231 research outputs found

    The separate universe and the back reaction of long wavelength fluctuations

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    We investigate the backreaction of cosmological long wavelength perturbations on the evolution of the Universe. By applying the renormalization group method to a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe with long wavelength fluctuations, we demonstrate that the renormalized solution with the backreaction effect is equivalent to that of the separate universe. Then, using the effective Friedmann equation, we show that only non-adiabatic mode of long wavelength fluctuations affects the expansion law of the spatially averaged universe.Comment: 10 pages. to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Wave Background from Phantom Superinflation

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    Recently, the early superinflation driven by phantom field has been proposed and studied. The detection of primordial gravitational wave is an important means to know the state of very early universe. In this brief report we discuss in detail the gravitational wave background excited during the phantom superinflation.Comment: 3 pages, 2 eps figures, to be published in PRD, revised with published version, refs. adde

    Quantum corrections to gravity and their implications for cosmology and astrophysics

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    The quantum contributions to the gravitational action are relatively easy to calculate in the higher derivative sector of the theory. However, the applications to the post-inflationary cosmology and astrophysics require the corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action and to the cosmological constant, and those we can not derive yet in a consistent and safe way. At the same time, if we assume that these quantum terms are covariant and that they have relevant magnitude, their functional form can be defined up to a single free parameter, which can be defined on the phenomenological basis. It turns out that the quantum correction may lead, in principle, to surprisingly strong and interesting effects in astrophysics and cosmology.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, WS style, contribution to the Proceedings of the QFEXT-2011 conference in the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pasqual, Spai

    Quantum effects and superquintessence in the new age of precision cosmology

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    Recent observations of Type Ia supernova at high redshifts establish that the dark energy component of the universe has (a probably constant) ratio between pressure and energy density w=p/ρ=1.02(0.19+0.13)w=p/\rho=-1.02(^{+0.13}_{-0.19}). The conventional quintessence models for dark energy are restricted to the range 1w<0-1\le w < 0, with the cosmological constant corresponding to w=1w=-1. Conformally coupled quintessence models are the simplest ones compatible with the marginally allowed superaccelerated regime (w<1w<-1). However, they are known to be plagued with anisotropic singularities. We argue here that the extension of the classical approach to the semiclassical one, with the inclusion of quantum counterterms necessary to ensure the renormalization, can eliminate the anisotropic singularities preserving the isotropic behavior of conformally coupled superquintessence models. Hence, besides of having other interesting properties, they are consistent candidates to describe the superaccelerated phases of the universe compatible with the present experimental data.Comment: 7 pages. Essay selected for "Honorable Mention" in the 2004 Awards for Essays on Gravitation, Gravity Research Foundatio

    Quantum Gravity Corrections to the One Loop Scalar Self-Mass during Inflation

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    We compute the one loop corrections from quantum gravity to the self-mass-squared of a massless, minimally coupled scalar on a locally de Sitter background. The calculation was done using dimensional regularization and renormalized by subtracting fourth order BPHZ counterterms. Our result should determine whether quantum gravitational loop corrections can significantly alter the dynamics of a scalar inflaton.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figures, 20 tables, uses LaTeX 2 epsilon, version 2 revised for publication in Physical Review

    On the Asymptotic Stability of De-Sitter Spacetime: a non-linear perturbative approach

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    We derive evolution and constraint equations for second order perturbations of flat dust homogeneous and isotropic solutions to the Einstein field equations using all scalar, vector and tensor perturbation modes. We show that the perturbations decay asymptotically in time and that the solutions converge to the De-Sitter solution. By induction, this result is valid for perturbations of arbitrary order. This is in agreement with the cosmic no-hair conjecture of Gibbons and Hawking.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Reflection coefficient for superresonant scattering

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    We investigate superresonant scattering of acoustic disturbances from a rotating acoustic black hole in the low frequency range. We derive an expression for the reflection coefficient, exhibiting its frequency dependence in this regime.Comment: 7 page

    The graceful exit from the anomaly-induced inflation: Supersymmetry as a key

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    The stable version of the anomaly-induced inflation does not need a fine tuning and leads to sufficient expansion of the Universe. The non-stable version (Starobinsky model) provides the graceful exit to the FRW phase. We indicate the possibility of the inflation which is stable at the beginning and unstable at the end. The effect is due to the soft supersymmetry breaking and the decoupling of the massive sparticles at low energy.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures using axodraw. Modified version. Discussion concerning the gravitational scale modified, the effect of massive particles in the last stage of inflation taken into accoun

    Superradiance from BEC vortices: a numerical study

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    The scattering of sound wave perturbations from vortex excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) is investigated by numerical integration of the associated Klein-Gordon equation. It is found that, at sufficiently high angular speeds, sound wave-packets can extract a sizeable fraction of the vortex energy through a mechanism of superradiant scattering. It is conjectured that this superradiant regime may be detectable in BEC experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Tensor perturbations in high-curvature string backgrounds

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    We derive a generalized equation for the evolution of tensor perturbations in a cosmological background, taking into account higher-curvature contributions and a tree-level coupling to the dilaton in the string frame. The equation is obtained by perturbing the gravi-dilaton string effective action, expanded up to first order in α\alpha'. The α\alpha' corrections can modify the low-energy perturbation spectrum, but the modifications are shown to be small when the background curvature keeps constant in the string frame.Comment: 9 pages, REVTEX, three figures included using EPSFIG. An updated collection of papers on the pre-big bang scenario in string cosmology is a available at http://www.to.infn.it/teorici/gasperin