectors on the development of the Polish forestry precisely. Forestry activities focus in three main sectors of the economy: agriculture, industry and services. In addition, they focus in three institutional sectors: the non−financial corporate sector, the household sector and the sector of government and in two ownership sectors: public or private one and in many co−operative sectors such as: forestry−wood, raw materials or defensive. Considering the place and the role of forestry from the viewpoint of the three−sector theory, it should be noted that most of the administrative and economic activities of the State Forests belong to the primary sector (agriculture). The industrial/manufacturing sector includes additional production associated with the wood and other forest products processing. This sector in the Polish forestry is currently neglected, but it used to be important, especially in the 1920−1930s. The tertiary sector comprises of services provided by the forestry, transport, construction and installation, training and leisure activities and others. This sector is growing rapidly and should endeavor to the commercialization of educational, recreational or defensive services, which are not currently measured. Analyzing the place of forestry among institutional sectors, we should state that forestry has the most significant importance in the non−financial corporate sector as the State Forests and forestry service companies (employing more than nine people) belong to this sector. In the household sector, there are small forestry service companies employing up to nine people and natural persons obtaining income from logging of private forests and other wooded lands. Whereas, in the government sector, there are mainly communal cities and municipal forests and traders running forestry activities in state forests of other ministries. Considering the development of the Polish forestry from the viewpoint of ownership sectors, it must be noted that since 2012 more people have been employed in the private sector and the gross added value of production has been higher in the private sector. The development of Polish, multifunctional forestry, in accordance with the principles of sustainable economic and social development, should be considered in the context of social needs and expectations, which change with the socio−economic development of the country

    Export and import of timber in selected member states of the European Union

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    The aim of this work was to assess the rate of the changes in roundwood export and import in selected countries of the European Union during the period of 2003−2012. The data published in the FAO statistical yearbooks and concerning exported and imported timber amounts and values in the majority of the EU member states was analyzed. Based on the study, it can be concluded that international trade of wood is increasingly important in the development of the timber sector in different European countries. Import and export of raw timber changed both in terms of volume and value. In the years 2003−2012, the largest volume of timber export was recorded in Germany (55 mio m3). Compared to other countries, the extensive export of raw timber was also found in France (52 mio m3) and Latvia (44 mio m3). The greatest value of the exported roundwood in the analyzed decade was found in Germany (4,922 mio US),France(3,482mioUS), France (3,482 mio US) and the Czech Republic (2,690 mio US).Intheanalyzedperiod,thelargestimportersoftheroundwoodmaterialincludedFinland(106miom3),Austria(85miom3)andSweden(76miom3).ThehighestvalueofimportsofroundwoodwasrecordedinAustria(7,224mioUS). In the analyzed period, the largest importers of the roundwood material included Finland (106 mio m3), Austria (85 mio m3) and Sweden (76 mio m3). The highest value of imports of roundwood was recorded in Austria (7,224 mio US). List of the countries characterized by high financial value of imported raw timber included Finland (6,771 mio US)andSweden(5,170mioUS) and Sweden (5,170 mio US). Many countries (e.g. Luxembourg, Sweden, Ireland), that recorded a negative rate of volume change in raw timber export also, experienced an increase in the value of the change. In countries, which experienced the highest growth rate of raw timber import (i.e. Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania), one can see beneficial processes to support the development of the enterprises engaged in the processing of roundwood

    Impact of pork and beef price changes on wild game carcass prices in years 2005-2016

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    Because of the ever−changing nature of the environment, the limited availability of natural resources, and the increased number of people in the world, modifications in food production can be very important. In order to prevent irreversible damage occurring in the natural environment, food sources that are an alternative to pig meat, beef and poultry from industrial production are being sought. An alternative may be the meat of slow−moving animals. The studies show the impact of livestock (such as pigs and cattle) price changes in comparison to wild game purchase prices. An average correlation was found (r=–0.536) between unit purchase prices of pig livestock and unit purchase prices of wild boar. Regarding the changes in the purchase prices of beef livestock and the purchase prices of the deer carcasses, a weak correlation was observed (r=0.219), while a lack of correlation (r=–0.012) was found between the change in the price of beef and roe−deer. On the basis of the conducted studies, it was stated that in the situation of predicting prices for carcasses of game animals in Poland, information on the apparently substitutive good of farm animals should not be included. The average or low level of correlation, or in case of roe−deer carcass – the lack of correlation between the prices of farmed animals and the prices of wild game, make it possible to conclude that the processes taking place on the analyzed markets in terms of price developments were separate and unrelated